Tuesday 15 September 2009

Hulk Hogan Goes Down Under

The latest news on Hulk Hogan is that he is set to embark on his first Australian tour next year. Considering his recent divorce, current physical condition and general health I for one would thnk this could be hulks final run for a big pay day.

Vince McMahon must be on the same wavelength too, he is releasing a Hogan dvd set of unreleased classic matches soon also.

file this under rumours, but according to some sources Hogan's Australian foe could well be Ric Flair, this would be his first match since losing to Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania two years ago.

Flair is of course another man who needs a decent payday or two these days.

also in tow for the toru will be the Nasty Boys, Diamond Dallas Page, Ed Leslie, Sid Vicious and other former WWE stars.

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