Saturday 19 September 2009

Guest Booker Jim Cornette

Guest Booker Jim Cornette

Re-booking the WCW-WWE invasion!

By Phil Allely

I probably couldn’t have received this dvd at a more inopportune moment could I?, its subject Jim Cornette is now a former member of the TNA roster and when he recorded this dvd he was still a very active and happy part of the company. Anyway enough of that, to the mater at hand and reviewing this the latest dvd from the Kayfabe Commentaries range of discs.

This title poses a really good and very interesting question, what if the original WCW invasion angle (when the company had been bought by is rival the WWE) had been better booked and the rivalries were pushed to the limit and fans appeased for their dedication to each brand.

After a very decent introduction and chat with Cornette, we kick off with a potted history of the Monday Night Wars and the subsequent fall of WCW as a company.

For the next two and a half hours ‘The Louiseville Slugger’ himself gives his own personal version of how Vince McMahon should have handled what could have been a huge event for wrestling and a licence to print money in ppv and live gate receipts. Of course we all know that the WWE missed the ball with this one, letting most of WCWs big names ride out their well-paid contracts with Time Warner and then burying the roster members they did purchase.

What Jim Cornette does is give the fans what they wished for all those years, he puts the big names against each and has some names jump ship form WCW to WWE and he sets up a whole new and fresh set of ring rivalries and feuds, ones that could have revitalised the product as a whole and given the world a piece of wrestling history to remember.

Fans of WCW and ones who remember the original invasion angles will really love this release.

9 out of 10

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