Wednesday 3 March 2010

Eric Bischoff on Facebook

Bishoff has mail?

By Phil Allely

TNA’s Eric Bischoff has been addressing the company and its progress via his Facebook social networking page. The former head of WCW and current business partner of Hulk Hogan has made some candid and open comments to fans suggestions, and requests made via his official page.

The Bisch started things of by saying ‘Love to hear your thoughts on what you’d like to see on the debut of Impact! On March 8’

Many fans suggested matches, concepts and storylines, most of which had some merit, but one did trigger a quick response from the man himself, when asked if RVD would be joining TNA.

‘Not sure what Rob’s plans are, love to have him, he’s a great guy and awesome talent!’ he replied.

Other such highlights on the page include these below:

I’m ‘Not really interested in beating WWE in the ratings, just gaining a significant share of their audience and growing TNA’s audience in the process’.

‘The Six-sided ring was a gimmick, the guys don’t really work any different in it than a normal one’.

On the X Division and it’s lack of airtime of late, ‘You won’t be disappointed (with plans) I’ve loved that style of wrestling for a long time.’

Commenting on the possibility of former WCW star Vampiro coming in, his very direct reply was ‘A no talent gimmick come lately!’.

One superb nugget of wrestling wisdom came in a reply to a message about washed-up n.W.o legend legend Scot Hall, Eric admitted that yes Hall could be called a ‘World class screwup‘ like Cruiserweight star Juventud Guerrera, but (Hall) ‘Has the potential to be one of the greatest minds in the business, and still has a gift in the ring’.

With the recent influx of former WWE and WCW talent ,the subject of former stars has been approached and although nothing has been made definite by Eric, the general feedback is that we’ll not be seeing people like Bill Goldberg, Diamond Dallas Page (or his wife Kimberly), Sid, or any of their contemporaries anytime soon.

Of course as long-term fans know Bischoff is a master manipulator and great business mind, so the man who coined the phrase ‘Controversy Creates Cash’ could well be swerving everyone right now, we‘ll have to stay tuned to Impact! to see for sure.

Branding the WWE’s Raw guest host format a ‘Weak Stunt’ it does indeed look at if he and Hogan are indeed ready to combat their business enemy head-on, the pair of flagship show will go head-to-head from Monday the 8th of March in US.

Check out ‘Eric Bischoff, Controversy’ on Facebook and remember the man himself assures us he reads every comment and will reply when he has time, perhaps we fans will get a say in how he and the Hulkster book TNA after all?

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