Thursday 24 May 2012

TNA Sacrifice 2012 Review

TNA Sacrifice 2012 Review By Phil Allely Scarifice was main evented by a match that many thought could be the one where World Champ Bobby Roode would see his winning streak end. This was after all his challenger Rob Van Dam’s kind of match. The match itself worked well, both men went all out to impress and RVD was certainly not ‘phoning it in’ as he has been known to do. After a plethora of career shortening moves the Roode capitalised on a weakened Van Dan to grab his title and remain champ. The show kicked off with the team of Daniels and Kazarian facing off against the formidable unit of Magnus and Samoa Joe. Gelling well the teams traded near falls and power moves with ease, however champions Magnus and Joe fell to the cunning of their opponents and lost their gold. Next up Gail Kim retained her Knockouts Title in a short and reasonably sweet cat fight with Brooke Tessmacher. The ever improving Tessmacher worked hard but couldn’t beat Kim this time around. The TV Title match between champion Devon and Robbie’s E & T was nothing special, but did set up some tension in the Robbie’s camp. Devon took advantage of a miscommunication to nail both men and cover T for the win. Jeff Hardy and Mr Anderson had a fine brawl that highlighted their work ethic and in-ring ability. They both attempted each other’s finishers and battled in and around the ring. The end was controversial though, Anderson snatching a quick pin as Hardy seemed to kick out. Crimson’s impromptu encounter with Eric Young was a combination of comedy and stiff moves. EY and ODB both felt the wrath of the undefeated big man and got minimal fight to him, before Crimson took control and put EY down for the three count. Picking up the pace Austin Aries tackled Bully Ray in a really inviting bout. The size advantage of Ray balanced out the speed and agility advantage of Aries here. The crowd were well into this one and the result seemed to be anybody’s, the arrival of Joseph Park to ringside swung it but, allowing Austin to nail Ray and pick up the win. AJ Styles and Kurt Angle proved once again why they are true main event calibre grapplers in TNA next. Trading trademark moves, near falls and more form the get go the duo never let up (save the odd rest hold). The end sequence here was marred slightly by Daniels interfering to distract Styles, Angle getting a tap out win. A post match beat down on AJ by Kaz and Daniels saw Kurt make the save. This paved the way well for the ECW style ladder match main event. Sacrifice was a night of ups and downs for TNA, a few finishes fell flat (interference wise) and need to be eased out for more traditional definitive pinfall wins. RVD proved himself to be back on form in his challenge for the world title. Magnus and Joe’s tag title loss was a surprise and we have to hope they get a re-match asap. Anderson and Hardy will surely face off again. Style and Angle look set to team up and Austin Aries proved to the world that an X Division weight guy can stand toe to toe with the heavyweights. By Phil Allely

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