Wednesday 18 June 2008

My TNA Road Trip

last Wednesday night 9pm-1am I sat eagerly watching and reviewing the TNA Slammiversary PPV. Knowing full well that i;d have to file my review very promptly as i had to try and get some rest as my TNA experiences were about to go beyond, dvd, ppv and impact watching. I was about to head off to Liverpool and the Olympia Theatre for two days of TNA's first ever Uk tour. Hooking up with my fellow wrestling writers from the Sun newspaper i made the long trip to Liverpool from Belfast and had the time of life as TNA blew the UK market wide open for themselves.

I'd been one of the first people to take an interest in TNA's product and i regularly write about them here as well as covering all ppv events for the Sun. The venue in Liverpool was ideal, small scale (approx 1800 fans), intimate and most of all welcoming as the six-sided ring seemed at home in what was surely an old music hall/theatre.

TNA had their midway promoters giving away foam hand and promo material for the upcoming video game.

The PR guys and girls were shifting huge amounts of the coolest t shirts imaginable, programmes etc all sold well too.

Jeremy Borash was superb, the action was the Best i've seen in decades of wrestling watching and every single match was superb. The crowd were rabid and reminded me of classic ECW ones, the chants were deafening, the atmosphere electric and not one person Left unhappy. the boys and girls of tna were everything i imagined and much more. The surprise being the after show meet/greet and signing where Ali the roster waited for hours to make sure all fans went home happy. Never have i seen such dedication to the fans.

Dixie carter and co should be proud of themselves for doing what no other company ever has, they brought wrestling to the fans and not simply used this trip as a money making effort. The next batch of shows will be in January, venues will be bigger, but the fanbase will be too and the company will be even better as they feed off their new found UK fans and build on the solid reputation this short tour cemented.

Special mention must go to Dixie who met, posed, smiled and enjoyed every moment she had with fans, us the press and anyone else she encountered, not many bosses would do that and she does it with such enthusiasm too.

It was a pleasure to meet the roster, PR people, backstage guys and of course the gorgeous Dixie. I wish them well and feel proud to have been a part of their initial tour of the UK.

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