Tuesday 27 August 2013

New Mickie James Pics

Mickie James sexy pics...

Miss Tessmacher New Pics

Miss Tessmacher new pics...

New Velvet Sky pic

New Velvet Sky Pic

TNA DVD news; Jokers Wild 2013


Friends and foes are thrown together in a battle of wills, motivated by money... TNA Wrestling presents “ONE NIGHT ONLY: JOKER'S WILD”

For One Night Only, TNA throws it's roster up in the air for Joker's Wild... Old partners will reunite and bitter enemies must collaborate in order to advance through the tournament, as tag teams are chosen at random and expected to work together to reach the penultimate main event. Once in the finals however, any friendships or forged alliances will quickly disappear as competitors will face off in a winner-takes-all gauntlet battle royale, where it's every man for himself and the winner takes home $100,000! Although in pairs, it's every man for himself.

Literally anything can happen in this mass mix up of iconic wreslting icons, who will be tagged with their greatest enemies? Who will be using strategies of their own to come out victorious? The hand has been dealt in Joker's Wild...

24 of TNA Wrestling's finest compete for glory and betray for riches, including:

James Storm, Samoa Joe, Booby Roode, Mr. Anderson, Al Snow, RVD, Christopher Daniels, Douglas Williams, Joseph Park, Matt Morgan, Hernandez, Rob Terry, Kid Kash, Devon and D.O.C.

TNA's One Night Only JOKER'S WILD is available from the 26th August 2013 online at www.amazon.co.uk andwww.TNADVD.co.uk.

Friday 23 August 2013

Fergal 'Prince' Devitt Interview

Irish wrestler returns home for Belfast show

Irish based company Wrestling.ie have bounced back on to the wrestling scene in style and have announced a number of live events across the land. The company have also announced that Irish wrestler and current New Japan Pro wrestling star Fergal 'Price' Devitt will be on hand for the Belfast show on October 4th at the City's Waterfront Hall.

With titles galore to his name the 32 year old has found his greatest glory in Japan and has held the prestigious IWGP Junior Heavyweight title multiple times to date. As Fame's wrestling writer and a big fan of previous Wrestling.ie shows I tracked down the shows promoters and was fortunate enough to get an exclusive interview with Fergal ahead of this (sure to be) amazing show.

Here are the highlights from my chat with Fergal (who was just home from his latest NJPW tour and was even willing to phone me at his own cost).

Phil: Hi Fergal I really do appreciate you taking the time to talk to me. I know you are just back from Japan. May we kick off by asking you about your return to Ireland as a wrestler?

Fergal: It has been a long time since I wrestled in Ireland. I did a charity event a few years back. But in reality we are talking six or seven years since I stepped in to the ring here properly.

Phil: What made you want to come back here to Ireland?

Fergal: To me it one of the hottest things here to be involved in and I really wanted to do it. I'd love it to be more than just one show too. You never know.

Phil: I know it may sound odd, but do you think fans here will know who you are, or will it be something they research and then realise your pedigree?

Fergal: That is a hard one to talk about Phil. I know the die hard fans will know me and what I do. The rest we have no idea of (unless they do their research of course). I do hope we can make this the best night Belfast has seen in a long time.

Phil: Fergal how do you approach a show like this in front of a crowd you have not known for a long time?

Fergal: I see this a fresh challenge Phil and I like that. I always bring my 'A' game to the show and this will be no different. I will be out there doing everything that I can. Mind you all the guys on this show will be able to do just that.

Phil: In recent years we have seen a great number of UK/Irish wrestlers make the jump to the big leagues of TNA and WWE. How do you feel about that and what do you feel makes them stand out?

Fergal: I must say we here (UK/Ireland) have a very impressive track record on the training front etc. we also have some eager and hungry talent, just itching to get out there. At present we have the likes of Sheamus, Drew McIntyre and others all flying the flag for us. I can also tell you there are a lot of guys from here (UK/Ireland) working Japan too and they are amazing as well.

Phil: I suppose I have to ask you this Fergal what would you do if the WWE or TNA offered you a contract?

Fergal: Ah, yeah I know what you are saying Phil. I guess my answer is that if they came calling I would make a decision. But I am happy doing what I do. Yes I hate the rotten airport food, the travelling an length I am away form my family and friends, but it is my profession and I cannot explain how I feel about that.

Phil: If you did for example sign with the WWE to alter your repertoire, would that worry you?

Fergal: I Think I would adapt and like I always do work around my surroundings. My ring style will adapt to my surroundings.

Phil: But would you take that jump to the US Fergal?

Fergal: To be honest Phil it would be a tough decision. It would be a big lifestyle change and make me move my base etc. I don't know if I want that right now.

Phil: It could make you a better known big name wrestler but.

Fergal: Thing is I have never been in it for that. I am not out there to get the fame or stardom. That is not why many of us do this, we have the passion and determination here. I know from experience that the UK/Irish wrestlers are some of the best trained and skilled in the world. I get told that a lot.

Phil: Fergal I must thank you for taking the time to phone me today and chat. Have you any word of encouragement to entice our readers to attend this show?

Fergal: I will just say this Phil. What you will see is a great and accomplished group of wrestlers who have worked hard and long in what they are doing. This is not backyard wrestling stuff or people messing about. We offer so much more. This will be a polished and exciting wrestling event that you have to see.

By Phil Allely

TNA's Nick 'Magnus' Aldis interview

TNA wrestler films TV show in Belfast

Nick Aldis may be best know as Magnus to viewers of TNA Wrestling programming, however there is an awful lot more to him that simply being a professional wrestler. I caught up with Nick in Belfast as he filmed for Challenge TV (also home to TNA here in the UK) show UK''s Strongest Man. Series. Aldis and co-host Matt Bell were on hand to film links for the series, interview some of the competitors and much more over this August Bank Holiday Weekend event. Here are highlights from that chat.

Phil: Hi Nick first up let's chat about you presenting this show. How are you enjoying that experience?

Nick: Well Phil this is my second year now. So being asked back must mean I am doing OK (laughs). Honestly this is a great job, we have a small team really, our Producer, Matt and myself. I think it helps that Matt and I get on so well too. That gives us a rapport and something that comes across on screen.

Phil: Is presenting something you feel you would like to do more of?

Nick: Yes it is. I love getting to help produce our pieces (with the guys) and I am learning so much about the behind the scenes work that you need to know. After all I came from working holiday camps and Gladiators to wrestling in the US for TNA and now this. I'm always learning I guess and picking stuff up. If there are opportunities to do more jobs like this I am happy to do them.

Phil: Would you say that presenting something like UK's Strongest Man has helped you with your in-ring promos?

Nick: Yes and no. I have always had good responses to my promos and got praise from the guys in the back. It maybe has made me look at things in more detail perhaps and of course I have a lot more knowledge of what they are doing back there now as well.

Phil: May we ask you about life in TNA. For example how do you feel about the recent spate of roster cuts?

Nick: I love being a part of TNA and think a lot of times when there is bad publicity it is taken out of context or only partially explained (to suit others means). For example recently Jesse Sorenson (former TNA wrestler) made some comment about how the company treated him, but the truth is he was treated very well, they took care of insurance and even paid for bills. It was blown out of proportion.

Phil: Many say the cuts have been due to added costs created by taking the company on the road each week?

Nick: Well yes there are indeed costs in taking us on the road and that will have an affect on us as a roster. Honestly the way I see it is that we have only one two hour TV show and we all cannot be given time on it. I think what has happened has been necessary for the product and us a company. I mean how can you build up a storyline or character if you are barely getting any TV time. That also means many of the guys were getting basic wages. I'd call it streamlining and something that will help us.

Phil: The UK market has grown very steadily in recent years and Impact has become on of its top shows. How important is the UK to TNA?

Nick: It is very important to us and I would love to see us back here more often. I know the company have a lot of ideas for the UK/Irish fans as well. We always get a great response there. The UK Boot Camp series also highlighted some of the talented wrestlers we have here and we know there are a lot more. I think it helps UK wrestlers to see guys like myself, Robbie T, Doug (Williams) etc. on TV and makes them want to break the US too. Challenge TV have really embraced us and I guess you could say I am the UK face for us right now too.

Phil: You mentioned Boot Camp there, I feel that concept worked very well. You were involved in that were you not?

Nick: I worked as colour commentator on that and boy do I now have (even) more respect for guys like JB (Jeremy Borash) too. You really have to think on your feet and not panic. I liked doing that and hope to maybe do some more. The competitors really worked hard throughout as well. There are a lot of UK/Irish wrestlers who have real potential to be big stars.

Phil: You have already done so much in TNA. But how does it feel to be in the new Main Event Mafia line-up?

Nick: It is a real honour to be involved and what I must say it that guys like Sting and Kurt Angle have always been two of the main guys who have been pushing for me backstage too. They have done that genuinely and really helped me move along. To share the ring with them is amazing.

Phil: In relation to Kurt I for one thought it was a nice touch that (TNA President) Dixie Carter mentioned his entering rehab and his absence from storylines. Do you feel the same?

Nick: To be honest I can see the reasoning, but maybe would not have done it in the ring like that. I think it was really for Kurt's benefit to let him see how much support he has from the fans and us all on the roster.

Phil: Thanks so much for your time Nick I'll hopefully see you on the January 2014 UK/Irish tour.

Nick: Thanks Phil. I'll see you there.

Nick and his co-host Matt were recording their UK's Strongest Man show live from Belfast. This will be shown on Challenge TV very soon. In the meantime you can watch Nick (as Magnus) each week on the channel's Impact Wrestling show.

Ultimate (UK's) Strongest Man has been running for ten years now and was created by Northern Irish strongman Glenn Ross. Ross has won the event many times and represented Ireland and the UK at many others across the globe as well. Ross has also competed at the World's Strongest Man events and founded the UK Strength Council and Irish Strength Association. As well as organising the UK's Strongest Man events Ross also acts as a referee when needed.

Phil caught up with Glenn briefly, here are his responses.

'We have been doing this for ten years now and it has grown so much since then'.
'It is great to have Challenge recording this and supporting us too'.
'We started out on Channel 5 way back then and didn't know where we would end up. This is amazing to see'.
'This weekend we hope to see between 500-1000 people here outside the Odyssey Arena in Belfast'.

By Phil Allely

Monday 19 August 2013

WWe Review - SummerSlam 2013

WWE crown 2 champions at SummerSlam

By Phil Allely

WWE's mid-year highlight PPV SummerSlam delivered not one, but two WWE title holders in one night. First up Daniel Bryan worked the socks off then champ John Cena in a superbly paced and well worked main event. Here Cena and Bryan embarked on a wonderful story of highs, lows, near falls, high spots and much more. Special guest referee Triple H played his role perfectly too. Bryan's win was an inspired one as well, however the swerve turn that followed was even more so. As Bryan relished in his title win and celebrations Money in the Bank case holder Randy Orton interupted proceedings. The big story here though was Triple H turning on new champ Bryan and his subsequent 'pedigree' that allowed Orton to snag himself yet another world title.

The card itself in a slightly slow manner with Rob Van Dam challenging Dean Ambrose for his United States Championship. The match was OK, but never really reached the peaks an on from RVD could do. The inclusion of Ambrose's fellow Shield members, Mark Henry and Big Show all did help here, but not as much as the WWE expected. Van Dam lost out on the title via DQ, when Rollins nailed a spear on him under the ref's watchful eye.

The Wyatt family then took Kane to school in a 'ring of fire' encounter. The concept here was that flames around the ring would contain the action and enhance events between Bray and the mighty Kane. The biggest thing here was that the Wyatt crew were able to get involved in some way and bypass the fire. The once unstoppable Kane was put down for the count with ease it seems and was also carried off to a fate we may yet hear about.

Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow were the future of the WWE's tag team division in many peoples opinion. But now not too far down the line, here we had them going toe-to-toe in a nice scrap. Rhodes did redeem himself well but and pulled of a nice win over the 'money in the bank winner'.

Many fans hope that in this latest run with the company Christian gets his best shot at a title and here yet again he came so close. This time around the world Heavyweight Title Holder used his skills to work Christian's arm and evoke a submission victory, to retain his cherished belt.

Natalya versus Brie Bella quickly evolved in to a cat fight and that worked well here. A shrpshooter from the Hart family affiliate rounded this match off nicely.

Brock Lesnar and CM Punk then went on to have one amazing battle in the ring. The guys here weaved such an in-ring tale here that you simply had to watch it. Hard moves came thick and fast and the set-pieces were top notch as well. Paul Heyman and a steel chair were instrumental in the finish, but what will Brock's win lead too we wonder.

The Dolph Ziggler/Kaitlyn & Big E Langston/AJ Lee bout was OK, but did not really impress we have to say. This was merely a filler scrap and it felt like it, Ziggler and Kaitlyn won by the way.

SumerSlam was an ambitious event in many ways. It did falter a few times, but the pacing did pick up. We must also feel for Daniel Bryan, after all he has now seen his title dreams stolen away by an opportunistic young man called Randy Orton. This means the main event scene sill be shaken up again and we need that don't we?

By Phil Allely

Sunday 18 August 2013

Hardcore Justice - TNA Impact Review

Bully Ray gets World Title Justice

By Phil Allely

Bully Ray became the TNA World Heavyweight at TNA's most recent HardCore Justice themed Impact Wrestling broadcast.

The Aces & Eight's president beat champ Chris Sabin (who beat Ray at the recent X Division themed Impact show, where Sabin's X title was forfeited for a shot at Ray's gold). On that occasion Ray fell to a hammer shot from Sabin.  Here Sabin had not only a cage match to contend with, but some cunning tactics by TNA's resident biker gang.

The match itself was a solid affair and saw Sabin (for the main) hold his own against the formidable might of Ray. However it is still hard to watch Sabin take serious bumps after his serious leg injuries of recent years. The key spots worked well and the ref bumps etc. added to proceedings well. The interference by A&8's Mr. Anderson (a cage door shot to Sabin) and run-ins by Rampage Jackson (Main Event Mafia) all led up to the title change.

Jackson easily removed Anderson from the equation, but the appearance of fellow MMA icon Tito Ortiz proved to be his undoing. As Ortiz pulled a swerve and struck Rampage with a hammer to eliminate his interference.

Ray was then left in a position to power bomb a prone Sabin to nail a three count and his second TNA World Title.

Elsewhere on the show Kazarian overcame Austin Aries, AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy in a very impressive  ladder match with 20 Bound For Glory series points at stake.  Kaz was aided in his win with an appletini wielding Daniels however.

Mickie James, Gail Kim and ODB then faced off in a triple threat scrap. As knockouts encounters go this was above average and worked well for the slightly underused ODB (who pulled off the win).

The BFG series tables match then saw Bobby Roode, Magnus, Samoa Joe and Mr. Anderson. This was a match that was face heavy for the most part. There were also some nice spots too. Roode netted himself a nice 20 point BFG score after yet another spot of interference from Daniels.

TNA Impact Wrestling: HardCore Justice also saw company president Dixie Carter acknowledge Kurt Angle entering rehab, the Main Event Mafia offering Austin Aries his spot in the upcoming team encounter with A&8's and much more.

The big news is that Bully Ray is now champion again and whether Sabin was purely a transitional champion rather than a genuine threat to the belt.

As many fans worry about TNA's cost-cutting and talent shedding matters, the flip side is that by doing so the company are ensuring they are a viable competitor to the WWE and will remain it as well.

Brooke Hogan latest TNA release

Hogan's Daughter released by TNA

By Phil Allely

Hulk Hogan's daughter Brooke Hogan was released by TNA this past week. The main reason for this is said to be that she is another casualty of the company's ongoing cost-cutting measures.

These measures have become necessary due to the amount of extra money it has cost to take Impact on the road (away from the comforts of the Impact Zone studio in Florida). These additional costs are said to be in region of hundreds of thousands of dollars per taping.

There are also rumours that the company have not been receiving as much at the live gate and on merchandise as they expected either.

The lovely Miss Hogan had proved to be a good addition to the roster and apart from her role controlling the Knockouts division (which went down very well on and off screen), she was also a major part of the Bully Ray heel turn and Aces & Eights. Brooke was of course involved in a (storyline) romantic relationship with Bully Ray that led to an ill-fated on-screen wedding and saw her and Hulk become the centre-pieces to the inevitable reveal that Bully was after all the mastermind behind the biker-inspired gang.

The odds are Brooke may well return to TNA at some sporadic points down the line. As long as her father is working there this seems logical. Her recent real life engagement to a US football player has also damaged at least one storyline as well.

Miss Hogan joins the recent spate of TNA release's that has included D-Lo Brown, Matt Morgan, Jess Sorensen, Doc, Tara and talent Boss Bruce Pritchard. UK star Doug Williams was also a victim of this talent cull.

Thursday 15 August 2013

TNA Knockouts New Pics

new pics of Gail Kim, Christy Hemme and Mickie James...

Wednesday 14 August 2013

TNA Live Review: TNA 10

TNA stars old and new take to the ring for the company's 10th anniversary.

By Phil Allely

In another of TNA's ongoing 'One Night Only' series of PPV style events the stars of Impact wrestling were able to step outside of the world of storylines and have some pretty decent matches. This time we were presented with a glimpse into the company's ten year history. The idea being we get to see many highlights form the the past ten years and maybe even se some old faces along the way. 

Kicking things off were Kenny King, Sonjay Dutt and Petey Williams in a nice X Division scrap. This should have been better, but it did do its job to build up momentum and interest in the show. King pulled off the win to a mild response.

Next up the Knockouts elevated things well with what became a well-paced scrap. Gail Kim did what she does best and took Velvet Sky to one of her best matches in ages here.  The ladies pulled out all of the stops as well. Velvet Sky's win really didn't harm Kim's reputation at all wither.

The 'Gauntlet Match' that followed saw some new faces and some old ones too. This was held under over the top rope rules and the the final two would be down to pinfall/submission  conditions. Shark Boy worked very hard throughout here, his fan base evidently are still out there. Jonny Devine made a monumental mistake in a rope based assault and caused his own ejection early on. The now gone Matt Morgan became the star of the show though and played his big man role well.  His win was not a surprise at all.

On the tag team front TNA have been lacking as of late. So when you are offered Bad Influence, LAX and Team 3D we viewers are not going to complain. All three teams raised their game here, 3D were in fine form and Kaz/Daniels were as expected as sharp as ever. The nice touch was Lax's reunion and the fact that they never lost a step. Supermex flew, Homicide risked his life as always and the team were on fire. 3D pulled off the win though after a well placed 3D.

Austin Aries and Jeff Hardy then went on to have a pretty decent encounter. The exchanges were crisp, well worked and much more here. Both men shared the stage here nicely and built the night to the level we expected.  Hardy's win was a favourable one we believe.

As tensions and the atmosphere grew former tag team partners James Storm and Bobby Roode took to the ring. What was nice here was that both me  knew each other so well and could counter almost every move. Roode may have pulled off the win, but he did have his feet on the ropes to achieve it.

The main event saw (now Main Even Mafia members) Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe embark on a wonderful in-ring  tale. As expected Kurt and Joe took things to a while new level here and both had their work boots on too. A well placed 'Angle Slam' saw Joe put way however.

The TNA 10 Year special was a fun addition to proceedings. The matches were for the main above par, the roster stepped up and we loved seeing events unfold. However many of us did hope to see more old school/veteran TNA stars appear.