Monday 24 November 2008

Flair and Hogan to share the same stage!

On Dec 13th Hulk Hoagn and Ric Flair will both be in attendence for a specila show by The wordl Wrestling Council in Puerto Rico, to celerbate the retirement of long-time blood-letter Abdullah The Butcher. The massive grappler who uses very few moves and a fork to bust his opponents open, has had a massively successful career and is being given a huge send-off to show the fans approval for his dedication to the grapple game.
On the card TNA and WWe stars will appear too,those confirmed are Carlito and Primo Colon, Team 3D and such indie names as Sabu, Balls Mahony and Steve Corino will be there as well to participate.
Of course WWC is owned by Carlos Colon (the father of Carlito and Primo) so their appearance is pretty much a cert.

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