Tuesday 26 August 2008

Wrestling news, Stevie Richards, Gail Kim, John Cena

Stevie Richards, the former ECW original, member Raven's flock and WWE Right To Sensor leader has been released from his WWE contract.
Richards has made no real impact on WWE tv since his return from injury, he is rumoured to have had some backstage heat and although a respected perfomer had no real future planned out for him there. Expect him on the indy circuit soon.

Gail Kim is pencileed in as the saviour fo the WWE women's division, it seesm Johnny Ace has had a lot fo flack as many of TNA's most successful stars in the women's league have slipped through the WWE fingers and turned up there to critical success (including Kim), here's hoping she gets the opportunity she deserves.

John Cena has a bad neck injury, he is reported to have numbness in one arm and had an MRI to try to locate the porblem, watch out for more news.

Takeshi Morishama who ahs had some WWE try-outs is said to be not heading to McMahon-land, whilst his Noah pedigree and reputation are exemplary his look is not what the WWE really want so he may not be brought back after all.

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