Friday 21 November 2008

Cage to WWE?

TNA often gets slated for their storylines (often rightly credited to Vince Russo) that drop feuds and angles midway through, forget about situations and in the case of former Knockouts Champion Gail Kim simply let the star drift off TV without so much as a heroes farewell.

Thankfully the company seem to have got their head around this concept now and are playing a blinder with the current Main Event Mafia and Christian Cage encounters.

After losing to Booker T at the Turning Point PPV, Cage was set to join the MEM as per his match stipulation.

The faction had other ideas and pummelled the former TNA champion, why you may ask?

Cage’s TNA contract is set to expire in December, the rumours are that he is interested in returning to the WWE, if so rather than have a high profile name jump ship to their rival, TNA have provided themselves with a fallback position.

If Cage stays with the company, he can return action in revenge for his beat down and battle the MEM members, if he leaves and returns to the WWE, he is already off TV and out of the current storylines.

Could this be a swerve by TNA? Or perhaps the reason why Edge has yet to return to action for the WWE, could we see an Edge Christian reunion sometime soon.

Keep your eyes peeled on this very page, as we’ll try to find out and exclusively reveal what happens next.

Written By Phil Allely

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