Thursday 24 May 2012

Tammy Sytch comments on web comments

WWE Hall of Famer Tammy “Sunny” Sytch has responded to the recent articles on the internet about her health issues, and her struggle with drugs. She wrote the following on her facebook page today: OK, now Im getting annoyed. Here’s the story: I had a stomach flu, was dehydrated from puking my guts out, so I took myself to the hospital to get fluids… the next morning I was fine… it’s not like I had to call 911 b/c I was dying! ENOUGH!!!! EVERYONE GETS SICK! She followed that up in the thread by saying: IM FINE NOW….. that’s why these dirt sheets are so bogus… it’s not like I have “health issues”, I had a bug! I’ve been completely healthy for 2 days now!

TNA Sacrifice 2012 Review

TNA Sacrifice 2012 Review By Phil Allely Scarifice was main evented by a match that many thought could be the one where World Champ Bobby Roode would see his winning streak end. This was after all his challenger Rob Van Dam’s kind of match. The match itself worked well, both men went all out to impress and RVD was certainly not ‘phoning it in’ as he has been known to do. After a plethora of career shortening moves the Roode capitalised on a weakened Van Dan to grab his title and remain champ. The show kicked off with the team of Daniels and Kazarian facing off against the formidable unit of Magnus and Samoa Joe. Gelling well the teams traded near falls and power moves with ease, however champions Magnus and Joe fell to the cunning of their opponents and lost their gold. Next up Gail Kim retained her Knockouts Title in a short and reasonably sweet cat fight with Brooke Tessmacher. The ever improving Tessmacher worked hard but couldn’t beat Kim this time around. The TV Title match between champion Devon and Robbie’s E & T was nothing special, but did set up some tension in the Robbie’s camp. Devon took advantage of a miscommunication to nail both men and cover T for the win. Jeff Hardy and Mr Anderson had a fine brawl that highlighted their work ethic and in-ring ability. They both attempted each other’s finishers and battled in and around the ring. The end was controversial though, Anderson snatching a quick pin as Hardy seemed to kick out. Crimson’s impromptu encounter with Eric Young was a combination of comedy and stiff moves. EY and ODB both felt the wrath of the undefeated big man and got minimal fight to him, before Crimson took control and put EY down for the three count. Picking up the pace Austin Aries tackled Bully Ray in a really inviting bout. The size advantage of Ray balanced out the speed and agility advantage of Aries here. The crowd were well into this one and the result seemed to be anybody’s, the arrival of Joseph Park to ringside swung it but, allowing Austin to nail Ray and pick up the win. AJ Styles and Kurt Angle proved once again why they are true main event calibre grapplers in TNA next. Trading trademark moves, near falls and more form the get go the duo never let up (save the odd rest hold). The end sequence here was marred slightly by Daniels interfering to distract Styles, Angle getting a tap out win. A post match beat down on AJ by Kaz and Daniels saw Kurt make the save. This paved the way well for the ECW style ladder match main event. Sacrifice was a night of ups and downs for TNA, a few finishes fell flat (interference wise) and need to be eased out for more traditional definitive pinfall wins. RVD proved himself to be back on form in his challenge for the world title. Magnus and Joe’s tag title loss was a surprise and we have to hope they get a re-match asap. Anderson and Hardy will surely face off again. Style and Angle look set to team up and Austin Aries proved to the world that an X Division weight guy can stand toe to toe with the heavyweights. By Phil Allely

WWE Extreme Rules 2012 Review

WWE PPV Review: Extreme Rules Extreme Rules may have lost some of its charm with the WWE’s current emphasis on family friendly action and a no blood policy, but sometimes the event can overcome that and make for a pretty good show indeed. This year things kicked off with Santino defending his United States Title against The Miz. (this was the pre-show match, so will most probably appear on the DVD release). Miz gave his all, but he couldn’t beat the master of ‘The Cobra’, Marella hitting his finisher for the popular win. The show proper opened with a nice Falls Count Anywhere encounter between Kane and Randy Orton. This featured a hefty amount of weapons shots, near falls and outside the ring battling. During a backstage brawl Zack Ryder attacked Kane and the match intensified well. Orton took the win with a successful RKO on a chair in the end. Next up Dolph Ziggler took on the mighty Brodus Clay (with Hornswoggle and the Funkettes in tow). Ziggler was on fair form for this one, but even as skilful as he is he was unable to defeat the big man. Clay hit a splash for the pin. The Tables Match between Cody Rhodes and Big Show for Show’s Intercontinental Title was a decent affair. Show took control for most of the bout and Rhodes seemed destined to fail in his quest to win the gold. However Show made the mistake of using a table to get into the ring and broke it to lose the belt. He did gain a measure of revenge afterwards by beating Cody down and through some other tables. The 2 out of 3 falls scrap that followed was a good effort too. Pitting World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus against former champ Daniel Bryan this was a well- deserved opportunity for both to showcase their respective skills. There were near falls galore and each fall proved exciting and match enhancing efforts. A Sheamus Brogue kick ended things for Bryan after the pair pulled off one fall a piece. The Ryback versus Arron Relic and Jay Hutton match up next was pure squash match material. Ryback pretty much beat both men down in no time at all and stacked them on top of each other for the pin. The forthcoming Chicago Street Fight between Chris Jericho and CM Punk for the WWE Title was a retrun to form and a welcome sight after a few less than impressive scraps. Punk and Jericho work well together and highlight the skills each has. They traded near falls, battled in and out of the ring and much more throughout the scrap. Punk finally nailed a GTS to keep his gold and put Jericho off the scent of his title for another while. With Beth Phoenix injured the Divas title match changed slightly and we saw layla tackle champion Nikki Bella. This was a reasonable encounter and at least we saw the Bella twin lose her strap to the more proficient in the ring Layla. Phoenix and Brie Bella’s interference didn’t hamper things too much here. The main event saw the returning Brock Lesnar take on John Cena in an impressive and brutal Extreme Rules match. The pair utilised everything they could here and went all out to pummel each other. Lesnar showing no signs of ring rust and Cena (surprisingly) gelled nicely with the monster to provide an exciting and bloody war. This went back and forth and the finish proved to be a huge surprise too. Cena nailing an Attitude Adjustment to pull of the shock win. Extreme Rules was a real treat to watch and one that certainly stood up for itself as a more over the top PPV. The return of Lesnar to the fold should shake things up and make the main events less samey too. By Phil Allely

Wednesday 16 May 2012

DVD Review: Royal Rumble 2012

DVD Review: WWE Royal Rumble 2012 By Phil Allely Can it really be 25 years since the WWE first began running its Royal Rumble events? The answer is yes indeed and to prove it here we have the 25th anniversary event in its entirety on DVD. The Rumble is always a fun event to watch, we all have our own predictions about who may win the main event and who we'd like to see take the prize of a world title spot at WrestleMania. This year the event offered up a nice mix of headline names, mid-carders and due to the shortage of big name veterans we were treated to a few past stars and some surprises too. Apart from the 30 man main event (a over the top rope battle royal) we also saw Daniel Bryan face Mark Henry and The Big Show in a steel cage for the World Heavyweight Championship, an 8 Diva tag match featuring Kelly Kelly, Eve Torres, Alicia Fox & Tamina taking on Beth Phoenix, Natalya and the Bella twins. John Cena and Kane had a hard-fought encounter and Brodus Clay faced angry Scot Drew McIntyre. The WWE Championship match between Dolph Ziggler and CM Punk (with special ref John Laurinaitis) was a well worked one too. The Rumble as it should be was the highlight here and as such it works well, there is drama, shocks, surprise entrants and much more. Irish fans especially have more reason than most to grab a hold of this release, the Ruble winner and they have an awful lot in common. On the extras front we have an interview with Daniel Bryan and the winner of the Royal Rumble match. This DVD is available now from and all good retailers.

DVD Revew: TNA Genesis 2012

DVD Review: TNA Genesis 2012 By Phil Allely TNA’s Pay-Per-View assault on 2012 was a fun-filled one, each match had its fair share of high spots and most of them had results that fans at home and in person approved of. Genesis featured a nice ‘four corners’ X Division free for all for the title. There was also a hard-hitting match between Gunner and Rob Van Dam, living legend Ric Flair even turned up for this one to add to RVD’s woes. Gail Kim and Mickie James had a nicely paced fight over the Knockouts gold. The ‘Monster’s Ball’ war between Abyss and Bully Ray was an as expected exciting and brutal affair. We also got to see the new team of Samoa Joe and Magnus tackle the dominating duo of Matt Morgan and Crimson. The two most highly anticipated matches did deliver what they promised too, they were James Storm’s action-packed match with Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy’s attempt to wrestle the world Title away from the very sneaky champion Bobby Roode. Genesis 2012 started TNA’s year off with a bang and makes for a fun DVD release. You can buy it now from all good retailers.

DVD Reviw: TNA Twin Pack - Against All Odds/Genesis 2012

DVD Review: TNA Twin Pack: Against All Odds" & "Victory Road" 2012 By Phil Allely A few times a year TNA give their fans a really cool value for money DVD package offer. Following on from January’s Genesis release the momentum continues nicely with this twin pack featuring the February and March 2012 pay-per-view events Against All Odds and Victory Road. AAO was an event headlined by Bobby Roode’s World Heavyweight Championship defence against Bully Ray, James Storm and Jeff Hardy (with special enforcer Sting). This exciting match did dominate proceedings, but there were also some decent encounters here too. Including Zema Ion battling Jesse Sorenson (this featured a very risky move), Robbie E tackling Shannon Moore, Gail Kim facing Tara, Samoa Joe and Magnus joining forces against the duo of Crimson and Matt Morgan, Austin Aries high-flying scrap with Alex Shelley, Kazarian fighting old friend AJ Styles and Gunner took on young Garrett Bischoff (this featured appearances by Hulk Hogan and Eric Bishoff). Victory Road on the other hand saw four titles defended, some feuds end and new ones begin. The main one was rightly the ‘no holds barred’ war between Bobby Roode and Sting. Elsewhere Bully Ray and James Storm fought for the coveted number one contender spot for the world title. Kurt Angle battled Jeff Hardy, Gail Kim defended her Knockouts Title against Madison Rayne and much more. Overall this twin pack has an awful lot more going for it than against it, if you are new to TNA you’d be hard pushed to find a better way to introduce yourself to their product with this twin pack. Available now from all good retailers.

Sunday 13 May 2012

Mr Anderson Interview Highlights

Ken Anderson Conference Call Highlights By Phil Allely Former TNA World Heavyweight Champion Mr Anderson is poised to face the always exciting Jeff hardy at the company’s Sacrifice PPV this weekend (shown on Challenge on Wednesday). Always outspoken and controversial Anderson had some very interesting things to say about his time in TNA and with former company the WWE. With two TNA world title runs under his belt Anderson has been on top and at times under used in Dixie Carter’s promotion. However his character is always one that demands attention when he appears live, or on TV. ‘Character wise I get to do what and say all the things that people normally want to do and say, but would get I in trouble for. You know it’s like most actors who excel at a role, they are really just good at playing themselves.’ He said. Anderson has a reputation for being awkward in the ring and was reported to have been responsible for injuring some top star in the WWE during his tenure there. Ken elaborated on that slightly. ‘I have worked with some of the industries most respected figures. Undertaker has been a great influence to me in my career. He chose to work with me and told me to not worry about what a**holes say and just keep being yourself, do what you are doing. I did end up in the ring with some people who did think that I was being difficult, but I got on with it.’ TNA’s recent decision to put new talent on TV was also a subject Anderson commented on. ‘It’s always something I have been behind, this kind of idea came from Paul Heyman. The idea of developing new stars and the fact that everybody should be chasing the title. He did that at OVW (WWE Developmental Promotion Ohio Valley Wrestling). History has always shown there to be only a couple of guys after the belt. But here (TNA) we have more options and the possibilities are endless. It can open up tons of avenues and give us options for entertainment we have not had yet.’ Having worked for the two big US wrestling promotions Ken is the perfect guy to compare conditions working there. ‘From a logistical point of view both companies are roughly the same. Hotels, accommodation etc. all kind of work the same way. The recent TNA International tour I was on was one of my toughest though. It wasn’t that long a tour, maybe 7 or 8 shows, but there was an emotional, physical and mental drain on us all. We had a lot of travelling and not a lot of downtime. The shows were fantastic though, the crowds were great, I specifically remember the ones in England and Ireland. They were insane and I can’t wait to head back there. The most I believe I ever did overseas was a 21 day tour, I think we did 19 shows during that one, it was tough.’ Renowned for his use of the microphone Anderson seems to relish having more creative input in his character now in TNA. ‘I have got a little more freedom creatively now and that’s from the beginning. I was given bullet points (during promos) and if I didn’t feel it I was pretty much free to change it. I went out one night (talking about Jeff Hardy) and I came up with the line about Anderson’s A**holes. It was an on the fly retaliation to Hardy calling his fans Creatures of the Night. But it stuck, the fans chanted “we are a**holes” and (then head writer) Vince Russo started adding it in to my notes. A lot of times in wrestling it is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. I will have a picture in my head of what will work, but its hard to explain, so you do it and if it works great, if not you apologise and say it was a one off thing. I like to take a chance and believe it works. Mr Anderson faces Jeff Hardy at Sacrifice this Sunday (shown on Challenge on Wednesday at 10pm). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phil Allely New | Reply Reply all Forward | Delete Junk Sweep ▼ Mark as ▼ Move to ▼ Categories ▼ | Close ad AdChoices © 2012 Microsoft Terms Privacy About our ads Advertise Developers Help Centre Feedback English

Sunday 6 May 2012

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Scott Steiner rants on TNA

Here is Scott Steiner's latest Twitter rant, ripping the latest episode of Impact Wrestling: "The 3 as#####s continue to book low rated shows,there was 9-10 segments wasted on b---hoff a Guy who nobody cares about and is no longer on the show,and the indy wrestler that nobody cares About and has been on the show one time,what a waste of valuable air time,the gut check segments Were brutal and hard too watch,hogan looked like an idiot in a segment with anderson... Hard to believe that 3 ppl that claim to be so smart book a show so bad!!!wheres their accountability "After tweeting 4 wks about hogans ex wife saying hes gay,Flair's first words to start the show was Hogan keeps playing with me,LOL,which made the guys in the back pop,these 3 idiots are clueless "b---hoff had 4-5 segments about him,hogan was all over show,now pritchard had a couple segments ... WHY!!!they dont wrestle at house shows,Tv's or PPV,way to book yurself on the show,,MARKS... So the 3 marks book themselves on 12-13 segments,FF'n unbelievable" - Scott Steiner faces Canadian Heavyweight Champion Jeremy Prophet tonight in Smiths Falls, Ontario for a Hannibal Pro Wrestling event. Steiner recently appeared on Bob's Breakfast to talk about tonight's card.

Thursday 3 May 2012