Monday 15 December 2008

TNA DVD Reviews: Knocked Out, Ultimate Matches

TNA DVD Round-up

We may knock TNA for the run-in heavy pay-per-views they produce, but when it comes to producing themed home DVDs the company stand head and shoulders above their competition.

This latest batch of releases offers fans the chance to see the superb TNA Knockout’s women’s division in their full glory and let’s casual and hard-core fans enjoy a selection of the companies best gimmick matches since its inception.

‘Knocked Out’ is a nicely made look at the women’s division, that not only presents some of the best ladies wrestling matches in recent memory, but also allows each Knockout the chance to explain why they got into the business and shows some of their early highlights too.

The matches contained here include the wonderful series of scraps between Gail Kim and Awesome Kong, the makeover battle royal, 10 woman gauntlet match and the Talylor Wilde/Kong world title match upset, amongst others.

It is unfortunate that the now departed Karen Angle (the main cover star), Gail Kim and Salinas have moved on, but that in now takes away from the quality of the production and matches included.

The main extra is a true testament to TNA’s love of Gail Kim, as the bonus disc not only features a frank and honest final interview with the women’s division pioneer, but also her last match with Kong too.

8 out of 10.

‘Ultimate Matches’ is a great release for fans of the gimmick matches that TNA specialise in.

The six hour two disc set features some of the company’s finest examples of their innovative and in some cases complicated stipulation bouts.

The nice touch here, as with the Knockout title is that TNA let the grapplers talk about the matches before you see them.

It’s interesting to hear what Christian Cage, Kurt Angle, Jeff Jarrett and Samoa Joe (to name a few) think of the often brutal and career-shortening matches they have participated in.

We see the traditional feud-ending cage match get a makeover, becoming the often bloody six Sides of Steel encounter or Full Metal Mayhem weapons-fest, the X division stars get a look-in as Ultimate X offers up some breathtaking and frightening moves in the attempt to grab the dangling red x, whilst Monsters Ball does exactly what is says and gives the big mean a reason to be brutal with each other.

The most curious and confusing, even to the participants (according to the talking heads intro) is the King of the Mountain match, where a pin only means you can try to win the match, which is at least explained prior to viewing and more enjoyable for it.

Ultimate Matches has some great matches and moments from the company’s history and as such will appeal to many of the TNA faithful, and those newer fans too who want to learn more about the stipulation match mainstays that TNA use throughout the year.

7 out of 10.

By Phil Allely

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