Saturday 17 October 2009

TNA Star To Leave After BFG?

I've already mentioned that according to reports Booker T may be heading on from TNA soon, leaving his fellow Main Event Mafia teammates somewhat in the lurch and a man down. It now seems as if his tag team partner Scott Steiner may be on his way out as well. Both have contracts up for renewal and whilst Booker could remain a top tier fixture, Steiner is a less favourable choice and with the departure of his mate Jeff Jarrett it leaves him in a poor place stroke-wise backstage.
It was said that the pair would be dropping the TNA tag straps at Bound For Glory this weekend, that is now pretty muhc a doe deal if both are being primed to leave the fold. Booker may have one more run with the WWE left in im, but Steiner is pretty much finished if he leaves TNA, the once great Big Poppa Pump will have to try to secure a decent spot on Japan torus or rely on his savings, his career is pretty muhc done and dusted now I'd say.

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