Wednesday 28 May 2008

Sting Retirement Angle!

TNA star Sting is being groomed for a Ric Flair style send-off from the Florida-based group, in case he decideds to hang up his tights and face paint any time soon. Sting's contract with TNA is a yearly one, so he may decide to call it a day when it expires or perhaps stay on for a bit longer, as long as he keeps enjoying the in-ring stuff he will likely stay, but its goord to see the writing team preparing just in case.
Sting does not need the money, but does enjoy the limited action he sees with TNA, he does some tv and ppv work, but not house shows.

Sting is renowned for his WCW career and the enthusiasm he brings to TNA, he is also the biggest name wrestler to never have appeared in a WWE ring.

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