Friday 9 October 2009

Flair's title for sale online!

Owning a piece of wrestling history can be a costly endeavour!

By Phil Allely

Online wrestling store is auctioning off the original NWA World Heavyweight title belt. The belt up for grabs to the highest bidder is the same one that was held by wrestling legends Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair, during the glory days of the sport.

As many fans know Ric Flair, the previous owner of the title belt has had his fair share of money woes as of late, The Nature Boy reportedly used the treasured piece of wrestling history as collateral for a loan from Highspots, and was unable to repay the loan.

The company are now auctioning off the on their website, although owning such an iconic item will not be a cheap excercise, the starting price of $75,000 has already been offered and interest in the item building quickly.

Whilst only the more flush of us can fork out that sort of cash, some lucky wrestling fan will soon be the proud owner of one of the mat sports most historic items.

Check the auction out at

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