Wednesday 3 March 2010

TMZ Running Flair 911 call

by Phil Allely

Celebrity gossip website TMZ has got it's hands on the 911 tape relating to the recent domestic assault between TNA star Ric Flair and his wife Jcqueline Beems.

The incident left The Nature Boy suffering from minor injuries and has become yet another blot on the once glorious career of the wrestling legend, before money woes saw him return from retirement.

In the call, Flair's step daughter says her mother Jacqueline and Ric 'were both drunk' and 'punching each other' at their home in Charlotte, North Carolina.

She also states that 'Ric was bleeding from his forehead and needed medical assistance, but that the injury was not serious'.

The 911 call ends with Beems' daughter requesting police assistance, to help calm the couple down.

Beems was eventually arrested and charged with assault.

To hear the 911 tape go to:

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