Monday 29 October 2012

TNA Bound For Glory 2012 Review

TNA Review - Bound For Glory 2012 By Phil Allely TNA's annual PPV Bound For Glory is an event the entire roster and loyal fan base cannot wait to be a part of. This is the companies biggest event of the year it features a weekend full of fan interaction events and guest appearances by roster members old and new. This year BFG not only promised to deliver in the ring (Ace's &8's vs Bully Ray/Sting, Roode vs Storm, Hardy vs Aries), but also paid homage to the Icon Sting with the first TNA Hall of Fame induction. After a few sub par PPV's BFG really needed to deliver. The first surprise of the night came as Rob Van Dam prised the X Division Title from the grasp of Zema Ion. RVD as champ may well open up the recently lacking Division, which was once such a highlight of TNA Programming. Former tag team partners Magnus and Samoa Joe had a pretty decent scrap for Joe's TV Title next. Both traded near falls and high impact moves. However Brit Magnus failed in his quest, falling to a Joe choke-out. Surprisingly a match the magnitude of the Storm/Roode Streetfight was relegated to third of the night. The good news was that the pair really had their work boots on here and risked life and limb to put forth one hell of a match-up. Weapons we used frequently, blood flowed and special enforcer King Mo kept his distance, allowing the former best friends to pulverise each other in and out of the ring. The match ended with Storm's hand held high and Roode lying in pool of blood and thumbtacks. This was a feud that culminated perfectly (well done TNA). The Joey Ryan/Al Snow encounter had potential, but failed to ignite the crowd. Fortunately Snow producing his mannequin head and a surprise appearance by Matt Morgan brought them back on board. Ryan capitalised the interference to earn a TNA contract. Of the three thrown together teams in the Tag Team Title match (Styles/Angle, Kazarian/Daniels) the combo of Hernandez/Chavo may have the most potential. They do that old school thing of combining strength, speed and experience. Making their team a formidable one. The match was fun and well-paced. A criticism could be that there were too many men involved to allow them to fully showcase their wares. Hernandez/Chavo pulled off the win and won the tag gold with relative ease, following a 'border toss' 'frog splash' combo move. As revealed in a exclusive interview here the pair will now be in the sights of the team of Robbie's E & T. Former friends and knockout tag champions Tara and Miss Tessmacher faced off for Tessmacher's Knockouts Title next. As women's matches go this was above par and allowed each the chance to shine. Tessmacher is definitely improving with each outing and Tara can still work with the best of them. Tara's experience however came to the fore and allowed her to snag herself one more gold belt for her collection. Highly anticipated (due to the pacing of the storyline) was the Ace's & 8's versus Sting/Bully Ray match. With numbers changing weekly the members of the gang are unknown and rumours are rife as to who they will be, when finally revealed. This was a good old fashioned brawl, no finesse at all in the moves and it suited the ageing Stinger and rough-housing Ray to perfection. Sting and Ray fared well until the numbers game got the better of them. Joseph Park ran one off, but that could only delay the inevitable loss for the TNA team. Post-match the gang attacked our valiant losers, Hulk Hogan made a (slow) save and in the final shock of the night one of the gang was revealed to be the former Team 3D member Devon. Rightly in the main event spot was the World Heavyweight Title encounter between Champ Austin Aries and the back in form Jeff Hardy. This was a match to re-view a few times as moves came thick and fast, both men chose their spots and for the main hit them perfectly. Your reviewer does wonder what a match between an in his prime Hardy and Aries would have been like. The bout flew along at a decent rate and allowed both to take risks. The ending came as a total surprise to many, Aries losing his belt to a Hardy Swanton. BFG did exceed expectations, the clips of Sting's induction were nice to see. The title changes were mostly for the greater good of the company and the first Ace's & 8's reveal did throw many smart fans. The big thing is now to see how the company capitalise on these storyline twists and just what Matt Morgan meant when he said we was there to take out the roster. By Phil Allely

DDP to train Jake Roberts for in ring return

Jake Roberts trains for one last run By Phil Allely In a recent interview with former WCW champion and WWE star Diamond Dallas Page told the interviewer how he plans to train former WWE legend Jake 'The Snake' Roberts and get him back in shape for one last run. Page has moved the 57 year old Roberts into his Atlanta home and plans to spend 6-8 weeks preparing him for a possible return to the squared circle. Film cameras will be rolling (for a proposed documentary) during this time also. Page will also attempt to school the veteran in using social media to promote himself and to contact his fans. Roberts was at one time one of the top wrestlers in the WWE and is often described as the master of in-ring psychology. His career however never saw him net a WWE title and his personal demons did derail his potential too. Roberts sections of the 1999 'Beyond The Mat' documentary were perhaps the most harrowing of that production (which every Sun Sport fan should view). Roberts was of course given an opportunity to return to the WWE in 1996 and incorporate his new found religious outlook into a storyline. Unfortunately Jake will be mainly remembered as the man who Steve Austin beat in the 1996 King of the Ring PPV and whose beliefs saw the infamous 'Austin 3:16' quote enter WWE folk lore. DDP has become a legend in the world of physical training since he retired form the ring. His yoga regime and techniques have been used by sportsmen and celebrities across the board. If anyone can get 'The Snake' in ring shape it is him. As DDP says in his interview “Bottom line is, everybody wants the comeback story,” Page said. “Everybody wants to see Jake look good, and feel good, and not be a mess anymore. That would be great. I think there are a lot of really positive things that can come out of this if Jake really does it.” Watch this space and your screens for more news on this exciting story.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Vickie Guerrero Nude Pics (censored)

Pics of WWE Diva (Cougar) Vickie Guerrero Nude. But censored too.

TNA announce Manchester TV taping for Jan 2013

TNA IMPACT WRESTLING ANNOUNCES MANCHESTER TV TAPING Two episodes of hit Challenge TV show to be recorded at Manchester Arena Booking fees waived for TNA UK event tickets bought via ‘October offer’ link Competition launched to find the best fan signs on the TNA January Tour MANCHESTER, ENGLAND (October 22, 2012): Two episodes of top-rated Challenge TV show TNA IMPACT WRESTLING will be recorded at Manchester Arena on January 25, 2013 - the first time TNA has ever filmed the programme in the UK outside of London. The event will form part of the TNA 'Road To Lockdown' Tour of the UK which also features huge live shows in Glasgow (Jan 23), Nottingham (Jan 24) and a previously announced double TV taping at London's Wembley Arena (Jan 26). All four events will feature a steel cage match and worldwide wrestling stars including TNA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, Austin Aries, Bobby Roode and AJ Styles. The Manchester and Wembley shows will air over a period of four weeks on Challenge TV in February, as part of the channel's special 'TNA in the UK’ month. They will also be broadcast on Spike TV in the US and in more than 120 other countries around the world. To celebrate the news, TNA IMPACT WRESTLING has teamed up with to waive the booking fee on tickets bought throughout the rest of October for TNA's UK January Tour dates. The offer* is open to those booking via the dedicated web link or the ticket shop on the TNA Wrestling UK Facebook page at TNA IMPACT WRESTLING will also be running a competition to find the best fan signs brought to the UK events, with one winner at each show receiving an exclusive backstage pass. Dominic Wilkins, Acting Director of Challenge TV, said: "TNA IMPACT WRESTLING is a huge hit with Challenge TV viewers so it is with testament to this bourgeoning UK fan base that TNA is filming two more shows in Manchester, as well as two at London’s Wembley Arena. “Viewers will be able to catch these four new programmes as part of our ‘TNA in the UK’ month during February. They will follow on from the premiere of the exclusive new series TNA Wrestling: British Boot Camp which airs on Challenge during January 2013.” TNA President Dixie Carter added: "I’m so excited for the rest of the world to see how loud and crazy the fans in Manchester are. We’re going to have some fun!" The TNA Road To Lockdown Tour also comes to Dublin, Ireland, on Monday January 21. * Offer is no booking fee charged on full price TNA January 2013 UK event tickets bought from 9pm on October 21 until 11.59pm on October 31. Only available via exclusive closed web link and TNA UK Facebook Ticket Shop. Offer is subject to availability and non-retrospective.

Sunday 21 October 2012

Women's wrestling top ten 2012

as reported this week, Gail Kim has earned the number one position in Pro Wrestling Illustrated's fifth annual "PWI Female 50" list, which ranks the top 50 women's wrestlers in North America from September 1, 2011, through August 30, 2012. She succeeds Madison Eagles, who ranked No. 1 in last year's list. The top 10 has been released, which ranks: 1. Gail Kim. 2. Beth Phoenix. 3. Cheerleader Melissa. 4. Sara Del Rey. 5. Jessicka Havok 6. Layla. 7. Miss Tessmacher. 8. Saraya Knight. 9. Mercedes Martinez. 10. Tara. The full list is available at Kim remarked on the achievement via Twitter, writing to PWI, "Thanks so much for recognizing all female talent. I appreciate the recognition of hard work and feel flattered for the honor!"

Eric Bischoff Interview Highlights

Eric Bischoff called into Extreme Pro Wrestling Radio on 100.3 FM The Fan in Minneapolis (on Twitter at EPWRadio) to discuss a number of topics with Big D, Tim and Crisco including the creative team for TNA Wrestling, who was going to be the third man in the nWo storyline before Hulk Hogan got on board, his current relationship with Vince McMahon and more. Highlights from the interview are as follows: Comparing Bruce Prichard with Vince Russo in their roles writing for TNA Wrestling what are Bruce’s strengths: “It’s hard to compare, two entirely different people with entirely different skill sets and backgrounds and experiences and things like that so it’s kind of a waste of energy to try and compare them other than to say they are two completely different people. I enjoyed working with Vince, I don’t wanna ever sound like I didn’t. It was a challenge for me and it was a challenge for Vince because of our personalities and because of the way we approach things, but it was never personal for me…in TNA and I don’t think it was for him either. “I like working with Bruce a lot because Bruce has more experience than I do. I’ve been in the business for 25 years and I have a lot of experience but Bruce has more than I do. Not only does he have more experience than I do but he experienced the peak of WWE, the formulas that worked there and the processes that work there, he understands production very very well. I’m actually very impressed with his knowledge of production. I love his sensibility and his philosophy regarding wrestling story and finishes in particular. We see, not eye to eye, because that’s not very good when two people agree on everything. “We do have our moments, we had one about 24 hours ago I thought was going to last for 24 hours. But I respect him, he’s been there, he’s done that a couple times and he has the t-shirts. His philosophy is rooted very much in strong wrestling fundamentals. Wrestling is no different from comedy, it’s no different than drama, it’s no different than a really good action film, in that it all comes down to basic storytelling fundamentals. “If you focus on the fundamentals, if you focus on the details and don’t shortcut, chances are your stuff will probably be pretty good. It’s when you try to get so off the wall and throw so much stuff up against the wall and try and be wacky for the sake of being wacky and you abandon simple fundamental story telling that’s when you crater and that’s what I like about working with Bruce. Even though we may disagree on certain things I know that when he is disagreeing he’s disagreeing from a point of good strong fundamentals and I respect that.” Is there an angle or storyline that hasn’t been done yet: “First of all, if I did…or if I could..I wouldn’t do it here. Secondly, I’d be lying to you if I said I saw some secret sauce back in the cupboard in the back that nobody has figured out yet. Nah, I don’t think there is. Again, I don’t know how many different basic stories there are but someone told me a longtime ago that was a film major, basically there is seven basic stories…boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back. There’s only seven different ways to tell a story and the art of storytelling and entertainment is just finding ways that feel new and camouflaging those seven basic stories so that it feels like something you haven’t seen before. “I think we’re there with professional wrestling particularly over the last 15 years because of the just plethora of programming that’s out there. Going back to when Nitro was three hours and Thunder was two and Raw was three and then it was two and then it was three again and Smackdown is two hours then there’s a bunch of shows in syndication, a bunch of replays on cable. It’s like, I don’t know how we’ve survived as long as we have… Well, I do but it’s hard, it’s really hard to come up with a story that hasn’t been done before that the audience will accept. It’s funny, we just got done doing two days of really intensive research in a couple different cities. Fascinating research by the way. I’m a little bit of a research nerd. “One of the things I have known for a longtime but it becomes very apparent when you’re sitting in a focus group of people who are identified as serious wrestling fans is that they’re very… they take ownership, they’re very particular, they’re almost obsessive compulsive about it for the most part and they expect you to treat their product, because they look at it as their product, with a tremendous amount of respect. The minute you try to get too cute with it, you really piss them off. So when you ask me, is there some new storyline, some new way of doing it, some new angles, some new talent, whatever… “Yeah, there’s a couple different things we could try that have never been done before but I’m pretty sure how the audience would react that because it would be too far outside their box and comfort zone. It’s just like Nascar fans, if Nascar decided if instead of turning left for 400 miles they’re gonna turn right? People would just have seizures and die all over the country. Yeah, it’s never been done before, it’s really cool, feels different, feels fresh. It would be horrible, it’s the same with wrestling. You gotta be real careful with that, believe me…I have the scar tissue to prove it.”it. Bischoff also remarks on scrapped plans to bring Sting into the now, his thoughts on son Garett’s wrestling career, his current relationship with Vince McMahon, and more. Click LIKE and listen to the interview here –

Friday 19 October 2012

Lou E Dangerous Interview Highlights

ECW manager/promoter Lou D'Angeli was interviewed by Top Rope Radio. HEre are a few highlights from the interview. On CM Punk's altercation with a fan on Raw: "He's the top heel, he's probably one of the most visible guys in that company and he has legit heat on him. People don't like him and you can't send a guy like that into the crowd unprotected…If somebody's punching me, I'm punching back. It sucks that it happened like that, but he shouldn't have been in that situation to begin with." On Billy Corgan's Resistance Pro Wrestling: "This is no different than some random guy with a lot of money that comes off the street and buys his way into a wrestling promotion. It's really annoying to be quite honest with you because there are a lot of people that are really passionate and they just don't have deep pockets." On Devon's appearance at Bound For Glory: "There's an element of surprise. I think there are very few people that are able to do this that can work the dirt sheets and everyone around you to believe one thing's happening and then swerve them and realistically surprise them; I think that's awesome. It's kind of cool because to my knowledge everyone thought Devon was gone and quite frankly, I think he still is, but I have no idea. I don't ask him."

Wednesday 17 October 2012

WWE Money in the Bank 2012 DVD Review

WWE DVD Review – Money In The Bank 2012 For years the MITB concept was the highlight of WWE events. Now that the innovative match has been given its own PPV we can enjoy it even more. The idea behind MITB is simple a match winner gets to grab a case and in that he has a shot at the World Title (which can be cashed in at anytime). The MITB matches have been the ones that have elevated many of the WWE's current stars and made them real stars for the company. This DVD release by Silvervision is a nice addition to the calendar and one that really does warrant a second or third viewing. The opening scrap between Hunico/Comancho and Kofi Kingston/R-Truth is an entertaining effort. Next up the MITB Ladder Match revs things up and gives us an insight into the excitement a match of this style can offer up. Dolph Ziggler, Christian and Cody Rhodes stood out here and gave their all in the spot-fest that ensued. The world Heavyweight Title was up for grabs next and it featured Ireland's own Sheamus (champion) battling his long-term thorn in his side Alberto Del Rio. Sheamus is indeed improving and Del Rio is a man so talented that he could get a good match out of anyone. This is well worth a punt. Unfortunately for your review the Titus O'Neil/Darren Young and Primo/Epico bout didn't float my boat. The addition of R-Truth and Kofi on commentary did help but. As a big fan of Daniel Bryan I don't wish to be biased here. Suffice to say that the NO DQ match between him and CM Punk is a real highlight of MITB 2012 for me. Viewers will see exactly why when they view it again. Ryback continued his 'Goldberg' style run next with a decimation of Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins in a swift encounter. The two-on-one odds proving to be not a huge deal to the big man. The Diva's got their chance to shine next and whilst the division is knocked often for its poor talent the ladies here were mostly above par. The teams of Layla, Kaitly, Tamina and Beth Phoenix, Natalya, Eve featured at least four good workers. This may be a short match, but it is fun. Up next we get the MITB Ladder match for the WWE Title shot. The name value hee alone makes this worth watching. When you factor in Kane, Chris Jericho, Big Show, John Cena and The Miz you know you are in for something special and this one is indeed. The finish may be popular knowledge by now, but that cannot ruin the encounter. MITB 2012 is a great DVD and one that will sit nicely alongside your collection. The matches are mostly above par and the action throughout will certainly keep you entertained. MITB 2012 is available now from and all good retailers. By Phil Allely

Monday 15 October 2012

Gail Kim gets PWI award

Gail Kim has earned the number one position in Pro Wrestling Illustrated's fifth annual "PWI Female 50" list, which ranks the top 50 women's wrestlers in North America from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. She succeeds Madison Eagles, who ranked No. 1 in last year's list. Pro Wrestling Illustrated attributes their decision to ranking Kim as the top women's wrestler in North America to her record-breaking 210-day reign as TNA Women's Knockout Champion. The full list will be revealed this Thursday when the annual issue is released via digital download. The magazine will hit newsstands later this month. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Pro Wrestling Illustrated has revealed that Gail Kim has been named #1 in the 2012 PWI Female 50. The Female 50 will be available for digital download on Thursday, October 18, at It will be released on newsstands later this month. This is the first time Gail Kim has earned this distinction. Prior Female 50 number ones have included Madison Eagles (2011), Michelle McCool (2010), Mickie James (2009), and Awesome Kong (2008). “Gail Kim held the Knockouts title for 210 days during the evaluation period,” said PWI Senior Writer Dan Murphy. “She also held the Knockouts tag team title, and had a string of successful title defenses against the top women in TNA, including Mickie James, Tara, and Madison Rayne. Our congratulations go out to her.” For more information, please visit Pro Wrestling Illustrated has been recognized as the sport’s number one magazine since its inception in 1979. Founded by legendary publisher Stanley Weston, PWI set out on a course to alter the landscape of pro wrestling journalism. Over the years, utilizing the talents of the world’s finest writers, editors, photographers, and designers, PWI succeeded beyond Weston’s wildest dreams.

Friday 12 October 2012

Booker T Interview Highlights

Promoting his autobiography, From Prison to Promise: Life Before the Squared Circle, Booker T spoke to Joshua Modaberi of to discuss the book, his twenty-plus year career in professional wrestling and more. Highlights from the interview are as follows: Being backstage on the night Jerry "The King" Lawler suffered a heart attack during Raw: "I was in the back watching on the monitor and then realised something wasn’t right and I’ll tell you it was scary and we just have to thank God Jerry is a strong man and a fit guy to pull through that, most guys his age wouldn’t have been able to pull through but Jerry Lawler has always been pretty straight laced, he’s never been a drinker, he’s always lived his life clean. "The WWE doctors were right there and in the right position to take care of him, and when they brought him to the back I was only a few feet away and it was really scary seeing the doctors beating on his chest trying to keep him alive." His personal highlights in World Championship Wrestling: "Starting from the beginning and having Sherri Martel as our manager, and I think she was the greatest manager in the business, to having us under her wing definitely gave us the belief that we were legitimate stars because everybody Sherri had been with before us all of those guys were stars, so we just fell into good company. "As for some of the matches as Television Champion, I had great matches with Chris Benoit and Fit Finlay, then going on to win the big one, the World Championship, against Jeff Jarrett, that was a highlight in my career. But there have been so many highlights in my career it is hard to single out one and say that was it. But to start off in WCW at the bottom of the totem pole and to finish off on the final night right at the top of the totem pole that gave me self-gratification." His two-year run with Total Nonstop Action Wrestling: "The way I would explain my time in TNA would be like a vacation, I was detoxing from the rigorous WWE schedule and the hours spent on the road. I just needed time to step back and not think about myself so much but try to help the next lot of guys coming up in the business. That’s what I went to TNA for, I was hoping to help the next generation of stars come up and it was great working with guys like Bobby Roode, AJ Styles and Samoa Joe and giving them some of my knowledge. "However the company then started to focus on the older guys and my experience there was a good experience but I don’t feel I got as much out of it as I could have." Why he doesn't want to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame until he reaches a certain age: "Yeah, that’s just my thing, I don’t think I’m ready for it, I’m not ready for the Hall of Fame yet. I’m not ready to make that walk, I’m not ready to make that speech yet, I really can’t tell you why because I’m not sure but do I think I have a ton of wrestling days left in me, no, that’s not it at all. "I just think guys should reach a certain prestige before they get inducted into the Hall of Fame. People talk about what I’ve done in the business with all the accolades and the titles but I still think there is something left for me to do. Maybe it’s going to do a speaking tour, talking to kids in trouble and turning their lives around or some charity work. I’m just not ready for it just yet, and I want to be ready when it happens." Booker T also discusses the wrestlers who inspired him to become one himself, tag team wrestling, the major difference between WCW and WWE, working with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, his role as General Manager of SmackDown, and his career highlight in WWE, among other topics.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Bloodstained Memoirs Gets American Release

For the first time ever, the critically acclaimed Bloodstained Memoirs documentary will be made available on DVD in America and Canada. Bloodstained Memoirs has teamed up with leading distributor Revolver Entertainment to present the Special Edition DVD where in addition to a brand new transfer of the documentary starring Chris Jericho, Great Muta, Roddy Piper, Rob Van Dam, Christian and Ultimo Dragon, you'll be able to watch newly created and archive special extras. Due for release on 16th October, you can pre order the DVD from Amazon now: Special Edition DVD Trailer: Follow @wrestlingfilm on Twitter for updates!

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Robbie E & T Interview

Robbie's E & T: We want to dominate the TNA tag team scene By Phil Allely Impact wrestling duo Robbie E & Robbie T have been quiet as of late. Their last major storyline saw them pursue Devon's TV Title and Robbie E's chances of winning the Bound For Glory series were short-lived. However that is all about to change according to the pair. In this exclusive chat Phil Allely caught up with the duo to learn about their plans to dominate TNA. Phil: 'So guys after your successful solo career's is the tag team division next in your sights?' Robbie T: 'We definitely want to make our mark on the Tag Team scene now'. Robbie E: 'That is our short term goal. Long term we want to become the first guys to co-hold the world championship'. Chipped in the more outspoken Robbie E Phil: 'Wow that is a big thing to say. Am Iright in saying you would be the first team to do such a thing?' Robbie E: 'No one has done that before. The two Robbie's can become world champion we fully believe that.' Phil: 'Big Rob T I last interviewed you when you were a part of the British Invasion. Do you still keep in contact with Magnus and Doug?' Robbie T: 'I enjoyed my time as a member of the British Invasion. It was a good time in my career, but I look ahead now. I still see Doug and Nick, mostly at TV tapings or house shows.' Phil: 'So your eyes will be firmly on the tag team who win the gold at Bound For Glory?' Robbie E: 'I see us firmly as a team right now. We do everything together and even though we are not on the Bound For Glory card (thanks for that Hogan). We will be watching the show and will be on the trail of whoever comes out of it the champs. Kaz and Daniels have had the belts a while now, so my thinking is it will Chavo and Hernandez who will walk out of their with them instead. Mind you as Chavo is like 50 (years old) and Hernandez is past it they won't be much competition for us.' Phil: 'Anything else grabbing your attention at the Pay-Per-View?' Robbie T: 'I am looking forward to the fan interaction stuff over the weekend and after all it is the biggest event we have of the year. We both will be glued to the tag match of course too.' Robbie E: 'As we have been saying the whole time here, we are firmly concentrating on the tag belts right now. But I will be eagerly watching the Knockouts Title match too. Miss Tessmacher is so hot, why would I watch anything else.' Phil: 'Would you both like to be included on the UK/Irish tour in January?' Robbie T: 'I have been telling Robbie how much intense the UK/Irish fans are. I think they would love us to be added and we would be a great addition to the list already announced. The fans there are so much different than our US based ones and we all look forward to the UK/Irish tours. It is an honour to be on them. We hope you'll see us there in January.' Phil: You have been doing live Impact! TV tapings over the summer has the live element made the tapings tougher? Robbie E: 'I think we are all finding the live TV shows to be more tense that we are used to. It really pushes you to be the best you can. I mean what if during one of my matches my pants split. You'd all see my ass and it would be on live TV (laughs). Mind you at least we don't have Ric Flair here, he did that a bit too often and I know people want to see my butt more than his.' You can see Robbie E & T each week on Challenge. Phil Allely

Monday 8 October 2012

Dave Bautista Interview Highlights

Former WWE Superstar turned MMA Fighter Dave Bautista spoke with MMAJunkie after his victory over Vince Lucero Saturday Night. Here are some highlights. On training with Stephan Bonnar: “I don’t know if [working with me] energized him, but the day he got the call for Anderson Silva, he came to practice the next day, and he beat the living hell out of me. And I think it’s because he put his game face on. It was a different Stephan Bonnar.” On his performance: “I think Stephan Bonnar is going to be a little disappointed. He called me, and the two things he said was, ‘Keep your hands up and your chin down.’ And I did neither of those things. I think I was so nervous. … I was terrified walking out there.” On his MMA career so far: “My head coach, Josh Rafferty, said, ‘We’re all so proud of you, you went through a two-month camp, you never bi###ed, you never complained, you showed up for every practice, you never asked for a practice off, you never asked for a round off, and you gave everything you have.’ And that meant more to me than getting my hand raised tonight.” On Lucero taking the fight on short notice: “You’ve got to respect a guy for that,” Lucero said. “I had nothing to lose, and he had everything to lose, putting his name out there. How can you not respect that?” On what he hopes to get out of his career: “Nothing. I do it because I love it. I have no ulterior motives. I think it’s obvious after tonight that I won’t be a world champion.”

Bully Ray Interview Highlights

Bully Ray recently spoke with The Phoenix New Times. Here are some highlights. How he reinvented himself in TNA: "Well, you have to reinvent yourself in this business. I was part of the most successful tag team in the history of pro wrestling, other than the Road Warriors, for 15 years. Twenty-three major world tag team titles and I've done just about everything you could possibly do as a tag team on the planet." Re-signing with TNA: "My business negotiations with TNA is my business and my business only. The only thing that you need to do is watch me on TV and pay-per-view." Devon leaving TNA: "I really could not care less about Devon. I haven't cared about Devon in almost two years. If Devon didn't let Chris Sabin kick out of the 3-D, I would've never blasted him in the back of the head and turned on him. Devon is not my concern. I have one business interest in Devon outside of TNA and that is [our] professional wrestling school, the Team 3-D Academy. Other than that, I really don't care about him. (When asked to comment on Devon's departure in a non-kayfabe way) "I don't understand. Non kay...what?... I'm giving you my legit answer. I...really...don' Whatever he does with his time, and whatever he wants to do is fine. We have one business interest that is extremely successful, so we choose to continue with that successful business interest, which is our wrestling academy. Other than him deciding not to sign, his business. He doesn't want to be with TNA, his business. Whatever he decides to do with his life, his business." If he would return to WWE: "Pro wrestling is a business just like any other business, and you always go where the best opportunities and the best money is. So whenever it comes time to negotiate, I always leave myself open to make whatever the best decision is in my world, in my best interest. Sticking with TNA right now was in my best interest. When my contract is up with TNA, you never know. I might retire, I could end up with another company. You never know where you're going to end up and you never know if a company's gonna still want you around. So you always leave things open-ended. It's a smart move."

WWE Diva Pics Referee Costume

WWE Diva's referee pics...

Friday 5 October 2012

Chavo Guerrero Interview Highlights

Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez spoke with Monday Night Mayhem. Here are some highlights. How the situation presented itself for Chavo to become part of the TNA roster and why the company has indeed lived up to his personal and professional expectations thus far: "To be honest, I didn't really know if I was going to TNA, or if I was gonna stop wrestling, or what I really was going to do. I knew I was going to take some time off, and regroup, and regain some of my sanity after going 12 years in the WWE. Sometimes you have to do that. We just started talking back and forth a bit, me and TNA, over a two-month period, and we decided that would be a good fit. We tried, and it has been working really, really good. I'm just so happy to be there. It's just nice to have people really appreciate your work, because sometimes people just expect that and never thank you, so it's a good thing." Their initial thoughts when they found out they were going to team up together and why their tag team is "a completely different dynamic" from Los Guerreros or The LAX: (Hernandez): "When Chavo came to TNA, everyone talked about the family heritage and experience, but what they don't realize is that this guy is reinventing himself. Every match, he's breaking out something you haven't seen before, or he hasn't done in a while." (Chavo): "Don't confuse our tag team with Hernandez's previous tag team partners. Much respect to Homicide. He's my boy. And with Konnan, the only thing we have in common is that we are Latinos. We are not LAX. They are not just plugging me in as 'the new Mexican guy.' It's a completely different dynamic. This is not Los Guerreros or LAX. It's completely different." Why they are looking forward to their three-way Match (vs. Kurt Angle/"The Phenomenal AJ Styles and "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels/Kazarian) for the TNA World Tag Team Titles at Bound For Glory: (Hernandez): "Kurt Angle, in my opinion, is hands down the best performer in the world right now. That's just how it goes. AJ is AJ. He is the man. This guy truly is phenomenal. He could do anything his body lets him do it's just crazy. It's going to take all of my power and everything Chavo can come up with to become (TNA World) Tag Team Champions." (Chavo): "Kazarian and Daniels are the champs, and they are both really good. They both know how to hold onto those Tag Team belts. I think we match really well against them, because one thing they don't have is the power. I'm just looking forward to getting to Bound for Glory and facing them."

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Kevin Nash Interview Highlights

Kevin Nash appeared on Kayfabe Wrestling Radio with Alan Wojcik & Spug, which airs live on Tuesday nights at 9:00 p.m. on In a nearly 40 minute interview he talked about his film career and two of his releases coming to DVD soon (Rock of Ages and Magic Mike), the difference between doing a fan-fest as opposed to what it’s like with WWE or WCW, his views on the NWO DVD release coming soon, has he been contacted to participate with the WWE Network, what does he think of CM Punk’s lengthy title run, what Rick Rude instilled in him coming up, his views on social networking on wrestling today, and much more. With the New World Order DVD coming soon, does he like that fans of the era can relive it and see new footage of what was done: “I think the body of work still stands out. A lot of it, because we participated in; even though we did it, we’ve never seen it back. There have been so many matches and segments and things that we haven’t seen that sometimes, especially with the production that the WWE has, when they put something together, it’s usually an incredible piece and you sit there and kind of relive it again. You go ‘Oh yeah, forgot about that’. So, I look forward to watching those pieces because it does bring back a lot of memories." Does he like doing the seminars and working with the up and coming generation: "The way I look at it, I was fortunate enough to have guys like (Rick) Rude and (Curt) Hennig and Jake (Roberts) kinda guide me, watch me and critique what I did. So, I mean, if somebody asked me to watch them, I’d definitely do it; I don’t think I’ll be able to give them much of a critique on what they should have done from a trained wrestling standpoint. But as far as telling a story, that’s the number one thing; and that’s what I ask a young guy, ‘What was the story you were trying to tell’ because that is the basis for what we do/ It determines what we’re going to do as far as movement to tell that story. A lot of guys have gotten away from telling stories, they’re more into doing spots and I think that’s kind of hurt the business.” What he thinks of the lengthy Punk title run: “At the same time, with the progression of the character, and everything they’ve done, I think that he was the Straight Edge and now I mean he is, if you take last night’s show, there’s times when I say ‘That was cheap heat’ and then he finds a way to get out of it with good heat like when he backs off Ryback. I mean, he’s done just such a good job; he’s a good worker he’s great on the mic, and now he’s growing into the part and I don’t see how they could possibly even function and conceivably do three hours of a show without him. And the thing is, the one thing is if you can make the belt mean something then that person can, especially from that heel persona, look over his shoulder and say ‘Oh yeah? Well, if I’m not the best, why do I have this and why have I had it this long?’ What did he learn from Rick Rude and what is lacking from today’s wrestling: "Number one, first and foremost, he was an entertainer, but when he did a lot of things to tell a story, I mean he got heat; he was a believable bad ass and he was a dangerous human being. I think that’s one thing missing from a lot of the characters right now; I just don’t believe that those characters right now can physically hurt me. I mean Ryback’s a big dude but Ryback’s not much taller than Phil (CM Punk). I mean Goldberg was 6’4”, 305 lbs.; it was just a different era of guys I think one thing I saw from Ryback last night (vs Tensai at RAW) when did couldn’t do his finisher a couple of times; it’s nothing against him, he was put into that situation and he probably thought he could get him and he didn’t get him, but at the same time, no body is using that spear right now and they’re chanting ‘Goldberg’. To me, go with it. He could use the spear; no one else is using it. He could spear a big guy, it’s like anything else. I mean I used to use the big boot on Yoko(zuna), because there’s no way I could powerbomb him. I always had a secondary finished for a guy you just couldn’t physically put into it. I don’t think it took anything away from him cause the coverage on the announce was Tensai’s experience let him block those two attempts. But if he’d had the spear or a back-up, secondary thing already established, I think it would have helped him out.”

Paul Bearer Interview Highlights

THQ and WWE Games have announced that their new game, WWE '13, will feature Alberto Del Rio's personal ring announcer, Ricardo Rodriguez, as well as the legendary manager, Paul Bearer. To celebrate, WWE Games caught up with the urn-holder himself for an extended talk about his time as an actual mortician, the evolving role of a manager in WWE, his favorite managers in history, favorite "Attitude Era" moments and his top three WWE Superstars—CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler. Bearer states, "CM Punk is outstanding. I put CM Punk above Cena. I never knew him until I came back when I got kidnapped by Edge. He has the mentality and the ability and the athleticism to perform. He picked up all of that on his own, from Taker and Kane and talking with those guys. He is like a sponge and he just picks up everything. I think he is fantastic. Cena is fantastic too, but Punk is, in my estimation, No. 1 on the roster. "Daniel Bryan was in developmental when I was going to a different territory each week. He came from Shawn Michaels' school. Shawn is one of the best in the business, and he taught Daniel Bryan right. He is not a CM Punk, but he is pretty close. He is really good at one he does. "Dolph Ziggler…he had to grow on me. I had never heard of him before and he looks so much like Billy Gun. Certain things he does in the ring…I see Billy Gunn. He’s not Billy Gunn, but he is a fantastic performer. I have nothing bad to say about any of these guys – they are all really good at what they do." The legendary manager also discussed his association with The Undertaker and Kane. "They are such great performers, such great athletes. Such great men, gentlemen in general. I am truly humbled that I have been allowed to be associated with them for all these years," Bearer said. "When me and Taker first started, his first WrestleMania was my first WrestleMania, so we’ve really been together all that time. I get asked, would you have thought then, that he’d be still going in 2012? Hell no, I wouldn’t then and I’m sure that he wouldn’t have either. In the early years, me and Taker were together so much, I mean all the time. We had a very special relationship and a very special bond. It was such a perfect chemistry, a perfect meant-to-be thing. We were meant to be for each other, but we had no idea it would last this long."

Askana Pics WWE Diva

WWE Diva Askana new pics...

Former WWE Diva Kelly Kelly Pics

Here are a few pics of (now) former WWE Diva Kelly Kelly (aka Barbie Blank).

WWE Layla new pics

Here are some new pics of WWE Diva Layla.

Bella Twins New Pics

Here are some new pics of former WWE Divas the Bella Twins.

WWE Lilian Garcia Interview Highlights

Promoting her new music album, SmackDown ring announcer Lilian Garcia appeared Monday night on The Nick and Artie Show, a sports/entertainment talk show hosted by comedian Nick DiPaolo and former Howard Stern Show comedian Artie Lange. The hosts did not take it easy on the WWE Diva and songstress as she was grilled throughout the interview with questions regarding Vince McMahon’s alleged sexual exploits, WWE wrestlers using steroids, and WWE’s futile attempts at comedy, among other topics. Highlights from the interview are as follows: - Artie asks Lilian whether she slept with any wrestlers before she got married, and if WWE chief Vince McMahon ever made a pass at her. She says “no,” adding that she “has really good friends.” Artie says she has morals, but then ponders how she could get a job working for Vince McMahon by having morals. “He’s awesome,” Lilian says of the Chairman of the Board. “This is my eleventh year working with the company. I’ve been the longest-running Diva there. I would not have stayed or come back—’cause I was gone for two-and-half-years—and I came back. I would not have come back if it was a bad organization. It’s been amazing. It’s a great organization.” - Artie says he hates today’s wrestlers because “they’re all in too good shape.” He prefers “big goofy-looking guys” like King Kong Bundy over muscular John Cena-types. Nick says “they’re all juicing.” In response, Lilian notes that all of the WWE wrestlers get drug-tested. “Fitness has come a long way. If you look at anybody years ago, fitness has come a long way,” she adds. Artie asks Lilian whether she has ever used steroids since she’s muscular. She replies “no,” adding that she works out and is a jump rope enthusiast. - Artie asks Lilian whether she ever saw Vince McMahon force himself on a girl during a “SmackDown Christmas party.” “First of all, we don’t have SmackDown Christmas parties, so, no (laughs),” Lilian responds. Artie then asks Lilian whether “she accidentally got in the wrong door and saw Vince McMahon date-raping a girl.” She responds, “Are you just jealous of him?” Artie says “in some ways,” and notes that he has “heard stories about him.” He says he’s heard stories about Vince having “steroid-rage” and being a “date-raper.” Lilian smiles and says Vince is “an amazing man.” - Following a commercial break, Artie takes issue with WWE’s attempts at comedy. An audio clip of a verbal exchange between Lilian and Tazz from over ten years ago is played, with Tazz first asking Lilian her name. After she states her name, he points to his “nose,” and asks her what is in his hand— “nothing.” Tazz breaks out laughing and says, “Exactly, Lilian knows nothing.” Artie says the dialogue must have been so embarrassing for her, deeming it “unfunny” and “terrible.” Lilian says “it’s supposed to be a simple ha-ha.” Artie responds, “It’s not even that, it’s not even close. It’s not even in the ha-ha neighborhood. It makes all of you look terrible. You’re a good-looking woman. You’re talented. Don’t be involved with that. Next time you say to Vince, “I can’t do the joke.” You have to stand up for yourself. You don’t want that on tape.” “It’s okay,” Lilian responds.

WWE NXT Diva Pics

Here are a few pics of WWE NXT Diva's Skylar Moon and Emma, enjoy.