Wednesday 30 December 2009

Dr Death Steve Williams Passes Away

Rumours are floating abour the web that wrestling legend Dr Death Steve Williams has passed away, more on this as I get it.

Monday 28 December 2009

Dixie & Hulk talk about TNA debut!

Hulk Hogan’s first appearance inside the six-sided ring of TNA Wrestling will follow weeks of speculation after Hogan and TNA President, Dixie Carter announced their partnership on October 27 at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Hogan has hinted in various media interviews that he’ll have multiple surprises in store for TNA Wrestling fans.

“I knew when I signed with TNA, that it would be important to make a statement with the first episode. Going head-to-head with the WWE on January 4th, makes the statement loud and clear: Game on!” Hogan said.

“TNA is kicking off 2010 in the biggest way possible with the biggest name in the history of our sport. Hulk Hogan is a pop culture icon, and his arrival will change not only TNA, but the entire professional wrestling landscape. We’re firing that first shot,” Carter said.

Joining Hogan for the three-hour live “iMPACT!” will be TNA World Heavyweight Champion “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles, Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle, Mick Foley, Kevin Nash, “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe, “The Boss” Bobby Lashley, “The Blueprint” Matt Morgan and many more.

Thursday 24 December 2009

TNA Final Resolution Review

Check out to see my review of the TNA Final Resolution show.


Will Bret Host the January Raw?

Bret Hart is being rumoured to host the Raw show that runs against TNA's Live 3 hour Impact featuring Hulk Hogan, The Hitman is said to have signed a deal where he may even wrestle one more time , if so it could be against Vince McMahon and finish the whole Montreal Screwjob storyline once and for all.

Wednesday 23 December 2009

TNA News and Rumours

As Tommy Dreamer leaves WWE, I wonder iof he may show up in TNA?

With Nash winning a Tag Title shot will we see Hall or X Pac show up in January to team with him and re-form the NWO?

I hear Lacey Von Erich is not having a good time in TNA, many backstage are unhappy with her.

Tuesday 22 December 2009

Hogan's PPV Debut

So it's now official The Hulkster will appear live on TNA PPV in January, in what capacity remains to be seen, but considering I hear that Eric Bischoff has been backstage at events and been talking to Vince Russo re: storylines I'd say he will enter the promotion on top and either vie for the heavyweight title or battle Jeff Jarrett and Mick Foley.

Friday 18 December 2009

Flair to cut a deal with TNA!

Ric Flair is said to be on the brink of signing a deal with TNA, of course if he does he will most probably come in with Hulk Hogan in January 2010. Flair is reported to have asked for a contract with parent company Panda Energy. That would mean that even if TNA folded he would be under contract with Panda and be paid anyway. Much like many former WCW stars were when it folded, as they had contracts with Warner TV.

Christy Hemme Retires

TNA Knockout Christy Hemme has decided to retire from the ring, her neck has been surgically repaired and yet she still feels anxious that she may hurt it again.
TNA are reported to have said that she will remain with the company and be in some way a part of programming.

TNA Final Resolution card for this sunday

TNA World Heavyweight Title Match
Daniels vs. AJ Styles

TNA World Tag Team Title Match
Motor City Machineguns vs. The British Invasion

TNA Knockouts Title Match
Tara vs. ODB

Three Degrees of Pain Matches
Desmond Wolfe vs. Kurt Angle

Last Man Standing Match
Scott Steiner vs. Bobby Lashley

Challenge Match
Mick Foley & Abyss vs. Raven & Dr. Stevie

Eight-Man Elimination Match
D'Angelo Dinero, Matt Morgan, Suicide and Hernandez vs. Team 3D, Rhino and Jesse Neal

Feast or Fired Match
Samoa Joe, Robert Roode, James Storm, Kevin Nash, Eric Young and Sheik Bashir vs. Kiyoshi, Homicide, Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed and Cody Deaner

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Wow an Irish WWE champion, I'm amazed but not surprised, it's about time a new guy broke through and I also know that power player Triple H has a fondness for Seamus, so a push was inevitable. The big thing now will be too see how long he holds the belt for. As we know from CM Punk and Edge's reigns recently, the strap can be removed from your waist very easilly these days.

Drew McIntyre's win is also a surprise, but he may actually grow into his role as mid-card champion and hard worker, where as Seamus will have to be on his game all of the time or lose out on his spot.

Thursday 10 December 2009

Hulk Predicts huge ratings for his TNA debut

Hulk Hogan has stated that he foresees the upcoming TNA Impact! special (where Hogan makes his debut) this January (where the show will go head to head with WWE Raw) will pull in three times its usual number of viewers, he is predicting a 3.0 rating and that would indeed be superb for TNA, but will it stay that way or will it drop after the initial excitement leaves the shows fans?

Of course we also don;t know what Vince McMahon and co have up their sleeves do we?


WWE Belfast November 2009 more pics

Here are some more pics from the Nov 2009 WWE tour at Belfast's Odyssey Arena, enjoy,


WWE Belfast November 2009 Pics

here are some pics from the latest WWE show to hit Belfast.

Wednesday 9 December 2009

WWE news

I hear that Charlie Haas was trrying to get out of his WWE contract and was working on a release, he had seemingly secured a spot in TNA thanks to Kurt Angle, however the WWE have decided to give Haas a raise and ensure he remains with them for a while longer.

Sunday 6 December 2009

Jesse Ventura makes coments on the WWE/MacMahon

A body blow from Jesse Ventura,

By Phil Allely

Former WWE grappler, colour commentator and recent Raw guest host Jesse 'The Body' Ventura has been one of the most outspoken of Vince McMahon's former employees over the years and has spent most of that time lobbying for a wrestlers union to be installed, to ensure the in-ring performers receive all of the things normal working people receive as employees of a large company.

Ventura famously went on to become a successful US Govenor after his WWE days and even succeeded in suing his former boss over unpaid royalties, owed for video releases he featured on.

After his recent stint on Raw many thought Ventura and McMahon had buried the hatchet, however during a recent interview with the Baltimore Sun (in relation to a new conspiracy theory project) the flamboyant and charismatic Ventura did make a few reference to his recent WWE experience, future wrestling appearances and his feelings towards how current superstars are treated by their employer.

Here are a few extracts from the interview.(check out for the full interview)

A few wrestling questions for you. I know you’ve spoken out in the past about the issue of wrestlers being labeled as independent contractors. Can you explain your take on the subject?

It’s a violation of law. How can [Vince] McMahon get away with calling wrestlers independent contractors when they can only work for him, he has them under an exclusive contract, he tells them when they’ll wrestle, where they’ll wrestle and whether they’ll win or lose. That’s not employment? The government don’t care because they get their money either way, whether the wrestler’s paying it or whether Vince has to pay into Social Security. They probably just figure, “Oh well, it’s just wrestling. Who gives a damn?”

What was it like hosting Raw last week?

It was phenomenal. It was fun, and as much as I speak against Vince for some of his business practices, I will say this: He treated me with tremendous respect. I had a great time and it was almost like getting in a time capsule. I was able to become who I was 20 years ago and have fun doing it.

As you said, you have been an outspoken critic of McMahon’s. I can’t imagine the two of you in a room together, much less working together. Was there any tension at all?
Not a bit. When it comes time to perform, we’re both performers. It’s much like professional athletes say: In the summer it’s a baseball game; in the winter it’s business. It’s the same thing. When we’re performing, it’s performing. Now when we’re negotiating, that’s business. But when we get on the camera, business is left aside. It’s called being professional.

Was there anyone at Raw who really impressed you?

I love Randy Orton. I think he’s a hell of a performer. He’s a terrific professional and I enjoyed working with him. If you want to use the old term, he’s a chip off the old block from his dad and his grandfather

Do you think you’ll have any future dealings with WWE, maybe even coming back on a semi-regular basis?

I don’t think so at all, because I live in Mexico half the year, and in fact I’d be there right now if it wasn’t for the debut and the publicity of this show. I will leave here next week. I live 800 miles into Mexico, where I surf, I live where there’s no electricity and I won’t be back until May or June. I’ve done that for five years now.

Phil Allely

Monday Nights Wars Part 2!

as I previously noted Hulk Hogan is set to make his first appearance (proper) for TNA on January 4th, this will be a Monday night and the special Impact! broadcast will run head to head with WWE's flagship show Raw. Could this be the start of a whole new Monday Night War between the WWE and TNA (much like the infamous WWE-WCW one) or will it be a one-off, only time will tell, but they are hyping this Impact! special as something worth watching and I for one won't be missing it.


Saturday 5 December 2009

Hogan news

Rumour has it that the Hulkster has plans to change the six-sided TNA ring, considering that is one of TNA's best and most recognisable trademarks I hope this is untrue.

Hogan's debut is now likely to be at the January 4th Impact! tapings.


Umaga dead aged 36!

My thoughts and wishes go out to the family of former WWE star Umaga, he passed away after a heart attack and will be missed in and out fo the ring. He is of course form the same extended family as The Rock and the late Yokozuna. Umaga had left the WWE, but many thought he may re-surface soon. He was only 36 and still I am sure had a decent career ahead of him.

Friday 4 December 2009

TNA news

For anyone interested the full Dixie carter sit down interview (where she answers fans questiosn) is now up on the TNA website.

I will comment on it once I see it on Impact!

also Mick Foley is being hyped up to be writing a weekly blog for the same site, it will be starting today. As with the previous item I will comment once I see/read it.


Tuesday 1 December 2009

Dixie to answer fan questioons

I must admit I'm looking forward to hearing what Dixie Carter has to say aout TNA, Hulk Hogan and her future plans for the company. Dixie is set to answer fans questions this week.

I'll watch the fallout and respond here afterwards.

Brian Pillmans Daughter Killed in Car Crash

News has reached me that the daughter of the late great Flyin' Brina Pillman was killed in a car crash this past week, my thoughts and wishes go out to her mother Melanie and the entire family.

Pillman was one of the sports greats and died far too young, he was 36 when he passed away and had a long history of throat surgeries, ankle injuries and relied heavilly on pain medication to continue grappling.


New WWE Comic to HIt US/Canadian bookshelves in 2010

by Phil Allely

Titan Publishing have just announced that they have signed a deal with the WWE to produce a comic based on the WWE roster (both old and new), the run will be for at least 20 issues and will begin nest March.

here (above) are a few sample covers to whet your appetite.

Sunday 29 November 2009

Is Hulk the real life Randy The Ram?

I have just read in a local paper that people close to him are comparing Hulk Hogan's current life with that of fictional wrestler Randy 'The Ram' Robinson from the hit film The Wrestler.
Of course there are similarities, but then that could apply to many former wrestlers really.
I personally feel that Hogan knows what he is doing,he has worked the press well, has made headlines across the globe and secured a high profile and financially profitable deal with TNA, my guess is that Hulk will wrestle sporadically for TNA and savour what may be his final run with a big company.
As for him becoming a Randy the ram type of character, he may have huge debts and a bitter and costly divorce behind him, but he would never fall that far would he!
I guess the run in Orlando come January will show us how it will pan out.

Friday 27 November 2009


Hulk and Flair are hitting headlines again, it has all been about the two veterans shedding blood, battering each other and playing the Australian press for all its worth, I for one think the duo and their pals have stil got enough in the tank to warrant them one moore run, if that's the case then tna has done a deal to end all deals, Hulk and co will perrhaps take TNA to new levels if done right.

Hogan and Flair set Oz alight!

according to all reports the Hulkamania tour of Australia is doing some great business, The Hulkster and Ric Flair have been busting each other open and battering each other senseless, stars such as the Nasty Boys, Umaga, Ken Kennedy, Eugene and many others are all there giving their all too. I'd say Hulk and his mates have a fairly decent shot at taking over TNA after all this.

Friday 20 November 2009

TNA Final Resolution matches

Here's the current planned card for TNA's Final Resolution pay-per-view on December 20th:

TNA World Title Match
AJ Styles vs. Daniels

TNA World Tag Title Match
British Invasion vs. Motor City Machineguns

TNA Knockouts Title Match
ODB vs. Tara

Feast or Fired Battle Royal
Beer Money, Kevin Nash, Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed, Samoa Joe, Cody Deaner, Sheik Abdul Bashir, Homicide and Kiyoshi

Three Degrees of Pain Match
Kurt Angle vs. Desmond Wolfe

Last Man Standing Match
Scott Steiner vs. Bobby Lashley

Mick Foley and Abyss vs. Raven and Dr. Stevie

Matt Morgan, Hernandez, Suicide and D'Angelo Dinero vs. Team 3D, Rhino and Jesse Neal

Thursday 19 November 2009

Is Psycho Sid heading to TNA!

Psycho Sid to TNA! Never Say Never

By Phil Allely

He has held titles in the WWE, WCW and made appearances in the classic ECW, but could Psycho Sid be the next former main eventer to enter the six-sided ring of TNA?

Sid’s official MySpace page has a little teaser of an add for TNA with the company logo and the saying ‘Never Say Never’ emblazoned below it, there are also plugs for upcoming TNA events.

Currently on tour with AWR across Europe (alongside RVD and many other former WWE stars) the self proclaimed ‘man who rules the world’ has made a full recovery from his devastating leg injury in 2001, that many thought would end his in-ring career.

Sid has recently begun to make regular appearances at indy shows over the last year or so and still has an aura and image that appeals to fans both young and old.

At 48 years of age Sid (real Name Sidney Eudy) has famously said he’d love one more run at the top, he did receive a try out last year wit the WWE, but that didn’t lead to any further interest from his previous employer.

Considering the signing of a certain former WWE world champion and rumours of other big name veterans being lined up for TNA rings, perhaps Sid is indeed heading to join them, stay tuned to this page for more news as we get it.

WWE Belfast Review 15/11/2009

Taker your pick in Belfast

By Phil Allely

The WWE steamrolled into Belfast this weekend (for their bi-annual show) once again and of course as always soldout the city's Odyssey venue. This was the last night of the Smackdown Undertaker's Rest In Peace tour and it certainly dellivered on all levels. If any grapplers were injured during previous nights they were not showing it at all.

The main event Casket Match for Undertaker's World Heavyweight Title was the match the 8000 plus crowd all wanted to see, however the rest of the card saw a fine mix of back and forth battles too.

Taker and his foe CM Punk had a lovely little bout featuring a combination of stalling and crowd baiting, that progressed into an all out brawl. Adding in the 'casket match' rules, ouside brawling, chairshots and some super-stiff blows all helped make the entire audience scream for more as the 'dead man' took to the ropes for an old school stroll, waved off a GTS or two and hit his inevitabblee and well received tombstone piledriver to leave Punk prone for a roll into the casket and net the champ a favourable wiin.

Match of the night honours though belonged to John Morrison and Rey Mysterio, the pair shook hands too start a superb technical and flashy bout, giving their all as they embarked on one set-piece and high-risk move after the other. Rey and John had a wonderfully spectacular bout that saw both trade near falls, finishers and quick-paced action throughout. Morrison may have retained his IC belt, but his attitude towards Mysterio and a friendly embrace post-match saw both combatants leave with their heads held high.

Local boy Finlay received a huge pop as he challenged young upstart Drew McIntyre, the anti-Irish Sciotsman was certainly the heel as he battered the hometown hero, it was a shame that Finlay 's big comeback and hard offence
was to no avail, McIntyre with stealing the win via rope-assisted pinfall.

The rest of the in-ring action saw a hugely popular Matt Hardy topple Eric Escobar after a nice twist of fate in a good oppener.

Dolph Ziggler made no new fans as he blasted the crowd, though his opponent R Truth had no such trouble, the all-singing and dancing entertainer had a blast and he beat Ziggler with relative ease too.

The divas may be a very popular attraction, but the quality of their matches can be poor at times, luckilly the foursome of Mickie James, Katie Lea, Beth Phoenix and Michelle McCool knew their pllace and did'nt overstay their welcome. The fiesty duo of Mickie and Katie nabbing the win after some decent exchanges all rouund.

The king of facial expressions that is William Regal had a good hard-hitting ECW title match with champ Christian, the veteran was in fine form throughout, but fell short of adding more gold to his collection.

Goldust and Shelton Benjamin had a reasonable and fun outing with Zeke Jackson and Zack Ryder to round off an enjoyable WWE night out, Goldust scoring the pin for his team.

As far as live shows go this was above average, no one seemed to be simply going through the motions, everyone left happy and if this is Undertakers last huurrah he certainly ensured his legacy remains intact and preserved by putting his body on the line in the top class main event, roll on next April's Raw tour, Belfast can't wait.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair Make Headlines In OZ!

I'm sure it will all over message boards by now, but for anyone who hasn't seen it here's a pic of Hogan after he bladed for Ric Flair during the press conference.

Sunday 15 November 2009

WWE Smackdown Comes To Belfast

Tonight i'll be heading to Belfast's Odyssey Arena to watch the WWE Smackdown Undertaker's Revenge Tour, here's hoping it's a good one. WWE live shows are always superb, but considering thsi is the end of a tour there is a chance that some stars may be a bit banged up or not be able to compete, as long as we see Taker, CM Punk, Finlay and otheres it will be great no mattter what the match quality is like, check bakc soon for my review.


Wednesday 4 November 2009

Raven returns to TNA

Former ECW, WCW and WWE star Raven has retunred to TNA, his last appearance was a short one, but he is now said to be coming back in to oppose Abyss yet again.

Theanvil turns up in TNA

Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart (Natties dad), the former partner of WWE legend Bret Hart, has been at a recent TNA tv taping, he is said to be one of a long list of former stars to appear for the company, as part of a new storyline idea involving Jay Lethal.

Lance Hoyt to ECW

TNA mid-card tag team man Lance Hoyt has appeared on WWE TV as new ECW star Vance Archer, Hoty was not too bad as a grappler,but he wokred best alongside Jimmy Rave and manager Christty Hemme.

TNA News AJ Styles attacker revealed!

Sources say that the bald headed guy who has been attacking TNA champ AJ Styles is said to be his former tag team partner Tomko, that could make for some interesting matches i'd say.

Monday 2 November 2009

Hogan & TNA

by Phil Allely

as you may have noticed I've been busy doing a few pieces for The Sun Online's wrestling page about the Impact! (pardon the pun) the Hulkster will have on TNA, its fans and its roster.

My theory is that TNA need to get as much as they can from the publicity and high profile exposure they can, Hogan will do the same anyway.

Whether he steos in the ring and wrestles or not they all need to make sure they get what thye can form his presence.

However don't allow him to dominate bookings, take over the show or bring in his cronies.

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Will Ric Flair sign with TNA?

Sources say that through the connection between Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair (via the Hulkamania tour etc), TNA have had some preliminary talks with Flair about joining them.
I'm still not sure about Ric wrestling these days, but as an on screen talent he would be great.

Hogan wrestling for TNA!

In interviews Hulk Hogan has said that he will be using his upcoming Hulkamania tour to test his legs and see if he is fit to enter the TNA ring. Hogan wrestling a limited shcedule for the company and appearing at PPV's could certainly help TNA buyrates.

Nash Suspended Over TNA Outburst

Rumour has it that Kevin Nash has been suspended for a week after his outburst during last weeks Impact! taping, his outburst ws after Chris sabin suffered a stinger in the ring and Nash felt the spot was dangerous and unneeded.

Big Kev should be back soon and will probably be as outspoken as ever.

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Hogan and TNA

By Phil Allely

Hulk Hogan joining TNA is a great move, but we have to hope that the many ego's involved (Russo, Hogan, Bischoff etc) and the fact that Hogan's old NWO buddy Kevin Nash is present too all mean that things could go the way of WCW unless they are very careful. However it could all work out well and the WWE may well be panicing right now, after all the publcity this move brings to TNA the interest the company really could be snapping at the WWE's heels with ease.

Breaking News Hulk Hogan to TNA!

Total Nonstop Action Wrestling On Spike TV! - HULK HOGAN JOINS TNA WRESTLING!

Hulkamania runs wild through TNA!

By Phil Allely

In a surprise move for the company TNA has made perhaps its biggest signing to date as Hulk Hogan himself has joined the company as an on-screen personality and perhaps even a wrestler.

At the press conference to celebrate this mighty wrestling union the Hulkster stated that he felt great and was looking forward to becoming a partner with the company, Hogan will make his debut on this weeks TNA Impact! Show and that appearance will surely see the company’s viewing figures leap up as many fans tune in to see the legend back in the ring once more.

Hogan has already teased an appearance in TNA, when a few years back Jeff Jarrett launched an attack on Hogan as part of a Japanese press conference (where Jarrett attacked Hulk and left him bloody and beaten). This time however it looks like Hogan will not only appear on TV in the six-side ring, but he will also take an active role in the storylines.

With many former WCW stars in TNA employ and former scribe Vince Russo penning the scripts, many fans will hope that TNA doesn’t fall into the nosedive that WCW did and instead progress to the highs of the original Monday Night Wars that the on-form WCW had with Vince McMahon’s WWE.

That would be a dream come true for many veteran fans, as the world really does need the WWE to have some healthy competition and the addition of Hulk and his legacy to the TNA roster could just help them make it a two horse race for wrestling domination.

TNA President Dixie Carter has backed the decision to bring the Hulkster on board and said that “although rating were high for Thursday nights, having his presence would help get them (TNA) were they need to be”.

This weeks Impact! Will be essential viewing for everyone, from the casual fan to the die hard ones, who doesn’t want to watch history being made when that all too familiar orange skinned giant makes his way down the ramp to pump up a crowd of adoring fans, I know I’ll not miss it.

Monday 26 October 2009

Michaels retirement plans!

According to numeorus sources Shawn Michaels has no immediate plans to retire form in-ring action. Shawn is already working a limited schedule and does not work house shows at all. This lesser schedule should enable him to last much longer than his contemporaries.
I'd expect the WWE to hold an event of Ric Flair proportions once Michaels decides its time to hang up his boots.

Saturday 24 October 2009

Some WWE photos to share

Some personal pics from a WWE show in 2007 I was at.

Hope you enjoy,

Battle of the Brits DVD Review

BY Phil Allely

Battle of the Brits is a retro step back in time for fans of the old style UK wrestling scene of the 1970s-1980s. The good old days of Big Daddy etc that saw millions of us sit huddled around the tv with the family on a saturday afternoon. The action was poor by modern standards, few of the wrestlers could jump let alone perform some high flying moves we expect these days. In fact many could barely move due to their fat frames. But we loved them eh!
This release is a two hour plus sleection of some of the periods best matches, yes production values are poor and it is dodgy stuff at times, but for a step back in time and nostalgia alone the disc is very enjoyable and a worthy addition to your collection.
If you search the net or poke around high street stores, you'll find this a cheap dvd and a fun way to spend a few hours, especially in the company of such legends as Giant Haystacks, Bomber Pat Roach and other such UK stars of the time.

Friday 23 October 2009

Nigel McGuinness Joins TNA!

By Phil Allely

ROH legend Nigel McGuinness has debuted in TNA as Desmond Wolf (a trademarkable name that he came up with). This is a big-ish surprise to many of us, McGuinness and Brian Danielson were both seemingly tipped to sign with rivals the WWE. Whilst Danielson is heading to the WWE it looks like they were unwilling to take on the injury prone McGuinness (two bicep tears and many other in recent years), but now perhaps TNA can use him wisely and gain some ground on the WWE. According to sources Daniels (of TNA) has been raving about McGuinness's working for the company.

Scott Steiner pulls off a surprise good match!

Scott Steiner has been rumoured to be leaving TNA once his current contract finishes, that may be up for some renegotiation after his performance at Bound For Glory this past week. Scotty was amazing during the full metal mayhem match against Team 3D, British Invasion and Beer Money, Steiner lost partner and TNA leaver Booker T early in the bout and pulled off a career best match in the interim. Scott hit some great power moves on all foes, he looked impressive all around the ring and certainly showed he has soemthing left in the tank.
I'd be shocked if he did not get re-signed by TNA, if not he could be a good addition to the current WWE mid-card.

TNA Bound For Glory - Review/Comments

by Phil Allely

Full Metal Mayhem for the TNA & IWGP Tag Titles: this match was certainly a decent enough brawl for both sets of gold. Interesting to see that TNA have rightly swapped the IWGP straps back to Team 3D, New japan will be pleased at that, the duo of Devon and Ray will certainly shift more tickets in Japan that the British Invasion pairing.
It is worth noting that The Brits are now sporting the TNA belts and will remain high on the card defending them.

In my opinion the team of Sarita and Taylor Wilde are the best female tandem in the US. Their match with the Beautiful People proved that.

I was a bit surprised to see Eric Young snatch the Legends Title form Kevin Nash, although with big Kev's knee issues etc I'd hope he steps out of the ring soon and moves into a managerial role. Hernandez is impressive, but perhaps not single title worthy yet.

Ultimate X was as always scary, exciting and innovative, amazing Red rightly retained his belt, but TNA need to watch the welfare of the X Division roster members, too many are getting injured in this style of match.

Kurt Angle and Matt Morgan are a very decent pairing when it comes to sigles matches, I do worry about Morgans lack of charisma and Kurt's failing body.

lashley and Samoa Joe was an odd bout, pity poor Joe the once unbeatable submission machine was wiped out by a not-over at all lashley in a match that progressed his career none at all.

The Monsters ball match between Mick Foley and Abyss was certainly action packed, although I'm not sure I have any excitement levels lefft for Foley or Abyss in weapons bouts, its as if the blood means nothing these days. daffney took anasty bump and received a broken arm I hear.

Aj Styles and Sting as impressive, the fact that Sting laid down for AJ shows he is a true pro, I do hope the great man hangs on in for a while more.

BFG gets a 7 out of 10 from me.

Wednesday 21 October 2009

BFG TNA preview

In 15 mins I will like many fans be sitting down to watch TNA's Bound For Glory PPV, I have not read any review etc for the event and hope it live sup to my expectations, I will not be reviewing this for the Sun this month, as a reporter is heading there live to review the show for a few mags. I will however do my review here for once.
I hope you come back and read it.

Booker T is he gone from TNA?

I know I mentioned it before, but it does seem Booker T has parted ways with TNA, he has been written out of the story lines and has very little time left on his contract, I hear Booker has had some friction backstage too, it all looks like he is heading to pastures new.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Shimmer Volume 6 Review

by Phil Allely

Now Shimmer is one of the US's best female wrestling companies and yet many of us still don't know it exists.Without Shimmer many of the top girls in the sport would not be there.
This disc (volume 6) just goes to prove that point, featuring many of the best ladies the wrestling game has to offer.
Matches here includes ones featuring Cheerleader Melissa (now Raisha Saeed in TNA), Nikita (Katie Lee Burchill in WWE), Awesome Kong, Nattie Neidhart and many other indie names who excel at the sport.
This disc is a great way of introducing yourself to Shimmer, the matches are of a high calibre and the action has its moments where you look in awe.
Check this out on the Big Vision label and enjoy the action.


Saturday 17 October 2009

TNA Star To Leave After BFG?

I've already mentioned that according to reports Booker T may be heading on from TNA soon, leaving his fellow Main Event Mafia teammates somewhat in the lurch and a man down. It now seems as if his tag team partner Scott Steiner may be on his way out as well. Both have contracts up for renewal and whilst Booker could remain a top tier fixture, Steiner is a less favourable choice and with the departure of his mate Jeff Jarrett it leaves him in a poor place stroke-wise backstage.
It was said that the pair would be dropping the TNA tag straps at Bound For Glory this weekend, that is now pretty muhc a doe deal if both are being primed to leave the fold. Booker may have one more run with the WWE left in im, but Steiner is pretty much finished if he leaves TNA, the once great Big Poppa Pump will have to try to secure a decent spot on Japan torus or rely on his savings, his career is pretty muhc done and dusted now I'd say.

Thursday 15 October 2009

TNA On Freeview

As you may have read freeview viewers can now see TNA's Impact! show on a friday night (for a short period of time), the idea is to boost viewers for the show and eleavte it's profile amongst UK fans.
Great news I'd say, it now means we see Impact! a full days before it shows on Bravo.
Watch out for Impact! on Virgin 1 very soon indeed.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

AWR European tour dates and info

Below are dates and details fpr the upcoming AWR European tour:


AWR Champion Rene Dupree - Rob Van Dam - Sid - Sabu - Raven - X-Pacc - And More!


Tuesday November 17th : Strasbourg, France [Tickets]

Thursday November 19th : Caen, France [Tickets]

Friday November 20th : Lille, France [Tickets]

Saturday November 21st : Le Mans, France [Tickets]

Sunday November 22nd : Limoges, France [Tickets]

Tuesday November 24th : Nantes (Zenith Metropole), France [Tickets]

Tuesday December 8th : Toulouse, France [Tickets]

Wedensday December 9th : Marseille, France [Tickets]


Thursday November 26th : Mannheim, Germany [Tickets]

Friday November 27th : Regensburg, Germnay [Tickets]

Saturday November 28th : Bamburg, Germany [Tickets]

Sunday November 29th : Essen, Germany [Tickets]


Friday December 4th : Bucharest [Tickets]


Saturday December 5th : Varna, Bulgaria [Tickets]

Sunday December 6th " Sofia, Bulgaria [Tickets]

Wrestling news

to start of I wish to state my sadness at the passing of WWE legend Captain Lou Albano, the captain was a true great in the sport and a real character, he will be greatly missed.

in some news snippets, I hear that the Ultimate Warrior has been added to the alumni list of the WWE website, can this mean that he will be one of the Hall of Fame guests next year? considering the problems he has had legally with the WWE it would be a great break to have him on side for once.

In other news, after TNA's rough European tour (I'm still to hear any live reports), I have heard that the Bound For Glory PPV is being papered all around the area it's taking place in, I really want TNA to succeed, but I do wonder how they can turn things aroudn sometimes.

Sunday 11 October 2009

TNA Draw Poor Crowds on European Tour

by Phil Allely

Several reports are saying that the crowds at the recent TNA European tour were something like the oens they achieve in the US. Ranging between 1000 and 1600 per night. Considering some of the venues (inc Dublin's O2 arena) can house 7000-8000 fans this is a poor showing for a tour like this.

I for one feel that TNA works better in smaller venues and should keep performing to crowds like that before they try to take on larger venues.

I'm sure the fans who attended the live shows were not disappointed, but surely the roster and management were feeling let down at not filling the arenas.

The promotional material for the tour also featured a number of TNA stars who are now gone from the company. That cannot have helped things either.

Friday 9 October 2009

Mick Foley on Stand Up Tour

TNA star Mick Foley is all set to embark on a stand up comedy tour, he will be supported by Colt Cabana and others. Foley recently had a very well received comedy outing last month and seems now destined to forge ahead with that as another sideline to add to his already expanding list of non-wrestling jobs.

Flair's title for sale online!

Owning a piece of wrestling history can be a costly endeavour!

By Phil Allely

Online wrestling store is auctioning off the original NWA World Heavyweight title belt. The belt up for grabs to the highest bidder is the same one that was held by wrestling legends Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair, during the glory days of the sport.

As many fans know Ric Flair, the previous owner of the title belt has had his fair share of money woes as of late, The Nature Boy reportedly used the treasured piece of wrestling history as collateral for a loan from Highspots, and was unable to repay the loan.

The company are now auctioning off the on their website, although owning such an iconic item will not be a cheap excercise, the starting price of $75,000 has already been offered and interest in the item building quickly.

Whilst only the more flush of us can fork out that sort of cash, some lucky wrestling fan will soon be the proud owner of one of the mat sports most historic items.

Check the auction out at

Thursday 8 October 2009

TNA News: Is Booker T leaving?

TNA star and current Tag Team champ Booker T is rumoured to be finishing with the company soon. He is said to have refused to lose to Matt Morgan recently, has had some dialogue with Dixie Carter and is seemingly set to leave once his contract expires in November. Booker still has pretty good WWE connections and may resurface there, he still of course has his own wrestling promotion and other projects too.
I'd epxect him and Steiner to drop the betls at Bound For Glory and him to be ejected from the Man Event Mafia sometime later on TV.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

News and rumours

TNA: Rhaka Khan has now been removed from the TNA roster page on the official website, so it would seem that Kurt Angle's ex is most def history with the company.

Also a match has been confirmed for the Bound For Glory PPV this month, it will be a tag team four-way featuring Scott Steiner/Booker T v Team 3D v British Invasion v Beer Money, it seems the IWGP and TNA tag belts will be on the line for that one.

Sting and AJ Styles will most likely main event the show, although it now seesm Sting may not be billing it a retirment match and hang about for a while longer.

WWE: Sources say that CM Punk dropped his heavyweight title to Taker due to some sort of issue whilst on the recent European tour. It is said that Punk was dressed improperly for a champ and is being penalised for complaining when he pointed out that Cena always dressed down too. WWE always like champs to be well dresed and show and example, unless it spoils their character (see Stone Cold, Cena etc for that one).

Undertaker will now most likely face Batista in a new feud, of course that depends on Batista's body holding out and him being injury free.

Am I the only one who wonders about putting a world title on the part-time worker Taker and having him feud with an injury prone performer/

Other notes: The artist formerly known as Sunny (Tammy Sytch) has hit out at Lacey Von Erich's comments on Angelina Love (see web boards for full comments), Lacey is said to have said (in character according to her)some of them bad mouthing the former TNA Knockouts champ.
Love (via myspace etc)is said to have been upset at this and in an odd move Sytch has jumped in via her Facebook page and commented on Von Erich's remarks, Sytch mentions such things as suicide, drugs and other things the daughter of Kerry Von Erich and her family probably don't want brought up.

Friday 25 September 2009

TNA thoughts

For my review of TNA's No Surrender PPV, please check out the Sun's wrestling page and look for the full review there.

All I will say is that not only does AJ Styles deserve his title win, but the creative dept all deserve a pat on the back, whilst some bouts were a bit iffy, most had some good action and the event seemed to have a purpose, rather than a throw away ppv.


Monday 21 September 2009

Former WWE Diva to join TNA!

Former WWE star Lacey Von Erich (daughter of Kerry 'Texas Tornado' Von Erich is said to have ben signed to a contact with TNA.

She will help pad out the Knockouts Division in a positive way, Lacey is still scheduled to appear on the Hulk Hogan Australian tour next year also.

TNA Creative - some new names

Former WWE & WCW writer Ed Ferrara (who wokred angside Vince Russo during WWE's attitude era) is said to have joined the TNA creative team, he will work alongside Russo, Jeremy Borash and Matt Conway. It will be interesting to see how his partnership with Russo works out and if the old magic will work in TNA.

Sunday 20 September 2009

Nasty Boys Shoot Interview - DVD Review

Nasty Boys Shoot Interview

Jerry Sags and Brian Knobs were one of the most popular, best remembered and hard-hitting tag teams in the 1980s-1990s, their career taking them all around the world and to the pinnacle of tag team excellence in the ‘big two’ promotions of the time WCW and the WWF (now of course the WWE). Now semi-retired the duo still aspire like so many stars of that era to have one more run in the big leagues, most recently even receiving a try-out for the WWE. This shoot shows the pair as enthusiastic fans of the game and remarkably well adjusted when you consider the partying and over-indulgence they were renowned for. In this 2007 interview they cover many aspects of their careers, from the early days in the AWA, paying your dues, the progression to the big time, best matches, managers and their uses during matches, inventing hardcore wrestling with Catcus Jack in WCW, leaving to join WWE and the feuds they had, returning to WCW and encounters with the infamous N.W.O, injuries, problems with Ric Flair, fights with Hall & Nash that carried over into real life, the legendary ribs (pranks) that they had a hand in inducing at long last who defecated in Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler’s crown, Leon ‘Vader’ White’s feminine side and Knob’s long-standing friendship that has led to him having a new found TV career as a member of the Hogan Knows best cast.
This is a great two hour plus interview that shows fans old and new, just how tough it is to break into the business and how the hard-hitting style they adopted has shortened their connectivity in the ring.
Out now available from and from reputable online dealers.

Reviewed by Phil Allely

Dustin Rhodes Shoot Interview - DVD Review

Dustin Rhodes Shoot Interview

Written by Phil Allely

Recorded in 2005 this shoot interview with former WWE, WCW and current TNA star Dustin Rhodes is a true classic of the genre. An emotional person the son of legendary grappler Dusty and current WWE superstar Cody the elder Rhodes (Runnells to be exact) boy breaks down a few times during this intense and enlightening trip through his more recent career. Including his thoughts on where his career would go when WCW was purchased by the WWE, his involvement in his fathers Turnbuckle Championship Wrestling promotion, his return to the WWE, working alongside his estranged ex-wife (ex diva/manager Terri/Marlena), working with the revived N.W.O, backstage changes and booking differences between his WWE tenures, the hardcore title run he enjoyed, teaming with Booker T, Eric Bischoff in the WWE and the infamous tourette’s gimmick that actually took off. Dustin also offers up his version of the now legendary plane ride from hell and like so many other shoot interviewee’s presents his favourite rib/prank tales from the road, people he loved working with and those he least liked, the storylines/matches he enjoyed working, painkiller usage and his relationship with his father. This is a real roller-coaster of a two hour dvd that opens up the behind the scenes world of the man the behind the Goldust persona that went from being a shocking character to one that fans cheered for.
Available now from all good dealers and

Knockouts Tag Team Title info

Sneak peek at the new TNA Knockouts Tag Team Titles

By Phil Allely

This weekend TNA will crown their first ever Knockouts division tag team title holders, the sexy looking new belts (pictured) will be presented to either the team of Taylor Wilde and Sarita or The Beautiful People, as they battle it out at the annual No Surrender PPV event.

Of course as many regular readers will be aware The Beautiful People’s Angelina Love is done with TNA (for the time being) due to visa issues. Although the team are still scheduled to appear at No Surrender in some capacity, so perhaps Beautiful People hanger-on Madison Rayne will fill Love’s ‘stylish’ shoes for the time being, or will TNA have a surprise new addition to the roster, to take the currently empty slot as top female heel?

Rumour has it the decision to create the new tag team titles and hold a tournament amongst the companies female roster (which saw the return of former regular Roxxi to the fold), was made when the people in power noticed how often the Knockouts matches scored highly during the weekly Impact! Shows on Spike TV in the US. These often hugely enjoyable bouts regularly outshone the rest of the programme and have won over audiences here in the UK too, where Impact! is one of Bravo’s most popular shows.

Considering the lack of regular female combos on the current TNA roster, the company have been scouring the globe to bag themselves some top class lady grapplers to boost the Knockouts division profile and keep those viewing figures as healthy as possible.

Booked wisely and using the more talented members of the division, the TNA Knockouts doubles belts could well become a valued addition to the already more established straps the company’s stars strive to hold.

Photo of the new TNA Knockouts Tag Title Belts

A pic of the brand new TNA Knockouts Tag Team Titles that are being decided at tonights No Surrender PPV.

Saturday 19 September 2009

Some personal WWE pics

WWE Pics taken in Belfast

Jim Cornette News

Rumour has it the rumours (many of which were mentioning his firing due to a backstage row) Jim Cornette may still be able to return to TNA someday, he is said to still have great respect backstage and in high places. My own personal opinion is that Jim really must have been upset at something or someone to warrant his leaving. He loves the sport and according to many intevriews etc had a lot of fun working for TNA. I hope he not only ocntinues his good wokr on his own website, but finds his way on a booking team or tv show for someone who recognises his talent.

Phil Allely

Guest Booker Jim Cornette

Guest Booker Jim Cornette

Re-booking the WCW-WWE invasion!

By Phil Allely

I probably couldn’t have received this dvd at a more inopportune moment could I?, its subject Jim Cornette is now a former member of the TNA roster and when he recorded this dvd he was still a very active and happy part of the company. Anyway enough of that, to the mater at hand and reviewing this the latest dvd from the Kayfabe Commentaries range of discs.

This title poses a really good and very interesting question, what if the original WCW invasion angle (when the company had been bought by is rival the WWE) had been better booked and the rivalries were pushed to the limit and fans appeased for their dedication to each brand.

After a very decent introduction and chat with Cornette, we kick off with a potted history of the Monday Night Wars and the subsequent fall of WCW as a company.

For the next two and a half hours ‘The Louiseville Slugger’ himself gives his own personal version of how Vince McMahon should have handled what could have been a huge event for wrestling and a licence to print money in ppv and live gate receipts. Of course we all know that the WWE missed the ball with this one, letting most of WCWs big names ride out their well-paid contracts with Time Warner and then burying the roster members they did purchase.

What Jim Cornette does is give the fans what they wished for all those years, he puts the big names against each and has some names jump ship form WCW to WWE and he sets up a whole new and fresh set of ring rivalries and feuds, ones that could have revitalised the product as a whole and given the world a piece of wrestling history to remember.

Fans of WCW and ones who remember the original invasion angles will really love this release.

9 out of 10

Wednesday 16 September 2009

TNA Releases

So one of the grappling worlds greatest minds (Jim Cornette) and one of the finest tag team stars of the 90s (BG James) are the latest names to leave TNA. Cornette is by far the bigest loss, he is a superb wrestling manager and was the perfect frontman for TNA, his on screen role was great and he enjoyed his job too. Recently he had been a road manager and seemed to be relishing that also, Cornette didn;t need the cash he was lobving the business.
BG James (aka Road Dogg)was a former WWE tag team star and yet another veteran who was happy doing the road manager role.
That both had a good working relationship with a certain Mr Jeff Jarrett couldn't have anything to do with their firing could it?

Anyone who knows me realises how much I love and respect TNA's product, but I do worry about these firings and backstage reshuffles.

Phil Allely

Tuesday 15 September 2009

TNA 50 Greatest Moments - DVD Review

This dvd is a great way to introduce yourself to the hit and miss company that is TNA. Taking us back to the start of its run the disc covers 50 of the best (in their eyes) moments from the start of the company.

Done in a countdown manner the dvd hurtles along at great speed, offering clips and some taasty trivia alongside the moments we all boght the disc to see.

A few of the highlights are:
the unfinished business storyline that saw Jeff Jarrett attack and bloody Hulk Hogan in Japan.
Sting's debut for TNA.
Raven being scapled.
Elix Skippers insane cage walk and jump.
Jeff Hardy appearing in a TNA ring.
these are only a few of the best chapters here on the disc, many others feature and all have a good point, even the music/movie/tv star appearances have a reason and don't feel too false.

presentation wise the disc could have done with some extras or added value, but all in all it is a very decent addition to the TNA catalogue and one that fans (old and new) will enjoy.

7 out of 10

phil allely

Hulk Hogan Goes Down Under

The latest news on Hulk Hogan is that he is set to embark on his first Australian tour next year. Considering his recent divorce, current physical condition and general health I for one would thnk this could be hulks final run for a big pay day.

Vince McMahon must be on the same wavelength too, he is releasing a Hogan dvd set of unreleased classic matches soon also.

file this under rumours, but according to some sources Hogan's Australian foe could well be Ric Flair, this would be his first match since losing to Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania two years ago.

Flair is of course another man who needs a decent payday or two these days.

also in tow for the toru will be the Nasty Boys, Diamond Dallas Page, Ed Leslie, Sid Vicious and other former WWE stars.

Wednesday 9 September 2009

Former WWE stars now available for work!

According to a few sites and news boards former WWE star Umaga and Mr Kennedy are now able to negotiaate with other wrestling companies, their no0compete clauses are now over. I'd expect Kennedy to surface in TNA, not so sure about UMaga, that gimmick is surely done by now, but he could surprise us all and turn up there too.

Saturday 5 September 2009

TNA Knockout Released

Shock TNA Knockout Release!

By Phil Allely

TNA management have had to release their top female heel Angelina Love. The shock decision has been made as the native Canadian (real name Lauren Williams) failed to renew her US working visa. Work visa’a are up to the individuals and TNA had hoped it would have been renewed and halted any ideas of releasing the popular Knockout.

TNA officials are said to have felt their hands were tied and they had to release her from the company. This is not only a big blow to Angelina, who was riding high as the leader of The Beautiful People tag team with Velvet Sky and was also a two-time TNA Knockouts Title holder also (I‘m sure many fans will miss the sexiest ring entrance ever too). The soon to be decided Knockouts Tag Team Titles were seemingly bound for The Beautiful Peoples waists too, those plans will now have to be altered somehow.

Her loss from the roster will mean a shake-up in storylines and perhaps see Beautiful People hanger-on Madison Rayne promoted to Velvet Sky’s tag team partner or the foreseeable future. It’s a shame to see one of TNA’s hottest and brightest stars leave under such circumstances.

TNA have removed Love’s bio and pictures from their website and although no official statement has been made she is apparently done with the company for now at least.

Who knows where the future may take her now she is gone from TNA, she could return to the WWE (where she was a developmental talent for a while, before being dropped), although the treatment of Gail Kim may affect that decision. With TNA retaining the rights to the Angelina Love name, odds are she will return to her old Angel Williams moniker upon her in-ring return.

Friday 4 September 2009

Thursday 3 September 2009

You Shoot - Sabu DVD Review

Since I was fortunate this very week to see the great Sabu in action (see eslewhere for my review of his match with RVD) I thought it was the perfect time to review this recent release by Kayfabe Commentaries.

Another in the long line of You Shoot dvds this one like the rest features our guest grappler and a host, who read out and answer you tube style questions from fans and some old friends.

This is of course the tunr of Sabu, the crazy scar covered man who livened up every promotion he was a part of. Sabu is known as a quiet man, babrely speaking and yet he makes for a charismatic and genial guest here.

He answers most of the random questions without a hesitation and although shy at times has a real genuine way about him.

Some of the questions lead to great anecdotes and stories from the road and his career. They include comments on Tammy 'Sunny' Sytch, Weed, Scars, Crazy Glue, ECW, WWE, WCW and Japanese tours, The Shiek and many other topics.

The two hour release is well worth tracking down.

9 out of 10

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Book Review -- A Lions Tale

A Lion’s Tale Book Review

By Phil Allely

Chris Jericho is now back on our TV screens as his alter ego Y2J the cocky and self-assured Chris Jericho character he portrayed in the WWE in the early 2000’s. This autobiography was written during Chris’ time away from wrestling, when he spent time with his kids and played rock star with his band Fozzy.

The book takes a wonderfully in depth look at Chris’ early life, his training, the pitfalls of wrestling for very little money and his success after many years of working his ass off. The native of Canada trained with such grapplers as Lance Storm and of course under the watchful eye of the Hart family.

In a mix of comic road stories, detailed looks at matches and rivalries this book traces the career of Jericho as he worked his way around Canada, The United States of America, Mexico and Japan, learning his trade along the way.

Told in a manner that even non-wrestling fans will enjoy this tale of life in spandex will keep you glued to the page. Amongst the many anecdotes and stories we also learn about the great in-ring battles of Jericho’s first foray in the sport. He talks about his feuds with The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H and his buddies such as Chris Benoit and Lance Storm.

The book has been on general release for a while now so perhaps check out bargain bins or web deals and pick it up, you will not be disappointed.

8 out of 10

TNA Slammiversary 2009 DVD Review

TNA Slammiversary Seven DVD Review

By Phil Allely

Yes I know I have already reviewed the live showing of this June 2009 TNA PPV event and made my thoughts very clear on it, but since I have just received the DVD version of it I thought I’d take this opportunity to look back over the show.

Marking TNA’s seven years in the business Slammiversary was a pretty decent effort by the Florida-based company. Considering the hit and miss nature of the TNA product this year that was a very good sign indeed.

The show itself featured not one but two King of the Mountain matches (the confusing belt on a hook match that TNA specialise in). Both of these were well put together and had enough thrills, spills and action to please even the most hardened fan. The ending of the World title one especially was superb, the Samoa Joe heel turn was a shock to many and made the match have a real sense of meaning.

Whilst the X Division title KOTR bout saw as expected some of the best high-flyers and risk-takers in the business battle it out, this was equally good and well paced too.

Yes the card had a few low points, Sting V Matt Morgan had little meaning really, Daniels V Shane Douglas only proved how beat-up and broken down Douglas is these days, the monsters’ ball tag match was ok although nothing special, pitting Abyss & Talyor Wilde against Raven and Daffney, Team 3D and Beer Moneys tag title bout was very decent and the knockouts brawl between Angelina Love and Tara had its moments.

So Slammiversary did exceed expectations this year, the card had more highs than lows, the match quality and in-ring action was above par and things moved along nicely storyline wise also.

TNA don’t often include extras on their discs, but this one does have a few, there is a nifty little slice of behind the scenes footage, a photo gallery and a pre-match battle between The British Invasion and the team of Rhino and Eric Young.

Overall 7 out of 10


American Wrestling Rampage Review Link

link to a review of the AWR show by myself for a local publication.

Tuesday 1 September 2009

AWR Review Belfast 31st August 2009

RVD & Sabu Rampage Across Ireland

By Phil Allely

To round off their six date Summer Bash 09 tour of Ireland, American Wrestling Rampage brought a host of former WWE/ECW stars and some great indie talent Belfast, Northern Ireland.

In the Ulster Hall (a onetime mecca for wrestling), where such names as Big Daddy, Giant Haystacks and Fit Finlay all fought, many faces from wrestling’s past made a rare live appearance and proved they still have something left in the tank even though they are gone from our TV screens.

To a barrage of ECW and surprisingly TNA chants from the 500 plus fans in attendance, the AWR roster showed they came to entertain right from the get go. The fast-paced opener saw the ultra popular M-Dogg20 (accompanied by Rachelle St. Claire) down The Ogre.

US scene veteran Joe E. Legend then had a decent brawl with comical aristocrat Paul ‘Lord of the Ring’ Tracey. Both men showing some nice crowd-baiting and power moves before Legend hit a running elbow for the win.

Next up were a very heelish Kid Kash and an unbelievable popular Scotty Too Hotty. The pair both risked life and limb in a well paced brawl. After Scotty stole the pin with a sneaky roll-up, Kash lost his cool and physically attacked two members of Belfast band Fight Like Apes, before Scotty hit the ring for the save and struck his infamous ‘worm’ finisher to send Kash Packing.

The No Limit Light Heavyweight belt was up for grabs in a three-way dance, which saw hometown hero Dunkan Disorderly, Shawn Maxer and Suicide Machine in action. The trio put many WWE/TNA stars to shame with their in-ring ability, high-flying moves and insane dives. The Belfast native picked up the well deserved win and the title to rapturous ovation.

Billed as X-Pack and in DX mode Sean Waltman was on top form challenging current AWR Heavyweight titlist Rene Dupre. The ex-WWE stars had a very decent match indeed, after some superb set-pieces and ringside shenanigans X-Pack saw his title hopes dashed though as he lost via DQ.

In a nod to the original ECW the following match was fought under extreme rules. To thunderous pops Sabu and Rob Van Dam not only stole the show, they blew everyone away with their brutal and hard-hitting bout.

This was a joy to behold, Sabu and RVD put their bodies on the line throwing every classic move at each other, using weapons and battling throughout the venue. What transpired was a fans dream as during the epic encounter RVD hit a van terminator, rolling thunder and the match winning ‘five star’ frog splash, whilst Sabu nailed some wicked chair shots, an Arabian face-buster and a chair assisted jump off the ropes.

The real-life mates shook hand afterwards amid the debris of broken tables and bent steel chairs, leaving all in attendance pleased. Not ending there the entire roster stayed behind to meet and greet fans as well.

Check out for details of forthcoming tours.

Monday 31 August 2009

Dixie Carter & Bobby Lashley Interview

Lashley and Dixie pave the way for TNA’s future.

By Phil Allely

This past week on TNA’s flagship show Impact! Company president Dixie Carter and latest signing Bobby Lashley had a sit down interview with Jeremy Borash.

Dixie Carter the charismatic front woman of TNA usually takes a behind the scenes approach to running things, she does however make appearances at live shows and PPV event to meet fans and promote the company as often as she can. This was her first ever Impact! appearance and certainly goes to show that TNA is changing since Jeff Jarrett’s apparent suspension (over the Karen Angle situation) and the recent creative team changes have taken place.

In the interview Carter and Lashley both explained their plans and hopes for TNA’s future, Lashley in a first for the company will split his time between MMA fighting and professional wrestling, the pair also announced that his in-ring PPV debut will be against Rhino at the forthcoming No Surrender event. Carter even went as far as to say that she hoped one day that Lashley could stand in a TNA ring with a title belt from her promotion on one shoulder and an MMA one on the other.

UK fans also got some well deserved acknowledgement as it was announced that Impact! (on Bravo) was beating other wrestling shows in the viewing figures war.

Can former WWE star Bobby Lashley make a difference to the TNA product and will Dixie’s predictions come true, only time will tell.

See the whole interview at:

Bobby Lashley TNA PPV Debut

TNA's latest signing Bobby Lashley (who will combine his MMA schedule with TNA) has been announced as the opponent of Rhino at the next PPV event No Surrender, Lashley is being built up as the saviour of the compnay form the Main Event Mafia and will I am sure face Kurt Angle very soon for the wordl title.

Sunday 30 August 2009

TNA News

I hear that TNA president Dixie Carter had a special bash for her roster recently, she talked up the way the veterans and youngsters will work together, the atmosphere as a whole and how she hopes the brand will grow. I hope that works out for them. I am a huge fan of TNA and it's product, but I do feel that their PPV output especially needs some serious work, maybe the new creative team and other internal chnages will turn things around?

Phil Allely

Saturday 22 August 2009

Mick Foley tries his hand at Stand-up

Mick Foley - Stand-Up-Guy!

By Phil Allely

We know he can still hack it in the ring to a degree and is more than willing to shed blood for the sport he loves, he has penned best-selling books and much more in his long career. But as many of us who remember his Rock ‘n’ Sock double act in in the WWE, his hilarious skits with Al Snow, or have seen him live will also know that Mick Foley has a genuinely unique line in comedy too.

This very weekend TNA’s former World and Legends champion stepped into a very different arena, as he tried his hand at stand-up comedy, at the world famous Hollywood California Improv Club.

In doing so the hardcore grappler took on probably his most vicious and rabid audience yet, taking to the stage with just a microphone to participate in the a one-off comedy/pro wrestling combo.

Also on the bill of the TXC (Total Xtreme Comedy) event was former WWE star and current ROH roster member Colt Cabana, plus support from Steve Simone, Brad Williams and Bret Ernst.

TNA’s Jeremy Borash hyped up the event on his official twitter account and Foley himself plugged it on his official My Space page this past week.

Only time will tell if this is a new avenue for Mick to take alongside his in-ring battles, or whether it will be something that transfers onto TNA programming as part of his character. It’s another good pr step for TNA though as they are in dire need or some decent mainstream and positive publicity after their recent spate of negative ones.

Here’s hoping Foley’s profile raising appearance at a top Improv club and Dixie Carter’s forthcoming TNA Impact! Debut all help the company turn the corner and indeed even ‘Cross The Line’ in the war of the US Grappling companies.

AWR hit Ireland next week

AWR will be bringing a mix of former WWE and indie stars to Ireland next week, I'll be there to see the action, so check bask for a review or two (perhaps even a surprise too).

Slated to apear are Sabu, RVD, Scott Too Hotty, Rene Du Pre and many others.


Will Russo be the next TNA roster casualty?

Accoridng to some newsboards, Vince Russo may be the next perosn to leave TNA, his creative position is weakening andperhaps after the years of 'fire Russo' chants the movers and shakers within the company have finally decided to start again with a clean sheet.

If it does happen, I'd say it would be after the Bound For Glory PPV, it is TNA's Wrestemania and as such is well planned already.


Thursday 20 August 2009

TAZ's New TNA Role

Taz is set to join the TNA announce team, he will be replacing Don West as Mike Tenay's partner. Don West will remain a memebr of TNA staff and has moved up in the company.

Tuesday 11 August 2009

TNA/New Japan Title Controversy Sorted!

NJPW and TNA seem to have mended their breakdown in communciation and according to sources NJPW are now acknowledging The British Invasion as IWGP Tag Team Champions. Not sure what happened there, but all seems sorted now and the UK team will still be defending their belts against Beer Money at Hard Justice this coming weekend.

Phil Allely

Brock Lesnar Here Comes The Pain

Not so long ago Brock Lesnar was the man to watch out for in the WWE, but he himself grew weary of the sport in which he excelled and wished to return to try his hand at American Football. He left the WWE and subsequently his football career failed. This dvd was produced at the height of his WWE fame and features not only a look at the beginnings of this monsters rise to the top of the WWE tree, but his best matches form that part of his career.

Lesnar has bounced back of course he now earns huge sums of money for MMA fights and may never now have the need to return to the WWE, but for anyone curious about the mans in-ring abilities, this is a must see dvd.

Matches include ones with The Rock, Undertaker, Big Show, Kurt Angle and even the great man himself Hulk Hogan.

8 out of 10

Phil Allely

Thursday 6 August 2009

Phil asks a favour

As many of my friends/associates know I'm now starting up my own pr/events promotions company.

So anyone out there (no matter where) give me a call, I as you can tell have a huge amount of experience promoting gigs/concerts/events all over the UK and the US, (google and see, I won't disappoint).

Anyone interested give me a shout.

tel: 07856092964

references and previous gigs/concerts etc are availble to peruse on request.


Sunday 2 August 2009

TNA News - Dixie Swings The Axe

News has come to me that TNA President Dixie Carter has started to spring clean the company. First to go are creative team member Dutch Mantel and road agent Savio Vega. Both are allies of Jeff Jarrett and their loss will be felt throughout the company I'm sure.

I've also heard that Jarrett may not have any power within the company if he returns.

The loss of Mantel means that creative team main man Vince Russo has no one left to oppose his ideas, he has been joined by Jeremy Borash recently and it's unclear who else may join them now Mantel has gone.

Friday 31 July 2009

Impact! News

Impact Preview: Foley’s ‘Legend’ary’ Reign Begins/Brits win big.

By Phil Allely

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again TNA give away more PPV quality matches on TV for free than any other wrestling promotion. It’s just a shame that when it comes to their PPV offerings they seem to lose that enthusiasm and present us with a mixed bag of grappling and inconclusive storylines.

After the half-hearted Victory Road event and the ongoing Jeff Jarrett situation left Dixie Carter in full control of the company, TNA seem to have pulled out all the stops to make each week’s Impact! Taping a show to savour.
This coming weeks episode is no different, as we see two major title changes, some very decent matches and a few returns to the ring by big name stars. Tune in this week on Bravo to witness the explosive action.

First off in a shock to most of us Mick Foley (with an assist from new boy Bobby Lashley) took the Legends Title from Kevin Nash in a match that also had Kurt Angle‘s World Title on the line. The hardcore legend is fairly picking up belts these days, this is Foley‘s second TNA singles title to date.

Next in great news for UK fans The British Invasion are now the holders of the prestigious IWGP Tag Team Titles, after using all of their heel tactics and help from Rob Terry, Eric Young and the other members of so-called World Elite to beat Team 3D for the coveted straps.

That’s big news for young gun Nick (Brutus Magnus) Aldis and veteran worker Doug Williams, the company must have great confidence in the UK pairing by putting such respected belts around their waists. The duo will now be in great demand, as they defend their belts on US and Japanese shores against the best the world has to offer.

In other Impact! Happenings Sting returned to seek revenge on The Main Event Mafia, AJ Styles and Matt Morgan clashed in a good encounter (the first of a three match series), a decent six-woman tag occurred and a refreshed looking ‘Super Mex’ Hernandez pulled off a surprise win by beating Samoa Joe one-on-one.

Impact! Is certainly becoming recommended viewing these days, after 200 episodes it keeps getting better.

Monday 27 July 2009

Traci Brooks - Playboy Deal News

I've already mentioned this and ran it past my colleagues at The Sun, but it is now pretty much confirmed that Traci Brooks will be in the November Issue of Playboy (on sale in October).

In preparation of this momentous coup for TNA and high profile appearance by Traci here are a few pics of her.

Sunday 26 July 2009

TNA - Playboy deal?

According to many newsboards, So Cal Val (at a san Diego comic con) and the twitter account of one Mr Jeremy Borash there are plans afoot for a TNA Knockout to be the latest wrestling feamle to be in Playboy. This would be a major coup for TNA as of course the WWE dropped their annual association with the magazine once they embarked on a more PG target audience.

According to sources the Knockout is scheduled to be Traci Brooks (who has just returned to TNA tv and is now a Main Event Mafia member).
Reports say she has already doen her Playboy shoot, more on this as I get it.