Monday 22 December 2008

DVD Review: Shimmer Volume 6

Another in Big Visions dvd offering we have have the latest batch of matches fomr women's wrestling promotion Shimmer. For anyone who thinks the WWE women's division is the be all and end all of ladies grappling theses discs are for you. The Shimmer girls all have a solid wrestling background, can play to their small but rabid fanbase, entertain, preform and look good all at once, something many WWE performers have problems with. The matches here show some of the best in the business, including Nikita (now WWE's Katie Lea), Nikki Roxx (now TNA's Roxxi), Rebecca Knox, Sara Del Rey, Alison Danger, Amazing Kong(now TNA's Awesome Kong), Cheerleader Melissa (now TNA's Raisha Saeed) and many others.

This is a superb mix of fair to great women's matches and also shows the dedication of theses ladies as they put their bodies on the line for poor payoffs and before smallish crowds to fulfill their dreams.

A bonus match here includes current WWE roster member Nattie (now Natalya) Neidhart.

7 out of 10

Phil Allely

DVD Review: Revolucha - Dia De Los Muertos

This Big Vision Entertainment release is a great way to introiduce yourself to the Lucha Libre style of wrestling from Mexico. Taking place in the United States this features some of the genre's legends, alongside some familiar US faces too and also helpfully has English commentary.
The picture quality may be grainy and poorer than some mainstream releases, but it all adds to the appeal of this celebration of the Mexican Day of the Dead by Detroit's IWR Promotion.

The matches here feature such stars as Hijo Del Santo, La Park, Super Parka, some Mexican mini's, US stars Shark Boy, Chris Sabin and one-legged grappler Zach Gowan, all of which put on spme superb showings here. They participate in cage, scramble, title matches and a bonus battle royal too.

I'd recommend this to anyone interested in Lucha Libre and mainstream wrestling fans alike.

7 out of 10

Phil Aallely

The PS 50

the recent issue of Power Slam magazine here in the UK has made WWE veteran Shawn Michaels their number one performer in their annual PS 50 list of the top 50 grapplers in the world today. Not bad for a guy who is in his mid 40s and has had a chequered career injury-wise. I've seen him very recently on their Belfast leg of the UK tour and he put in a phenomenal performance against JBL, they could have gone through the motions, but Michaels pulled out all the stops during what was essentially a house show. Check out the latest Power Slam for the full 50 wrestlers and their places in the list.

Some WWE Notes

According to sources Gail Kim is due to appear on WWE screens very soon, not a moment too soon I'd say as the women's division is seriously lacking talent and skill at present, the only shame is that her departure from TNA has meant that the once strong Knockouts division there has suffered recently and lost it's edge.

Shawn Michaels is seriously thinking about retiring in 2010, the man who has had the best year of his career in 2008 is hoping to finish his in-ring battles in a Wrestlmania match (like Flair did). Shawn has had numerous knee injuries and of course the back damage that caused him to retire a number years ago (seemingly for ever).

Christian is still said to be heading to the WWE, will he align himself with storyline brother Edge if he does make the jump back to the WWE?

In other injury news the Undertaker is said to be suffering with his back, knees etc. So his schedule could become even less that currently.

WWE better start building up some mid-carder stars now as their top line names could be disappearing soon.

Tuesday 16 December 2008

Gail Kim News

Former TNA Knockouts Champion, the gorgeous Gail Kim is sdai to have been on the road for the last month or so in the WWE. No word yet on her in-ring debut, but it can't be far of if she is touring with the main roster already.

Tomko is said to be wrking dark matches too, so watch out for him making his return too.

Foley to Wrestle For TNA

According to reports, this weeks TNA Impact will have Mick Foley making the announcement that he will be stepping into the ring as part of the TNA Frontline in a bid to topple the power trip of the Main Event Mafia. Should make for a fun show if Mick is on form and up for some high impact grappling.

Jeff Hardy reaches the WWE Pinnacle

So after a long hunt and numerous WWE wellness issues, Jeff hardy has finally achieved his dream and become the WWE champion. Toppling HHH and Cena at the most recent WWE ppv. Not too long ago smaller men never raised the big belt, it was left to the msucle-bound bigmen that Vince McMahon and co seem so engrossed in, no matter how un-talented they are. It took guys like Bret Hart and Shawn Michael's to step up to the big time and prove their worth for the smaller more agile roster members to get a fair shake of the title picture. Of ourse the smaller guys have had trouble drawing money for the company, so perhaps Jeff's title run wil be short (like CM Punks) although who knows, Hardy is one very popular guy and has huge number of fans.

Monday 15 December 2008

New Articles on The Sun's Website

For anyone interested, please check out The Sun's wrestling page, where you can read my latest TNA PPV review (Final Resolution) and a piece on the Reid Flair debut match, featuring Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair and The Nasty Boys.

TNA DVD Reviews: Knocked Out, Ultimate Matches

TNA DVD Round-up

We may knock TNA for the run-in heavy pay-per-views they produce, but when it comes to producing themed home DVDs the company stand head and shoulders above their competition.

This latest batch of releases offers fans the chance to see the superb TNA Knockout’s women’s division in their full glory and let’s casual and hard-core fans enjoy a selection of the companies best gimmick matches since its inception.

‘Knocked Out’ is a nicely made look at the women’s division, that not only presents some of the best ladies wrestling matches in recent memory, but also allows each Knockout the chance to explain why they got into the business and shows some of their early highlights too.

The matches contained here include the wonderful series of scraps between Gail Kim and Awesome Kong, the makeover battle royal, 10 woman gauntlet match and the Talylor Wilde/Kong world title match upset, amongst others.

It is unfortunate that the now departed Karen Angle (the main cover star), Gail Kim and Salinas have moved on, but that in now takes away from the quality of the production and matches included.

The main extra is a true testament to TNA’s love of Gail Kim, as the bonus disc not only features a frank and honest final interview with the women’s division pioneer, but also her last match with Kong too.

8 out of 10.

‘Ultimate Matches’ is a great release for fans of the gimmick matches that TNA specialise in.

The six hour two disc set features some of the company’s finest examples of their innovative and in some cases complicated stipulation bouts.

The nice touch here, as with the Knockout title is that TNA let the grapplers talk about the matches before you see them.

It’s interesting to hear what Christian Cage, Kurt Angle, Jeff Jarrett and Samoa Joe (to name a few) think of the often brutal and career-shortening matches they have participated in.

We see the traditional feud-ending cage match get a makeover, becoming the often bloody six Sides of Steel encounter or Full Metal Mayhem weapons-fest, the X division stars get a look-in as Ultimate X offers up some breathtaking and frightening moves in the attempt to grab the dangling red x, whilst Monsters Ball does exactly what is says and gives the big mean a reason to be brutal with each other.

The most curious and confusing, even to the participants (according to the talking heads intro) is the King of the Mountain match, where a pin only means you can try to win the match, which is at least explained prior to viewing and more enjoyable for it.

Ultimate Matches has some great matches and moments from the company’s history and as such will appeal to many of the TNA faithful, and those newer fans too who want to learn more about the stipulation match mainstays that TNA use throughout the year.

7 out of 10.

By Phil Allely

Thursday 11 December 2008

Who is Suicide in TNA?

so the mysterious Suicide character from the TNA has made his on-screen debut. he made his presence felt by attacking the Motor City Machine Guns at the Final Resolution PPV.
But who is under the mask, my money is on Kaz, he has disappeared off-screen and seems the most likely candidate for the crazy masked gimmick.

Wednesday 3 December 2008

Bruce Pritchard Released BY WWE

Bruce Pritchard,a longtime WWE producer and back room boy, has been released from his contract. This shoudl give everyone i the company a kick in the backside, as it means no one is safe in Vince McMahon's cull of staff. The credit crunch certainly seems to be hitting to be the company hard. Pritchard famously dated Stephanie McMahon and played on screen character Brother Love in the 1980s.
He is also the brother of WWE trainer Dr Tom Pritchard, best-known as Zip of the Bodydonnas.

Monday 24 November 2008

Rock N Roll Express and Midnight Express - 20 Years In the Making

For the first time in 20 years two of the most legendary tag teams in wrestling history will do batteel with each other one more time.
The Rock n Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) will take on bitter rivals The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane).
These teams have blazed a trail across the US in their heyday and will I am sure do so again in what must be amost anticipated re-match of sorts.
I fondly remember the feuds these teams had in WCW and the bootleg videos that were available of their Smoky Mountain Wrestling stints.
What an opportunity for wrestling fans to se these teams in the ring one more time.
The Midnights will be without former manager Jim Cornette, as he is contracted to TNA for now (although with Mick Foley stepping in a role similar to his, that could change soon).

Phil Allely

Flair and Hogan to share the same stage!

On Dec 13th Hulk Hoagn and Ric Flair will both be in attendence for a specila show by The wordl Wrestling Council in Puerto Rico, to celerbate the retirement of long-time blood-letter Abdullah The Butcher. The massive grappler who uses very few moves and a fork to bust his opponents open, has had a massively successful career and is being given a huge send-off to show the fans approval for his dedication to the grapple game.
On the card TNA and WWe stars will appear too,those confirmed are Carlito and Primo Colon, Team 3D and such indie names as Sabu, Balls Mahony and Steve Corino will be there as well to participate.
Of course WWC is owned by Carlos Colon (the father of Carlito and Primo) so their appearance is pretty much a cert.

Friday 21 November 2008

Cage to WWE?

TNA often gets slated for their storylines (often rightly credited to Vince Russo) that drop feuds and angles midway through, forget about situations and in the case of former Knockouts Champion Gail Kim simply let the star drift off TV without so much as a heroes farewell.

Thankfully the company seem to have got their head around this concept now and are playing a blinder with the current Main Event Mafia and Christian Cage encounters.

After losing to Booker T at the Turning Point PPV, Cage was set to join the MEM as per his match stipulation.

The faction had other ideas and pummelled the former TNA champion, why you may ask?

Cage’s TNA contract is set to expire in December, the rumours are that he is interested in returning to the WWE, if so rather than have a high profile name jump ship to their rival, TNA have provided themselves with a fallback position.

If Cage stays with the company, he can return action in revenge for his beat down and battle the MEM members, if he leaves and returns to the WWE, he is already off TV and out of the current storylines.

Could this be a swerve by TNA? Or perhaps the reason why Edge has yet to return to action for the WWE, could we see an Edge Christian reunion sometime soon.

Keep your eyes peeled on this very page, as we’ll try to find out and exclusively reveal what happens next.

Written By Phil Allely

Tuesday 18 November 2008

Glamour, Glitz and Divas - DVD Review

Glamour, Glitz and Diva’s

Big Vision Entertainment have put together a nice little documentary here that looks at the world of women’s wrestling. This 90minute show compiles many RFvideo shoot interviews and throws in some new stuff too.
What you get is some honest, straight-talking and informative insights from many of the wrestling worlds biggest and most famous female grapplers. It’s fun to hear from Fabulous Moolah, Mae Young, April Hunter, Chyna, Sunny, Sherri Martel and Jackie Gayda, all giving their own views on the world they entered and how it effected their lives. There are some great anecdotes, nice comments and a few matches as a bonus too

7 out of 10

Written By Phil Allely

Monday 17 November 2008

TNA New Signing

When I met the lovely Dixie Carter during TNA's tour of the UK last June I had a conversation with her about some of the UK talent that were making waves on the indepentdent circuit. I brought up the wonderfuly tlented Pac and she asked me about Nick Aldis, a grappler and current star of Sky's new Gladiators series. Subsequently it has been announced that Aldis has been signed to a contract with TNA, look out for him soon alongside fellow Brit Doug Williams, who was snapped up after his appearances at the UK shows and the X Cup event.

A UK invasion on TNA sounds good to me, look out for them on the January 2009 tour.


WWE Live Belfast 13th Nov 2008

You can now read my live review of the WWE house show here in Belfast on Thursday Nov 13th 2008. See it at

Big stories were shawn Michaels appearance and the moving tribute to Eddie Guerrero on what was exactly to the day the third anniversary of his death.

Monday 10 November 2008

Lawler Beats Sid

in a special show to celebrate his 35 years of grappling Jerry 'The King' Lawler beat former WWE and WCW champion Sid Vicious. as many of us know Sid has now fully (it seems) recovered form his major leg injury in 2001 and is touting a return to the big time for one more run. As yet no one seems interested in Sid, but his upcoming match with Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart should help him get his ring-rust sorted out and perhaps a try-out for WWE or TNA.

Wednesday 5 November 2008

The Wrestler Movie News

The Wrestler Tipped For A Oscar Nod!

Director Darren Aronofky’s tale of a washed-up wrestler’s return to the ring is being touted as a surprise Rocky-like Oscar winner at the 2009 Academy Awards Ceremony.

Winning the prestigious Golden Lion award at the Venice International Film Festival, this film is now scheduled for major US/European release and those hopeful Oscar nods too, for Director and star.

This movie also provides a return to form for fallen Hollywood superstar Mickey Rourke, who memorably left the acting profession for a boxing career and has struggled in recent years to find the level of popularity he once achieved..

Rourke who piled on 50 pounds of weight portrays Randy ‘The Ram’ Robinson, a man who is estranged from his daughter and has dropped off the radar since his peak wrestling years and star status of the 1980s.

The film follows The Ram as he embarks on a return to the ring, battling through the tough Independent wrestling scene to his ultimate goal of a re-match with his archenemy, the Ayatolah (played by former WCW star Ernest ‘The Cat’ Miller).

The movie also stars Marisa Tomei, and Evan Rachel Wood as Randy’s girlfriend and daughter respectively.

Fans should look out for appearances by many grapplers including Ron Killings, Necro Butcher, The Blue Meanie and WWE hall of famer Johnny Valiant.

Could 2009 be the year where professional wrestling movies actually receive the acclaim they deserve.

Written By Phil Allely

Friday 31 October 2008

SD Jones Passes Away

As you may have read in my piece for The Sun, Special Delivery (SD) Jones has passed away aged 63, he was a WWE legend and one of the core enhancement talents for the company during the 1980s.

Wrestlers Rescue

Wrestlers seem invincible to us fans, the larger than life characters seem impervious to pain and do things many of us can only dream of in their in-ring careers.

But what happens to them once injury or retirement forces them to leave the spotlight and roar of the crowd behind.

This is a question former ECW and WWE employee Dawn Marie asked, and the answer made her become heavily involved in a new organisation.

Wrestlers Rescue hopes to help former grapplers, many of whom now struggle to live comfortably, after their many years of wrestling and the associated lifestyle have taken their toll on their bodies.

Many now tour conventions/Indy shows to ply their wares for a meagre living, others have adopted other careers, or rely on state hand-outs to survive.

The Wrestlers Rescue mission statement is to create awareness and to help raise monies to support the health care needs of retired professional wrestlers, who now suffer due to their career choice in wrestling.

The overall plan being to not only put in place some form of financial advisory for active wrestlers and their future retirement, pension, college funds, savings etc and also set up a health care programme that the wrestlers can buy into and reap the benefits of if they need it.

With many former stars joining the rally for support the organisation are already planning fund-raising events in the US to kick-start their campaign.
See for more info and how to donate.

Written By Phil Allely

Tuesday 28 October 2008

TNA News: Legend's Title, New Women's Champ, Main Event Mafia

Booker T has unveiled the newest TNA Title, he will be defending the Legend's Championship at Turning Point against Christian Cage. See my piece on the sun's website for details.

In other news Awesome Kong has won her second Knockouts title from taylor Wilde at the live Impatc taping last week.

and Nash, Angle, Sting, Booker and Scott Steiner are all now working under a group name of the Main Event Mafia, which you ahev to assume is a direct spin-off of the old v new feud that we've seen them have with samoa Joe, AJ and others recently.

Tuesday 21 October 2008

Nick Hogan Released From Prison

Hulk Hogan's son Nick has been released from prison after he served his term for his part in a crash that has left his friend in a coma.
Nick is said to be staying with his mum Linda.

TNA Bound For Glory My Comments

As you I'm sure know I did not review TNA's BFG PPV as my good buddy Simon was there live in the US and has put his review up on the Sun's website (so go there and check it out), but I do have some comments from the PPV.

The newly re-named Steel Asylum match was a fast-furious and entertaining match-up, as always the problem was too much going on at the same time. I bet there were some sore guys the next day.

The bimbo brawl with Cute Kip/Beautiful People taking on Rhino, Rhaka Khan and ODB was as expected a dull one, Kip is past his prime, Khan is not a wrestler and Angelina/Velvet have come on in grappling, but to be honest look better than they can wrestle.

the X Division title match between bashir and Creed was well-paced and inventive too, expect Creed to raise the belt soon.

The women's scene in TNA sorely misses Gail Kim, sure taylor Wilde and Awesome Kong have their moments, but the likes of Roxxi and others seem to be more brawlers than skilled fighters. This triple threat Wilde/Kong/Roxxi had its good spots, but did fall flat when Roxxie entered the fray.

If anyone deserves Mick Foley's mantle as true wrestling daredevil and the man who would lay down his life for his sport its Abyss. during the four team monsters ball match-up he took a nasty bump through a burning table and stayed on fire for a while too. This was your typical brawl and a fun addition to the card.

Booker T v Styles v Cage was good and showcased each's abilities and failings, considering his loss and status you have to wonder if Cage is soon to leave and return to the WWE as he's hinted.

Mick Foley was special enforcer for jeff jarrett's first in-ring match-up in two years and due to Kurts (scripted or otherwise) comments to the Sun he was ready to pummel Angle. JJ showed no signs of ring-rust and of course picked up the win after some brutal moves. Foley is hopefully going to hang about TNA a while now.

In a surprise Sting (the 50 year old veteran) beat champ samoa Joe to lift the world title for the third straight Bound For Glory. Not sure about this move, yes Nash helped, but giving the title to a part-time performer seems odd to me.

All in all a superb ppv that did fetaure run-ins etc, but no where near as many as normal shows have, roll on the next.

Thursday 16 October 2008

TNA/WWE Releases

It's come to my attention that TNA have agreed to release Karen Angle and Johnny Devine from their contracts.
Of course many of us already know that Kurt and Karen Angle are having marriage woes so that one is not a huge surprise.
Devine has been sued mainly as a jobber and run-in man for Team 3-D in recent months, he gets much collumn space from myself due to this, but has not really contributed much to the cause over the last year.
In a more shocking turn of events Lance Cade has been released by WWE, Cade now joins his former partner Trevor Murdoch on the indie scene I guess. Odd move that one as Cade had been riding high in the WWE as a cohort of Chris Jericho.
More on these as I get the info.

Monday 13 October 2008

TNA Impact Game Review

I've just had my review for the TNA Impact PS2 game used by you can read it there.

Tuesday 7 October 2008

Sandman To Retire

It seems that everyones favourite hard-drinking and hard-living wretsler the Sandman (James Fullington) has decided its time to hang up his boots and set down his singapore cane.

After a long career and some standout bouts for the original ECW Sandman of late has been a shadow of his former self, the usually boozed up grappler made a fool of himself at Lou Albano's birthday recently (which i exclusivley wrote for the Sun)by creating a scene and a scuffle that ensued and saw him arrested.

With a young child and girlfriend in tow I hope James well and pray that he unlike many other grapplers has prepared for retiremant and does stay out of the ring.

Wednesday 1 October 2008

Bret Hart In Ireland October 2008

Bret 'The Hitman' Hart is to be special guest at a series of shows by Rampage American Wrestling over the next few months.

This is a great opportunity for wrestling fans to get up close and personal with the now retired legend at an intimate and smaller scale venue than they are used to seeing him at.

The former WWE champion will join such names as Gangrel, Scotty 2 Hotty, Joey Matthews, U Gene and Tatanka, as the grapplers tour around southern Ireland, prior to tours of France, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Serbia.

Rampage American Wrestling are an International Wrestling Promotion who strive to bring the best and biggest names in the world of wrestling to fans all over the world.

Their previous tours have been very popular and featured many former WWE, ECW, TNA and independent stars.

Check out for more details

Monday 29 September 2008

Pro Wrestling Ulster Next Show October 2008

Below please find the link to the PWU website and info on their next show here in


Hardcore Legend Mick Foley to make TNA debut

Mick Foley should have made his debut with TNA by the time you read this.

The former WCW,ECW and indy hardcore wrestling legend is set to become involved in the current Kurt Angle/Jeff Jarrett feud and become an integral part of TNA programming and storylines.

His presence and status as a man who loves to put over the young talent and give them breaks should appease mid-carders who feel left out of major stoylines and tread water waiting for their break.

Keep your eyes peeled for Mick's appearances and his sporadic in-ring appearances.

TNA No Surrender PPV Review

Here is the link to my review of TNA's No Surrender PPV that was on the Sun's website.

Wednesday 17 September 2008

TNA Add Second Dublin Date

It has just been announced that TNA will now do a second date in Dublin as part of their January Tour, they will now be there the Saturday too. Great news all round.

Doin Time With New Jack DVD Review

New Jack is one of the most controversial figure sin professional wrestling, he has no regard for his own bdoy let alone anyone he grapples with, the scarred former Bounty Hunter has four justifiable homicides (alegedly) to his name and has been fired from every promotion he has ever worked for.

This dvd features a sit down shoot style interview with the man himself, he has some enlightening and hilarious insights into the world of pro-wrestling and beleive me is not afraid to speak his mind either. New Jack pulls no punches and gives his informed verison of his career highlights and low points.

Disc two of this set features some of his matches, inclduign the infamous scaffold match with Vic Grimes, where Grimes was lucky to leave the arena alive. This is suprb for fans of the former Gangsta and anyone who relishes bloody brawls and suicidal dives.

Monday 15 September 2008

TNA Impact Game Review

The latest wrestling video game to hit the shops is a superb one that will surely leave the WWE shaking in their boots. Years in the making TNA's Impact! is a great adition to the genre and one that offers a worthy alternative to the by now weary Smackdown/Raw titles. Easy to use, fun to play and involving the game has no real problems to speak of, all your favourite characters are there, hidden games, exciting gameplay and nice paced action all show the game at its best. TNA fans will love the inclusion of the X Division and its unique style alongside the other six-sided ring action. 8 out of 10

Salinas Leaves TNA?

It appears that LAX manager/escort sallinas (Shelley Martinez) has left TNA, she it seems has some movie work lined up that clashed with her TNA role. More news as i get it.

Thursday 11 September 2008

Ric Flair More Woes

Ric Flair was involved in a disturbance involving his youngest daughter and her boyfirend, details are sketchy, but the former WWE star is said to have been in a fight, received a black eye and his duaghter was tasered after an altercation with the police.

Flair is said to be currently doing a shoot interview for Highspots, this should make for unmissable viewing.

Wrestlers Rescue

Wrestlers seem invincible to us fans, the larger than life characters seem impervious to pain and do things many of us can only dream of in their in-ring careers.

But what happens to them once injury or retirement forces them to leave the spotlight and roar of the crowd behind.

This is a question former ECW and WWE employee Dawn Marie asked, and the answer made her become heavily involved in a new organisation.

Wrestlers Rescue hopes to help former grapplers, many of whom now struggle to live comfortably, after their many years of wrestling and the associated lifestyle have taken their toll on their bodies.

Many now tour conventions/Indy shows to ply their wares for a meagre living, others have adopted other careers, or rely on state hand-outs to survive.

The Wrestlers Rescue mission statement is to create awareness and to help raise monies to support the health care needs of retired professional wrestlers, who now suffer due to their career choice in wrestling.

The overall plan being to not only put in place some form of financial advisory for active wrestlers and their future retirement, pension, college funds, savings etc and also set up a health care programme that the wrestlers can buy into and reap the benefits of if they need it.

With many former stars joining the rally for support the organisation are already planning fund-raising events in the US to kick-start their campaign.
See for more info and how to donate.

Written By Phil Allely

Wednesday 10 September 2008

CM Punk Loses Title

So Chris Jericho pulled off a surprise title win and took the belt from CM Punk at Unforgiven.

The question is that although we all knew Punk was a caretaker champ surely his success recently should have allowed him a longer run than he got.

I cannot see Jericho dropping the belt quick either, which means Punk may have had his day in the sun and not get back there again (a shame for someone so talented and with such a following).

Will we see a Michaels title run (considering his feud with jericho), probably not as Shawn is on a limited schedule and champs always do more shows than he could manage.

It will be Interesting to watch what develops.

Tuesday 9 September 2008

Mick Foley Update

according to several sources Mick foley has signed a short term deal with TNA, he can pursue other projects alongside this and have some in-ring action too. It's not known if he will have a commentator role or that of an in-ring talent like (ie) Kevin nash, who is seen in segments and wrestles occasionally.

Monday 8 September 2008

Pro Wrestling Ulster October Show

here's a flyer for the next PWU show in Belfast.

Thursday 4 September 2008

Foley News

Mick Foley has confirmed his move to TNA, WWE have announced his leaving the company and TNA have a teaser up on their website.

Wednesday 3 September 2008

Foley and TNA

Rumour has it an announcement from Mick Foley's pr people about his jump to TNA are iminent.

Keep you eyes peeled on the newsites and of course here.

Michaels Injury Not As Severe As Thought

Shawn Mihcales has said that his triceps injury will not need surgery, this means his match with Chris Jericho will now take place on Sunday. Shawn should still be carfeul though, he has a brutal match-up awaiting him and an ego that could see him risking his career.

The last thing he wants is to have to bow out without a final title run, big send-off and marquee match at a Wrestlemania.

Tuesday 2 September 2008

Shawn Michaels Injured at Raw taping

HBK Shawn Michaels has torn his tricep at the recent Raw taping.

This is yet another injury woe for the WWE as John Cena, Randy Orton and others all sit on the shelf awaitng clearance to return or to rehabilitate.

Michaels is yet to say whether he will take time off for surgery or participate in his match with Jericho this weekend.

Considering his numerous knee porblems, back fusion and othe rinjuries you have to wonder how long Shawn can keep pulling off the matches he has been as of late?

More news as I get it.

Friday 29 August 2008

Gail Kim and Mick Foley Updates

TNA have finally announced Gail Kim's departure from the company, this follows her profile being removed and her meeting with Johnny Ace of WWE. Expect her to turn up on WWE tv soon.

Mick Foley's profile has been removed from, you click on his pic and get a dead link. This could mean he's done and about to the opposite and jump ship to TNA from the WWE.

Tuesday 26 August 2008

Wrestling news, Stevie Richards, Gail Kim, John Cena

Stevie Richards, the former ECW original, member Raven's flock and WWE Right To Sensor leader has been released from his WWE contract.
Richards has made no real impact on WWE tv since his return from injury, he is rumoured to have had some backstage heat and although a respected perfomer had no real future planned out for him there. Expect him on the indy circuit soon.

Gail Kim is pencileed in as the saviour fo the WWE women's division, it seesm Johnny Ace has had a lot fo flack as many of TNA's most successful stars in the women's league have slipped through the WWE fingers and turned up there to critical success (including Kim), here's hoping she gets the opportunity she deserves.

John Cena has a bad neck injury, he is reported to have numbness in one arm and had an MRI to try to locate the porblem, watch out for more news.

Takeshi Morishama who ahs had some WWE try-outs is said to be not heading to McMahon-land, whilst his Noah pedigree and reputation are exemplary his look is not what the WWE really want so he may not be brought back after all.

Thursday 21 August 2008

Gail Kim News

Former TNA Knockout's Champion Gail Kim has been removed from the TNA website, her profile, blog links, pictures and other references are all gone. Does this mean the gorgeous miss Kim is no longer a part of TNA? More news as I get it, I had it on very good authority that the superb women's division was being built around Gail, this could be a big blow for a part of the company that has seen the most positive coverage in the whole of TNA.

Friday 15 August 2008

Big Vision Entertainment DVD Release Reviews

Written By Phil Allely

Welcome to my first (of many) DVD run down, looking at some of the hottest and most interesting DVD releases available today.

Forever Hardcore The Documentary:

If you eagerly watched the WWE made Rise and Fall of ECW release then this is for you.
FH is a two-hour show that takes you behind the scenes of the original ECW, featuring many of the people who were there, and gave all for the company.

This is an intriguing insight into what was at the time the most innovative and exciting wrestling promotion in the world.

We hear candidly from Sandman, Shane Douglas, Raven, Tod Gordon, Terry Funk, Sabu, New Jack, Kid Kash and many other ECW legends.

The Best Of Chikara:

Now here’s a curiosity, Chikara brings together Mexican, Japanese, British and traditional style wrestling, then shakes them up, into what can only be described as a full throttle thrill ride of a show.

They are a wrestling company who combine various styles to create a unique almost cartoon feel to their product, and here on one disc we get a three hour best of compilation.

Taking place in small intimate venues, this well made release offers a close-up view of some of Indy wrestling’s most dedicated young high-flying stars in action, risking life and limb for the art they love.

Life in the Fast Lane:

Shoot interviews are often very entertaining and informative, they are sit down chats with grapplers that offer us an insight into their career, experiences, stories, ribs and life on the road.

This DVD brings together aspects of many such releases, compiling a hugely enjoyable number of road stories from over 20 wrestling personalities.

This is a fast moving programme and a great introduction to shoot style releases.

We get to hear tales from many current and former stars such as Tammy Sytch, Lex Luger, Jake Roberts, Roddy Piper, Arn Anderson, Mr Fuji, Marty Jannetty, Bret Hart, Team 3D and many more.

This release also offers some deleted scenes and rare matches.

Wrestling Vixens – The New Era

Women’s wrestling fans will enjoy this release, as we are transported behind the scenes of a Wrestling Vixens bikini and lingerie photo shoot, with some of Indy wrestling’s hottest female stars of the time.

This access-all-areas show features current TNA Knockouts ODB, So Cal Val and Velvet Sky (then known as Talia), alongside former WCW star Daffney and popular tag team Lacey and Rayn (The Minnesota Home-wrecking Crew).

It’s a light-hearted and revealing (for various reasons) programme as we follow individual photo shoots, witness a joint beach shoot and hear some tales of life on the road from the girls too.

All the above are available from leading retailers and Big Vision Entertainment.

Thursday 7 August 2008

Chrish Candido No Gimmicks - DVD Review

Below you will find a full synopsis for what I believe to be the best representation of the career of the late grappler Chris Candido. Chris was one of those characters who although small in stature made up for it in pure skill and ring savvy. This is a great set and one for any fan of Candido and Tammy 'sunny' Sytch to track down, it features many matches, interviews and coments on the man himself from the people who knew him.

In 1986 a young man named Chris Candido entered the world of professional wrestling and over the course of the next 19 years used his skill, sense of humor, and unbridled loved of the business to touch the lives of even the most jaded of wrestling fans. A star in SMW, WWE, ECW, WCW, TNA, Japan and many independent promotions, Chris was known for being a very solid grappler inside the ring and a fun loving man outside of it. From the minute that AC/DC's "Back in Black” hit the arena, everyone knew they were about to be entertained; whether that be by Chris doing pushups as "Skip" (while hilariously getting Rad Radford into shape), holding up the Triple Threat sign, wearing Rick Steiner-like headgear, losing to Barry Horowitz, or even Chris exposing his bare ass! He was always Chris Candido, a man who needed no gimmicks other then his enormous love for wrestling.
At 5'8" Candido might have been small in stature but was huge in charisma, talent, and heart. A man who had conquered the demons of the business and life while being well on his way back to the top. The young boy had become a seasoned veteran, with a wrestling mind second to none. He just wasnt someone who wanted to make a quick payday, he wanted the people to love his match as much as he loved wrestling for them. Regardless if it was in the Anaheim Pond for WrestleMania XII, or The Madhouse Of Extreme for UXW, Chris would always give the same thing he was known for: 100% Candido. Sure, there were pitfalls in his life, but the measure of the man is not only what he does with his life, but how he reacts to falling down - and more importantly - how he is remembered by his peers. Chris fell, but got back up, and to this day is a hero for many of the workers in the businessIn 2005 Chris Candido left us, due to a tragic accident, while on a grand comeback from the demons of his past. Everyone at RF VIDEO is honored to bring together some of Candidos finest moments in wrestling, along with thoughts on Chris from his peers and the man himself. These two discs only represent a sample of everything the man that Chris Candido was, and the incredible legacy he left behind.
Candido and Tim Horner Interview SMW
Candido vs Rob Eagle (If Candido Loses he has to wear a baby bonnett)
Chris Candido SMW Interview
Chris Candido vs Bobby Blaze (Thanksgiving Thunder) Turkey Match
Chris Candido vs Ricky Morton
Chris Candido & Brian Lee vs Rock N Roll Express
Chris Candido vs Tracy Smothers (Ladder Match)
Chris Candido/Tammy Sytch Brian Lee SMW Interview
Chris Candido vs Ricky Morton
Tammy Stych, Chris Candido, Brian Lee Workout Video SMW
Chris Candido/Lance Storm vs Balls Mahoney & Axl Rotten
Chris Candido vs Rob Van Dam
Chris Candido vs Matt Striker
Chris Candido vs Jay Lethal vs Mike Kruel
Chris Candido vs Homicide
Chris Candido vs Sandman
Chris Candido vs Lance Storm
Chris Candido vs Sabu
Chris Candido vs Al Snow
Bonus features include interviews with superstars including Mick Foley, Billy Gunn, Raven, Sandman, plus rarely seen before SMW footage, two music videos and stories told by Candido of his life and career. Easter eggs are also hidden on the DVD as well.

Monday 4 August 2008

Flair and WWE Part Ways

So the legend that is Ric Flair has parted ways with the WWE, it seems his departure is a clean one though, so a return is always an option. Flair was said to have been upset that the WWE had blocked many of his publicity appearances and said he could not attend any wrestling related shows (non-wwe). One being a hall of fame event for the NWA (if memory serves me right).

The odds are Flair can earn more form his personal appearances now that he is a non-wwe employee, his management can negotiate easier and there will be no legal details to iron out first.

Considering ric's love of spending money and his lavish lifestyle, you would imagine he will retrun to the ring at least one more time for abig payday, but now he's out of the WWE the venue/stage would seem to be a problem now.

Look out for lots of Flair appearances over the next few months.

Thursday 31 July 2008

Exclusive TNA Add Dublin Date To 2009 UK Tour

yes my prayers (TNA's Irish fanbase fans too) have been answered, hopefully it was due to my suggestion when meeting with Dixie Carter.

TNA have confirmed today to me (see the exclusive story on the Sun's website) that they will kick off their 2009 UK tour this coming January in Dublin, Ireland.

It will be the National Stadium, Dublin on January 16th tickets are E33.60.

This will be TNA's Ireland debut and the frst time in years a wrestling pormotion has put on a show in Southern Ireland.

Look out for my review live at the show in January and watch here and the Sun's site for any more news.

Thursday 24 July 2008

Kaz and TNA part ways!

TNA are reporting that Kaz (Frankie Kazarian) has asked and been given his contract release, considering his status in the company, former X Division title holder, main eventer recently and leader of Team TNA at the World X Cup, my own personal theory is that this is a Brian Pillman style work, where kaz will seemingly elave the company to work elsewhere and then return triumphant.

Could be interesting if it works.

Tuesday 22 July 2008

Sandman Arrested

Former WWE star The Sandman has been arrested for assault, see my story on The Sun's website.

Should Shawn Michaels Slow Down?

Ok, he's on a limited shcedule and only really does tv tapings and big shows, but with his knee and back problems can Shawn Michaels body really take the bumps that it's been forced to endure in recent months?

Surely Shawn should reduce those bumps and lengthen his in-ring career a bit longer in doing so?

ECW Title Future

This weeks it seems Mark Henry's title challenger for Summerslam will be determined in a four-way match-up. Mizz, Morrison, Finlay and Matt Hardy will battle it out for the title shot.

Hardy would seem the prime candidate for the shot, but could someone like Finlay slip through and fly the flag for the UK/Ireland at the Summer's big show.

Monday 21 July 2008

Victory Road Review

My review of the latest TNA PPV Victory Road can be read on the Sun's website, please feel free to leave your comments there.

JR Speaks Up About His Smackdown Position

Good Old 'JR' Jim Ross has been stating that he is more than happy to be a part of the Samckdown announce team (alongside Mick Foley), it's been reported that he may be jumping bakc to his old stomping ground on Raw with Jerry Lawler, but JR is saying that he like smackdown and enjoy havng his weekends off.

Moving Ross to Smackdown was a surprise move on the part of the WWE and one that seemingly offended and uspet Ross to start with, perhaps he has decided to stay put and give it a go or wants to simply take what he's given and stay off the McMahon radar for a while.

Friday 18 July 2008

TNA News

Reports flying about the net seem to be saying that although fans have the daggers ready to plunge into his back, TNA writer Vince Russo is building up a firm fanbase backstage and looks to be a longterm fixture in the company.

Fire Russo chants are commonplace at live evenst and ppv's, his writing style seemingly offending the TNA die-hards, but perhaps we are all getting the guy wrong and he is trying his best to help the company gain a foothold and battle the WWE.

Only time will tell.

Wednesday 9 July 2008

Mr Perfect DVD Preview

The upcoming tribute dvd to former WWE IC Champion Mr Perfect 'Curt Hennig' is looking like a best-seller in the making, the dvd features many of the grapplers best bouts, from all levels of his career, early matches, WWE ones prior to his back injury and even his foray into WCW and beyond, before his untimely death.
More info as I get it.

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Knuckles busted!

TNA star Mickie 'Moose' Knuckles has broke her right femur in an indie show for IWA Mid-South, see my article in the sun's website.

there's also a video clip of the incident there too.

Monday 7 July 2008

TNA Victory Road Confirmed Matches


FAN'S REVENGE MATCH FOR THE TNA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP The Latin American Xchange (c) vs. Robert Roode & "Cowboy" James Storm

FAN'S PICK THE STIP - SIX MAN TAG TEAM WAR: AJ Styles, Christian Cage & Rhino vs. Kurt Angle & Team 3D

THE FINALS OF THE WORLD X CUP TOURNAMENT Featuring the return of TNA's innovative Ultimate X Match Team TNA vs. Team Japan vs. Team Mexico vs. Team International

GRUDGE MATCH "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal w/ SoCal Val vs. "The Guru" Sonjay Dutt

TNA KNOCKOUTS MATCH Gail Kim vs. Angelina Love

The Victory Road PPV is live July 13th expect my review on the Sun's website after the show has been broadcast on Bravo the following Wednesday (July 16th), we wouldn't want to spoil the fun would we.

Trevor Murdoch Released By WWE

Trevor Murdoch has been released by the WWE, the main reason seems to be they are unsure what to do with the unusual looking grappler. His former tag partner Lance Cade is being tipped for greatness but the hard hitting and old school style Murdoch has seemingly been jettisoned by the WWE. The Harley Race trained wrestler should fare well on the indie circuit. but probably not in a huge role as he has not really gained a big enough reputation in the WWE to ensure long-term earning on the circuit, would TNA hire him, its uncertain as he does not really fit into their style either.

Thursday 3 July 2008

Finlay In ECW

Finlay is rumoured to be taking the slot left vacant by the late Chris Benoit (the plan was for the following to happen to benoit), my fellow Irishman is going to help educate, train and elevate up and coming WWE superstars before they hit the Raw or Smackdown roster.
It's a role Finlay is made for as his worldwide knowledge and decades of dues paying will no doubt be a great help to eager wrestlers. His move to ECW was to help this plan out and still let him compete in-ring too.
Hornswoggle will have a tougher time as he will lose a lot of his young fans in the move.

Wednesday 2 July 2008

Rellik Parts Company With TNA

Rellik (yes Killer backwards) otherwise known as Johnny Stambolli or Johnny the Bull has left TNA, most recently assoicated with Dustin Rhodes' Black Reign character Rellik was on a pay per event deal and has now moved on to pastures new.

Kurt Angle Injured Again

TNA star Kurt Angle is reported to have blown his knee out during the past week, he did compete anyway, although heavilly strapped up, but surely this along with his recent neck and leg injury's (that kept him off the UK Tour) must show the grappler that he needs some time off to let his body heal up.

Friday 27 June 2008

Warrior Returns To The Ring Triumphant

The Warrior (jim hellwig) returned to the ring in Spain taking on former WWE star Orlando Jordan for the NWE title and beat him to be crowned the new heavyweight champ.

The trim and in shape Warrior has since vacated the title saying it should be held up for a tournament.

The match drew 14,000 plus and was huge success for the company and Warrior who may just step back in and shake those ropes one more time.

pics here soon when i can get them, my review of the match is online at

Thursday 26 June 2008

WWE News & Rumours

It seems former TNA star Ron 'The Truth' Killings is set to make his in-ring debut soon, he has beenworking dark matches recently.

With no hints at who his mystery tag team partner will be, the best bet or the title match at Night of the Champions PPV would be fellow son of a grap legend Cody Rhodes.

With his star well risen it looks like 2008 will conitinue to blossom for Lance Cade, seems WWE Management have big plans for him.

The WWE Draft In Full

Below find a list of the complete WWE Draft, some good, some bad, some surprising and a few oddities.

Talent Joining Raw (10)Rey MysterioCM PunkMichael ColeBatistaKaneJamie NobleDeuceChuck PalumboMatt StrikerLayla

Talent Joining SmackDown (12)Jeff HardyJim RossUmagaMr. KennedyTriple HTrevor MurdochBig Daddy VDH SmithBrian KendrickMariaShelton BenjaminCarlitoTalent Joining ECW (5)Matt HardyMark HenryHornswoggleSuper CrazyFinlaey

Talent Leaving Raw (11)Jeff HardyJim RossUmagaMr. KennedyTriple HTrevor MurdochDH SmithSuper CrazyBrian KendrickMariaCarlito

Talent Leaving SmackDown (10)Rey MysterioMatt HardyMichael ColeBatistaMark HenryJamie NobleDeuceHornswoggleChuck PalumboFinlay

Talent Leaving ECW (6)CM PunkKaneBig Daddy VMatt StrikerShelton BenjaminLayla

Wednesday 25 June 2008

Scott Steiner Injured Out For Six Months

'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner will be out of action for up to six months, the 'genetic freak' injured his knee during his bout with Kaz and Samoa Joe at Sacrifice, he has undergone surgery for a torn ACL and will need to recover for up to six months.

It's unknown what this means for his associates Petey Williams and Rhaka Khan.

TNA Victory Road PPV line-up so far



FAN'S REVENGE MATCH FOR THE TNA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP The Latin American Xchange (c) vs. Robert Roode & "Cowboy" James Storm

THE FINALS OF THE WORLD X CUP TOURNAMENT Featuring Team TNA, Team Japan, Team Mexico & Team International

TNA KNOCKOUTS MATCH Gail Kim vs. Angelina Love

Plus more.

The Reason Why Triple H Jumped To Smackdown

Triple H was drafted to SMackdown for one main reason, his schedule on raw made it very difficult for him to see his wife Stephanie and his child, with another child on the way it makes more sense for him to be on smackdown where he can actually see Steph (she is planning on taking both children on the road with her) more.

There is also a good in-ring and on screen reason to move him too, he is a much needed big name to add to the dire Smackdown brand and hopefully his presence will elevate the blue brand too.

Tuesday 24 June 2008

TNA Live In Liverpool Some Personal Pics

Here are some pics from my superb seat (one of the boxes) at the recent Liverpool shows by TNA.

The Day I Met Dixie

Here's a nice wee pic of me and my new buddy Dixie Carter (of TNA fame). She was very kind to us all during our trip to Liverpool to cover the TNA debut tour of the UK, Dixie and her whole roster took as much time as they needed to keep fans happy, posing for pics, signing autographs etc and ensuring TNA made the best first impression they could.

Jeff Jarrett To Return To The Ring

Although he was backstage for the recent UK tour and is always present for PPV, Impact and US shows Jeff Jarrett has finally announced that he will be heading back into the ring. After a lay-off for persoanl reasons (which I'll not go into here), Double J shoudl be able to add some new blood to the main event of TNA. He will also be one of the lead characters to make the next UK tour in January. I for one can't wait to see him back in the ring, be it guitar in hand or with a new gimmick he has been missed and will be a welcome addition to the already burgeoning roster that TNA has.

Friday 20 June 2008

Pro Wrestling Ulster PWU Next Show

This Friday (27th June) Pro Wrestling Ulster will present their next live event Adrenaline, this will be headlined by a unique event as the tandems of Toxic/'Mighty' Marty Andrews, Kev Rocks/Danny Butler & Chad Kingston/El Toro Sanchez battle it out in a first for the fledgling company, a triple threat tag team tables elimination match for the vacant PWU Tag Team titles. also on the card Real Southern Attitude (Marshal/Vice) will see who Tron 'The Northern Irish Nightmare' has chosen as his partner for their challenge match.

Adrenaline will be in Malone Rugby Club, Belfast, doors 7.30pm, tickets £8, children £5

Thursday 19 June 2008

My New Venture Phil Allely Reviews

I've just set up a sister blog to this one for all of my ono wrestling reviews, so check it out for dvd, cd, movie, theatre, exhibition and reviews of anything else I see or hear.

Wednesday 18 June 2008

Lex Luger Speaks Out

Former WWE and WCW star Lex Luger is interviewd on in his interview he talks about how his life has changed, how he lives now as compared to his glory days, his paralysis and injuries, his physical condition and how he is now living in a small apartment and his biggest excitement in a day is being able to do small jobs we all take for granted.

My TNA Road Trip

last Wednesday night 9pm-1am I sat eagerly watching and reviewing the TNA Slammiversary PPV. Knowing full well that i;d have to file my review very promptly as i had to try and get some rest as my TNA experiences were about to go beyond, dvd, ppv and impact watching. I was about to head off to Liverpool and the Olympia Theatre for two days of TNA's first ever Uk tour. Hooking up with my fellow wrestling writers from the Sun newspaper i made the long trip to Liverpool from Belfast and had the time of life as TNA blew the UK market wide open for themselves.

I'd been one of the first people to take an interest in TNA's product and i regularly write about them here as well as covering all ppv events for the Sun. The venue in Liverpool was ideal, small scale (approx 1800 fans), intimate and most of all welcoming as the six-sided ring seemed at home in what was surely an old music hall/theatre.

TNA had their midway promoters giving away foam hand and promo material for the upcoming video game.

The PR guys and girls were shifting huge amounts of the coolest t shirts imaginable, programmes etc all sold well too.

Jeremy Borash was superb, the action was the Best i've seen in decades of wrestling watching and every single match was superb. The crowd were rabid and reminded me of classic ECW ones, the chants were deafening, the atmosphere electric and not one person Left unhappy. the boys and girls of tna were everything i imagined and much more. The surprise being the after show meet/greet and signing where Ali the roster waited for hours to make sure all fans went home happy. Never have i seen such dedication to the fans.

Dixie carter and co should be proud of themselves for doing what no other company ever has, they brought wrestling to the fans and not simply used this trip as a money making effort. The next batch of shows will be in January, venues will be bigger, but the fanbase will be too and the company will be even better as they feed off their new found UK fans and build on the solid reputation this short tour cemented.

Special mention must go to Dixie who met, posed, smiled and enjoyed every moment she had with fans, us the press and anyone else she encountered, not many bosses would do that and she does it with such enthusiasm too.

It was a pleasure to meet the roster, PR people, backstage guys and of course the gorgeous Dixie. I wish them well and feel proud to have been a part of their initial tour of the UK.

Monday 16 June 2008

Earl Hebner He Loves His Job

During the TNA UK Tour i was lucky enough to not only meet Wrestlings most controversial referee Earl Hebner, but take part in an interview with him that my fellow wrestling Rob McNicholl had arranged.

I'll not spoil what Rob will write, but suffice to say Earl is more than happy to be the man remembered for his role in the infamous Montreal Screw Job, he loves being the most well knwon referee and after 30 years in the business he stil enjoys his job, his brother Dave and Son Brian are involved in the business too and earl is showing no signs of hanging up his striped shirt anytime soon.

For anyone who does not know Earl was the man the WWE relied on to ref their most high profile matches, he kept things going through the companies attitude era, Hulkamania years and much more.

Gail Kim Rocked The UK

the gorgeous (and even more so in the flesh) Gail Kim was a part of the first TNA tour of the UK.

battling against the mighty Awesome Kong in singles and mixed tag matches.

Covering the shows for The Sun, i was fortunate enough to get close to Miss Kim and yes she is as good looking as she sesm on tv and more.

I'll be posting some pics form the shows i attended so keep looking back.

Queue Idol Vote For me Please

Hi i'm a finalist on the q-matic Queue Idol competition to find the new Northern Irish voice for the system they use in post offices etc.

I'd appreciate your votes.

its on

thanks in advance.



The TNA tour of the UK was probably the most successful debut tour a wrestling company has ever had.
The comapny brought it's a-game, the roster was superb and each match a joy to behold.

Read my review on

also i can now confirm something that was told to us by Dixie Carter during the liverpool leg of the tour. TNA will be returning to these shores in january and the venues will be bigger, the show bigger and the quality will amaze you all.

Check back for more news as i get it, plus my comments on my meeting with Earl Hebner, backstage gossip, news, memories and pics from the Liverpool shows i attended.

Tuesday 10 June 2008

Slammiversary On Bravo

The latest TNA PPV (and the one to give UK fans a taster for what theyw ill witness later this week) Slammiversary will be shown on Bravo 2 here in the UK tomorrow night at 9pm, I will of coruse be reviewing it for the Sun's website and will be in attendence for the two liverpool shows on June 12 & 13, see you there :o)

Monday 9 June 2008

Concert-Crowd Rage A New Phenomenon!

Not strictly wrestling related but something I think will be of interest anyway. I was at the Bon Jovi, Razorlight and Kid Rock Concert here in ireland this past weekend (superb by the way thanks for asking). The show went wonderfully with no fights, hassle or anything, the issue came when the thousands upon thousands of us descended on the car parks to get our assigned buses.

i've witnessed road rage before but never crowd (or concert rage as i'll call it), but the crowd were one minute all singing and dancing on a post-concert high (that jon bon jovi can really keep a crowd going). the next minute they were baying for blood as parts of the queue jumped abouard buses ahead of the rest of us. I'll not say it ruined the day but it was scary to see a crowd turn so quickly, there were a few who could have snapped easilly.

It just goes to show if you go to one of these huge shows keep your wits about you when leavnig as you could very easilly have your day ruined by impatient people who don't grasp the concept of queues and the fact that whoever is organising the event is trying their very best to get every one home/to their park & ride or their car, the bus home or wherever they are going.

Is this a new concept or does hit happen all the time?

Friday 6 June 2008

Trish Gets Breast Reduction

This months issue of Power Slam Magazine (UK) has an article on former WWE women's champion Trish Stratus. It mentions that like so many other former divas, Trish has now ditched her breast implants and is in great shape thanks to her new yoga regime and is currently enjoying opening her own yoga/fitness centre. The new natural looking Miss Stratus is looking very well inded married life must agree with her.

Thursday 5 June 2008

Heores Of World Class Wrestling DVD Review

Now many of us will recognise the name Kerry Von Erich, he crops up on older WWE dvd releases as The Texas Tornado. But a lot of us may not know his history and the influence his family had on professional wrestling. This DVD goes into incredible detail to show that influence.

In Texas the legendary wrestler Fritz Von Erich (Jack Addkison) ran a wrestling promotion and gradually his sons began to work for him, making themselves heroes of the promotion and popualar grapplers across the US and as far as Japan. Mike, Kerry, Kevin, Chris and david all had various elvels of in ring aptitude and this dvd not only shows them at their peak, but explains the ups and downs of the young mens lives, drug dependency, suicide, overdoses and other incidents that lead to Kevin being the sole survvior of the family. This three hour dvd is told in great detail and includes some insightful interviews and memories by kevin, old footage, how the company kick started the tv revolution of wrestling and eventually losts its way as the WWE began to steal wrestlers and take over territories. Thsi is one release every fan should own.

Tuesday 3 June 2008

Orton Injured At One Night Stand

Randy Orton has suffered a collarbonoe injury during his bout at ONS, this time is serious enough as the bone is broken, what a time for this to happen as he was the top heel of the brand, now its always interesting to see what happens when a top heel gets taken off the air, he either gets replaced by an already established star or one turns to take that role, or (what i hope will happen) a struglling mid-carder gets the chance to break through to the top line and gte his chance in the main evenst against the top faces.

Only time will tell.

Kelly Kelly For Playboy!

The always lovely kelly kelly is being tipped for the next WWE/Playboy collaboration, check out her pics at the Sun's website.

Thursday 29 May 2008

TNA Make Female Fans An Offer They Can't Refuse

TNA are offeirng a $25,000 prize for any female fans who can take on the monster TNA Knockout Champion Awesome Kong, whether this is worked or not (insurance wise it must be) this is a nice idea and a buit of free pr for the comapny too.

Angelina Love Concussion Update

Angelina Love suffered yet another concussion this week, this time at the courtesy of Roxxi laveaux, this makes two for Love, one at the hands of Awesome Kong and now Laveaux. Of course in the wake of the Benoit tragedy, grapplers are very concerned when they receive a concussion.

Fans Hop Guard Rail On Smackdown

I hear some fans/or a fan hopped the guardrail at thsi weeks smackdown, during the edgeheads segment, seems they were taken down by them and security, watch out for some strategic cuts during this weeks show.

Missy Hyatt Hustles Heyman!

'Walking Riot' Missy Hyatt has done the unthinkable and played Paul Heyman at his own game in the current edition of the Heyman Hustle on's website. the former manager/valet and thorn in Heyman's side (from the old WCW days when he was Paul E Dangerously) makes a superb guest on the show. Watch it to see what i mean.

If you need remiinding here are a few pics of the woman herslef.

Sting Retirement Angle!

TNA star Sting is being groomed for a Ric Flair style send-off from the Florida-based group, in case he decideds to hang up his tights and face paint any time soon. Sting's contract with TNA is a yearly one, so he may decide to call it a day when it expires or perhaps stay on for a bit longer, as long as he keeps enjoying the in-ring stuff he will likely stay, but its goord to see the writing team preparing just in case.
Sting does not need the money, but does enjoy the limited action he sees with TNA, he does some tv and ppv work, but not house shows.

Sting is renowned for his WCW career and the enthusiasm he brings to TNA, he is also the biggest name wrestler to never have appeared in a WWE ring.

Rey Mysterio to Return Soon

Former world champion Rey Mysterio will likely be returning to the ring soon. he is currently sidelined with a bicep injury, but should be back in rings very soon indeed.

Thursday 22 May 2008

Picture Tribute To Shelley Martinez

Shelley Martinez is currently under contract to TNA as LAX's manager Salinas, here are a few pics of her including her previous guise as ECW's Ariel.