Wednesday 10 October 2012

Robbie E & T Interview

Robbie's E & T: We want to dominate the TNA tag team scene By Phil Allely Impact wrestling duo Robbie E & Robbie T have been quiet as of late. Their last major storyline saw them pursue Devon's TV Title and Robbie E's chances of winning the Bound For Glory series were short-lived. However that is all about to change according to the pair. In this exclusive chat Phil Allely caught up with the duo to learn about their plans to dominate TNA. Phil: 'So guys after your successful solo career's is the tag team division next in your sights?' Robbie T: 'We definitely want to make our mark on the Tag Team scene now'. Robbie E: 'That is our short term goal. Long term we want to become the first guys to co-hold the world championship'. Chipped in the more outspoken Robbie E Phil: 'Wow that is a big thing to say. Am Iright in saying you would be the first team to do such a thing?' Robbie E: 'No one has done that before. The two Robbie's can become world champion we fully believe that.' Phil: 'Big Rob T I last interviewed you when you were a part of the British Invasion. Do you still keep in contact with Magnus and Doug?' Robbie T: 'I enjoyed my time as a member of the British Invasion. It was a good time in my career, but I look ahead now. I still see Doug and Nick, mostly at TV tapings or house shows.' Phil: 'So your eyes will be firmly on the tag team who win the gold at Bound For Glory?' Robbie E: 'I see us firmly as a team right now. We do everything together and even though we are not on the Bound For Glory card (thanks for that Hogan). We will be watching the show and will be on the trail of whoever comes out of it the champs. Kaz and Daniels have had the belts a while now, so my thinking is it will Chavo and Hernandez who will walk out of their with them instead. Mind you as Chavo is like 50 (years old) and Hernandez is past it they won't be much competition for us.' Phil: 'Anything else grabbing your attention at the Pay-Per-View?' Robbie T: 'I am looking forward to the fan interaction stuff over the weekend and after all it is the biggest event we have of the year. We both will be glued to the tag match of course too.' Robbie E: 'As we have been saying the whole time here, we are firmly concentrating on the tag belts right now. But I will be eagerly watching the Knockouts Title match too. Miss Tessmacher is so hot, why would I watch anything else.' Phil: 'Would you both like to be included on the UK/Irish tour in January?' Robbie T: 'I have been telling Robbie how much intense the UK/Irish fans are. I think they would love us to be added and we would be a great addition to the list already announced. The fans there are so much different than our US based ones and we all look forward to the UK/Irish tours. It is an honour to be on them. We hope you'll see us there in January.' Phil: You have been doing live Impact! TV tapings over the summer has the live element made the tapings tougher? Robbie E: 'I think we are all finding the live TV shows to be more tense that we are used to. It really pushes you to be the best you can. I mean what if during one of my matches my pants split. You'd all see my ass and it would be on live TV (laughs). Mind you at least we don't have Ric Flair here, he did that a bit too often and I know people want to see my butt more than his.' You can see Robbie E & T each week on Challenge. Phil Allely

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