Sunday 13 May 2012

Mr Anderson Interview Highlights

Ken Anderson Conference Call Highlights By Phil Allely Former TNA World Heavyweight Champion Mr Anderson is poised to face the always exciting Jeff hardy at the company’s Sacrifice PPV this weekend (shown on Challenge on Wednesday). Always outspoken and controversial Anderson had some very interesting things to say about his time in TNA and with former company the WWE. With two TNA world title runs under his belt Anderson has been on top and at times under used in Dixie Carter’s promotion. However his character is always one that demands attention when he appears live, or on TV. ‘Character wise I get to do what and say all the things that people normally want to do and say, but would get I in trouble for. You know it’s like most actors who excel at a role, they are really just good at playing themselves.’ He said. Anderson has a reputation for being awkward in the ring and was reported to have been responsible for injuring some top star in the WWE during his tenure there. Ken elaborated on that slightly. ‘I have worked with some of the industries most respected figures. Undertaker has been a great influence to me in my career. He chose to work with me and told me to not worry about what a**holes say and just keep being yourself, do what you are doing. I did end up in the ring with some people who did think that I was being difficult, but I got on with it.’ TNA’s recent decision to put new talent on TV was also a subject Anderson commented on. ‘It’s always something I have been behind, this kind of idea came from Paul Heyman. The idea of developing new stars and the fact that everybody should be chasing the title. He did that at OVW (WWE Developmental Promotion Ohio Valley Wrestling). History has always shown there to be only a couple of guys after the belt. But here (TNA) we have more options and the possibilities are endless. It can open up tons of avenues and give us options for entertainment we have not had yet.’ Having worked for the two big US wrestling promotions Ken is the perfect guy to compare conditions working there. ‘From a logistical point of view both companies are roughly the same. Hotels, accommodation etc. all kind of work the same way. The recent TNA International tour I was on was one of my toughest though. It wasn’t that long a tour, maybe 7 or 8 shows, but there was an emotional, physical and mental drain on us all. We had a lot of travelling and not a lot of downtime. The shows were fantastic though, the crowds were great, I specifically remember the ones in England and Ireland. They were insane and I can’t wait to head back there. The most I believe I ever did overseas was a 21 day tour, I think we did 19 shows during that one, it was tough.’ Renowned for his use of the microphone Anderson seems to relish having more creative input in his character now in TNA. ‘I have got a little more freedom creatively now and that’s from the beginning. I was given bullet points (during promos) and if I didn’t feel it I was pretty much free to change it. I went out one night (talking about Jeff Hardy) and I came up with the line about Anderson’s A**holes. It was an on the fly retaliation to Hardy calling his fans Creatures of the Night. But it stuck, the fans chanted “we are a**holes” and (then head writer) Vince Russo started adding it in to my notes. A lot of times in wrestling it is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. I will have a picture in my head of what will work, but its hard to explain, so you do it and if it works great, if not you apologise and say it was a one off thing. I like to take a chance and believe it works. Mr Anderson faces Jeff Hardy at Sacrifice this Sunday (shown on Challenge on Wednesday at 10pm). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phil Allely New | Reply Reply all Forward | Delete Junk Sweep ▼ Mark as ▼ Move to ▼ Categories ▼ | Close ad AdChoices © 2012 Microsoft Terms Privacy About our ads Advertise Developers Help Centre Feedback English

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