Monday 28 January 2013

Jake Roberts seeking fan support for surgery

WWE Legend Jake Roberts seeks fan support for surgery
By Phil Allely

Financially struggling former WWE superstar Jake "The Snake" Roberts recently created an IndieGogo page to raise money for much needed shoulder surgery.

Roberts (aged 57) has to date lost 60 pounds in excess weight and been sober for over 75 days, the longest stretch in over a decade, but his shoulder injury is getting in the way of his new exercise regimen.

Jake recently agreed to work with former WCW and WWE wrestler Diamond Dallas Page and vowed to get himself back into shape. With decades of abuse to his body (through drug and alcohol dependency), this is a brand new 'Snake' and one that many fans would love to see appear in the ring one more time.

The amount needed for surgery and rehab is $9,200. A figure that the grappler cannot cover at present.

At his peak Roberts was not only a genuine talent, but also the master of in-ring psychology and the art of the killer promo. His subsequent fall from grace has been painful to witness for fans across the globe. His appearance on the documentary Beyond The Mat highlighted just how far the legend had fallen.

Recent years have seen him no show indie events and cause promoters much grief along the way.

Page's offer of help has been welcomed by not only Jake and his family, but also the loyal fan base who still adore the man who made the DDT a wonderfully brutal finishing move. His legacy will live on forever, but perhaps this is Jake's chance to shine one more time and finally net himself that elusive WWE Hall of Fame nod.

Fans wishing to make a donation can learn more here.

Rewards for supporting this worthy cause include a signed photograph, a personal phone call from Jake, signed tee shirts, dvds, training advice and even an 'accountability crib' experience with Roberts and DDP.

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