Tuesday 2 March 2010

TNA Bound For Glory DVD Review

By Phil Allely

BFG 2009 was perhaps the final big PPV offering TNA made before Hulk Hogan's signing took over the booking and look of the company, it is usually the organisations wrestlemania event and this was no less an event than previous efforts.

This two disc set features a decent selection of matches, somee fall below par, but most are good-great and worth watching.

headline match AJ Styles v Sting is great, both men showing they warrant that spot, you really do feel that Sting could beat the youung and fast champ Styles.

in other matches Kurt Angle took Matt Moorgan to new heights, Morgan looked impressive here.

Samoa Joe and Bobby Lashley had a decent if not specacular MMA syle brawl.

Abyss and Mick Foley's monsters ball battle was ok, not superb but ok.

the TNA/IWGP full metal mayhem tag teamm match had some neat momments and surprise wins as well.

Knockouts ODB, awesome Kong and Tara had good Knockouts title battle too.

The new TNA Knockouts Tag Belts found a new pair of owners as The beautiful people (minus Angelina Love) took on the excellent pairing of Sarita and Tayor Wilde.

The Ultimate X match saw somme impressive and innovative moves as usual, well worth watching again.

the sett also fatures the pre-show dark match, interviews, fan interaction highlights, musiic videos and more.

BFG 2009 gets a huge 9 out of 10 from me.

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