Monday 9 June 2008

Concert-Crowd Rage A New Phenomenon!

Not strictly wrestling related but something I think will be of interest anyway. I was at the Bon Jovi, Razorlight and Kid Rock Concert here in ireland this past weekend (superb by the way thanks for asking). The show went wonderfully with no fights, hassle or anything, the issue came when the thousands upon thousands of us descended on the car parks to get our assigned buses.

i've witnessed road rage before but never crowd (or concert rage as i'll call it), but the crowd were one minute all singing and dancing on a post-concert high (that jon bon jovi can really keep a crowd going). the next minute they were baying for blood as parts of the queue jumped abouard buses ahead of the rest of us. I'll not say it ruined the day but it was scary to see a crowd turn so quickly, there were a few who could have snapped easilly.

It just goes to show if you go to one of these huge shows keep your wits about you when leavnig as you could very easilly have your day ruined by impatient people who don't grasp the concept of queues and the fact that whoever is organising the event is trying their very best to get every one home/to their park & ride or their car, the bus home or wherever they are going.

Is this a new concept or does hit happen all the time?

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