Thursday 3 September 2009

You Shoot - Sabu DVD Review

Since I was fortunate this very week to see the great Sabu in action (see eslewhere for my review of his match with RVD) I thought it was the perfect time to review this recent release by Kayfabe Commentaries.

Another in the long line of You Shoot dvds this one like the rest features our guest grappler and a host, who read out and answer you tube style questions from fans and some old friends.

This is of course the tunr of Sabu, the crazy scar covered man who livened up every promotion he was a part of. Sabu is known as a quiet man, babrely speaking and yet he makes for a charismatic and genial guest here.

He answers most of the random questions without a hesitation and although shy at times has a real genuine way about him.

Some of the questions lead to great anecdotes and stories from the road and his career. They include comments on Tammy 'Sunny' Sytch, Weed, Scars, Crazy Glue, ECW, WWE, WCW and Japanese tours, The Shiek and many other topics.

The two hour release is well worth tracking down.

9 out of 10

1 comment:

  1. I have just followed your blog and was wondering if you could return the favor, I am the one with the sting pic. Here is the URL -

    Would you like to link to each others blogs?

