Friday 23 August 2013

Fergal 'Prince' Devitt Interview

Irish wrestler returns home for Belfast show

Irish based company have bounced back on to the wrestling scene in style and have announced a number of live events across the land. The company have also announced that Irish wrestler and current New Japan Pro wrestling star Fergal 'Price' Devitt will be on hand for the Belfast show on October 4th at the City's Waterfront Hall.

With titles galore to his name the 32 year old has found his greatest glory in Japan and has held the prestigious IWGP Junior Heavyweight title multiple times to date. As Fame's wrestling writer and a big fan of previous shows I tracked down the shows promoters and was fortunate enough to get an exclusive interview with Fergal ahead of this (sure to be) amazing show.

Here are the highlights from my chat with Fergal (who was just home from his latest NJPW tour and was even willing to phone me at his own cost).

Phil: Hi Fergal I really do appreciate you taking the time to talk to me. I know you are just back from Japan. May we kick off by asking you about your return to Ireland as a wrestler?

Fergal: It has been a long time since I wrestled in Ireland. I did a charity event a few years back. But in reality we are talking six or seven years since I stepped in to the ring here properly.

Phil: What made you want to come back here to Ireland?

Fergal: To me it one of the hottest things here to be involved in and I really wanted to do it. I'd love it to be more than just one show too. You never know.

Phil: I know it may sound odd, but do you think fans here will know who you are, or will it be something they research and then realise your pedigree?

Fergal: That is a hard one to talk about Phil. I know the die hard fans will know me and what I do. The rest we have no idea of (unless they do their research of course). I do hope we can make this the best night Belfast has seen in a long time.

Phil: Fergal how do you approach a show like this in front of a crowd you have not known for a long time?

Fergal: I see this a fresh challenge Phil and I like that. I always bring my 'A' game to the show and this will be no different. I will be out there doing everything that I can. Mind you all the guys on this show will be able to do just that.

Phil: In recent years we have seen a great number of UK/Irish wrestlers make the jump to the big leagues of TNA and WWE. How do you feel about that and what do you feel makes them stand out?

Fergal: I must say we here (UK/Ireland) have a very impressive track record on the training front etc. we also have some eager and hungry talent, just itching to get out there. At present we have the likes of Sheamus, Drew McIntyre and others all flying the flag for us. I can also tell you there are a lot of guys from here (UK/Ireland) working Japan too and they are amazing as well.

Phil: I suppose I have to ask you this Fergal what would you do if the WWE or TNA offered you a contract?

Fergal: Ah, yeah I know what you are saying Phil. I guess my answer is that if they came calling I would make a decision. But I am happy doing what I do. Yes I hate the rotten airport food, the travelling an length I am away form my family and friends, but it is my profession and I cannot explain how I feel about that.

Phil: If you did for example sign with the WWE to alter your repertoire, would that worry you?

Fergal: I Think I would adapt and like I always do work around my surroundings. My ring style will adapt to my surroundings.

Phil: But would you take that jump to the US Fergal?

Fergal: To be honest Phil it would be a tough decision. It would be a big lifestyle change and make me move my base etc. I don't know if I want that right now.

Phil: It could make you a better known big name wrestler but.

Fergal: Thing is I have never been in it for that. I am not out there to get the fame or stardom. That is not why many of us do this, we have the passion and determination here. I know from experience that the UK/Irish wrestlers are some of the best trained and skilled in the world. I get told that a lot.

Phil: Fergal I must thank you for taking the time to phone me today and chat. Have you any word of encouragement to entice our readers to attend this show?

Fergal: I will just say this Phil. What you will see is a great and accomplished group of wrestlers who have worked hard and long in what they are doing. This is not backyard wrestling stuff or people messing about. We offer so much more. This will be a polished and exciting wrestling event that you have to see.

By Phil Allely

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