Friday 28 December 2012

WWE Hall of Fame 2013 rumours

WWE Hall Of Fame 2013: The Rock, Mick Foley and more touted as potential inductees.
By Phil Allely

With WWE's WrestleMania only a few short months away many smart fans are beginning to think about what names the company may announce as inductee's into the hallowed WWE Hall Of Fame.

With WrestleMania hailing from the famous Madison Square Garden in New York City, it seems the WWE are planning to pay tribute to the venue and state.
This means the names announced for the HOF will inevitably be people from NYC, or ones who stole the show at an event held in the popular WWE venue.

Mick Foley is one of the top names being bandied about for the honour. Foley has been a part of many Mania matches and performed countless battles in the Garden. He has also been heavily pushing for his inclusion into the HOF. Foley has previously stated how he watched his first ever wrestling match at the venue.

Wrestler turned movie star Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. Who has returned to part time duties for the WWE is also high on the wish list list for inductees. His return to grappling has been a joy to behold and the man certainly dos warrant a spot at the HOF.

Sources also hint that The Nasty Boys (Brian Nobbs and Jerry Sags) and Harlem Heat (Booker T and Stevie Ray) may be receiving the nod too. Both have connections to New York (either through storyline or reality).

Rumour has it the WWE have reached out The Ultimate Warrior (Jim Helwig) recently, although Helwig is a bit of a loose cannon and the company may wish to forgo any potential awkward situations, and have considered inducting the late Owen Hart and Chris Benoit. Hart may never be inducted (even though he deserves it), due to the situation revolving around his death and his wife Martha's attitude toward the company where he sadly passed away. Benoit's name will come to a shock to many, he has however been featured in a few DVD releases and features of late. His in-ring career and success has long been over-shadowed by the infamous murder-suicde that saw Benoit, his wife Nancy and their child all perish.

Whilst these are all speculative at present fans across the globe have their list of wrestlers past and present they wish to see inducted into the HOF. Your reviewer fro instance would love to see the much-missed Randy 'Macho Man' Savage, manager extraordinaire Jim Cornette,the monster Sid Vicious and tag team legends The Rock n Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) grace the event too.

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