Sunday 6 May 2012

Scott Steiner rants on TNA

Here is Scott Steiner's latest Twitter rant, ripping the latest episode of Impact Wrestling: "The 3 as#####s continue to book low rated shows,there was 9-10 segments wasted on b---hoff a Guy who nobody cares about and is no longer on the show,and the indy wrestler that nobody cares About and has been on the show one time,what a waste of valuable air time,the gut check segments Were brutal and hard too watch,hogan looked like an idiot in a segment with anderson... Hard to believe that 3 ppl that claim to be so smart book a show so bad!!!wheres their accountability "After tweeting 4 wks about hogans ex wife saying hes gay,Flair's first words to start the show was Hogan keeps playing with me,LOL,which made the guys in the back pop,these 3 idiots are clueless "b---hoff had 4-5 segments about him,hogan was all over show,now pritchard had a couple segments ... WHY!!!they dont wrestle at house shows,Tv's or PPV,way to book yurself on the show,,MARKS... So the 3 marks book themselves on 12-13 segments,FF'n unbelievable" - Scott Steiner faces Canadian Heavyweight Champion Jeremy Prophet tonight in Smiths Falls, Ontario for a Hannibal Pro Wrestling event. Steiner recently appeared on Bob's Breakfast to talk about tonight's card.

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