Monday 19 August 2013

WWe Review - SummerSlam 2013

WWE crown 2 champions at SummerSlam

By Phil Allely

WWE's mid-year highlight PPV SummerSlam delivered not one, but two WWE title holders in one night. First up Daniel Bryan worked the socks off then champ John Cena in a superbly paced and well worked main event. Here Cena and Bryan embarked on a wonderful story of highs, lows, near falls, high spots and much more. Special guest referee Triple H played his role perfectly too. Bryan's win was an inspired one as well, however the swerve turn that followed was even more so. As Bryan relished in his title win and celebrations Money in the Bank case holder Randy Orton interupted proceedings. The big story here though was Triple H turning on new champ Bryan and his subsequent 'pedigree' that allowed Orton to snag himself yet another world title.

The card itself in a slightly slow manner with Rob Van Dam challenging Dean Ambrose for his United States Championship. The match was OK, but never really reached the peaks an on from RVD could do. The inclusion of Ambrose's fellow Shield members, Mark Henry and Big Show all did help here, but not as much as the WWE expected. Van Dam lost out on the title via DQ, when Rollins nailed a spear on him under the ref's watchful eye.

The Wyatt family then took Kane to school in a 'ring of fire' encounter. The concept here was that flames around the ring would contain the action and enhance events between Bray and the mighty Kane. The biggest thing here was that the Wyatt crew were able to get involved in some way and bypass the fire. The once unstoppable Kane was put down for the count with ease it seems and was also carried off to a fate we may yet hear about.

Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow were the future of the WWE's tag team division in many peoples opinion. But now not too far down the line, here we had them going toe-to-toe in a nice scrap. Rhodes did redeem himself well but and pulled of a nice win over the 'money in the bank winner'.

Many fans hope that in this latest run with the company Christian gets his best shot at a title and here yet again he came so close. This time around the world Heavyweight Title Holder used his skills to work Christian's arm and evoke a submission victory, to retain his cherished belt.

Natalya versus Brie Bella quickly evolved in to a cat fight and that worked well here. A shrpshooter from the Hart family affiliate rounded this match off nicely.

Brock Lesnar and CM Punk then went on to have one amazing battle in the ring. The guys here weaved such an in-ring tale here that you simply had to watch it. Hard moves came thick and fast and the set-pieces were top notch as well. Paul Heyman and a steel chair were instrumental in the finish, but what will Brock's win lead too we wonder.

The Dolph Ziggler/Kaitlyn & Big E Langston/AJ Lee bout was OK, but did not really impress we have to say. This was merely a filler scrap and it felt like it, Ziggler and Kaitlyn won by the way.

SumerSlam was an ambitious event in many ways. It did falter a few times, but the pacing did pick up. We must also feel for Daniel Bryan, after all he has now seen his title dreams stolen away by an opportunistic young man called Randy Orton. This means the main event scene sill be shaken up again and we need that don't we?

By Phil Allely

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