Wednesday 7 October 2009

News and rumours

TNA: Rhaka Khan has now been removed from the TNA roster page on the official website, so it would seem that Kurt Angle's ex is most def history with the company.

Also a match has been confirmed for the Bound For Glory PPV this month, it will be a tag team four-way featuring Scott Steiner/Booker T v Team 3D v British Invasion v Beer Money, it seems the IWGP and TNA tag belts will be on the line for that one.

Sting and AJ Styles will most likely main event the show, although it now seesm Sting may not be billing it a retirment match and hang about for a while longer.

WWE: Sources say that CM Punk dropped his heavyweight title to Taker due to some sort of issue whilst on the recent European tour. It is said that Punk was dressed improperly for a champ and is being penalised for complaining when he pointed out that Cena always dressed down too. WWE always like champs to be well dresed and show and example, unless it spoils their character (see Stone Cold, Cena etc for that one).

Undertaker will now most likely face Batista in a new feud, of course that depends on Batista's body holding out and him being injury free.

Am I the only one who wonders about putting a world title on the part-time worker Taker and having him feud with an injury prone performer/

Other notes: The artist formerly known as Sunny (Tammy Sytch) has hit out at Lacey Von Erich's comments on Angelina Love (see web boards for full comments), Lacey is said to have said (in character according to her)some of them bad mouthing the former TNA Knockouts champ.
Love (via myspace etc)is said to have been upset at this and in an odd move Sytch has jumped in via her Facebook page and commented on Von Erich's remarks, Sytch mentions such things as suicide, drugs and other things the daughter of Kerry Von Erich and her family probably don't want brought up.

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