Monday 8 April 2013

Exclusive Interview TNA's Miss Tessmacher and Phil Allely

Miss Tessmacher: At the Hogan/Bully Ray wedding I wasn't wearing underwear!
By Phil Allely

TNA Knockout Brooke Tessamacher (real name Brooke Adams) has come a long way in the world of wrestling. This young lady started off by dancing on WWE programming and acting as a secretary to Eric Biscoff in its rival company TNA. However she wanted more and opted to move into active competition in the TNA Knockouts division. Quickly winning not only the tag team gold, but Knockouts Division belts in short succession. Brooke has since become a shining star of the TNA ladies roster. Phil Allely caught up with her recently to chat about her career to date and her future plans.

'I loved being a part of the recent UK/Ireland tour. I did feel annoyed to miss out on a Guinness when I was in Dublin though, we all meant to do that. It was such a nice experience, even though a few of us caught the cold along the way. The fans were awesome. I have to be on the next one too.'

'I must admit even though I started out in a tag (with Tara) I am a singles wrestler at heart. I do prefer that. Winning the titles was wonderful and I will never forget the experience. I do also owe a great deal to Tara (and the other girls) for helping me out at the start. I feel I am better by myself and working a match like that. Of course sometimes having a partner out there is good. But the way I think about it is there can only ever be one TNA Knockout's Champion and I want to be her.'

'The challenge now is to keep up your momentum and climb back up that ladder. We (TNA) have such a lot of talented girls and I have only a few hundred matches (at most) compared to their thousands. It makes you stay on top of your game and work harder to know that.'

'I watch every Knockouts match I can and some of the guys ones too. I take mental notes and use that knowledge where I can. I learn something new every time and it helps me as a wrestler.'

'In TNA right now the biggest Diva is Robbie E. He goes through more fake tan and hair spray than any of us girls ever will. I do think Robbie T is right to move away and step out for himself now though.'

'I loved being a part of the Brooke Hogan/Bully Ray wedding, but what you won't know is that whilst I love dressing up and being beautiful on screen. It took me back to my beauty pageant days, but I was also a little bit under dressed that day.'

'When it all kicked of and people got hit Hulk Hogan fell near me. He landed on my dress and I could not move. I had no undergarments on and I am sure the front row had a reat view. I was in these huge heels and my dress was riding up. It was a live recording so all I could do was wriggle and hope Hulk would move a bit. Luckily the cameras never caught it. I do worry some one will put it out online some day though.'

'I don't know what the future may hold. I do think I'd like to try acting though. Maybe I can get some sexy roles like Carmen Electra does. After I take some acting classes and work hard I'd like to be in a position to do things like Trish Stratus. She has been able to juggle acting with her other business ventures.'

You can watch Miss Tessmacher each week on TNA Impact Wrestling on Challenge TV here in the UK.

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