Tuesday 17 July 2012

Velvet Sky Interview Higlights

The Post and Courier recently interviewed Velvet Sky, here are some highlights from the interview. The Knockouts division: "The Knockouts division is always going to be a strong division built around strong women. Back in 2007 when we all first started, it was very, very special. And it's not going to ever be like that again. Don't get me wrong. The group of girls that we have right now are great, and everybody gets along wonderfully. But the girls who I was with back in 2007 that helped start the division were special. It was just a special bond that we all shared. "We were all starting out in this new company, living out of our dreams at the exact same time, side by side. I can't say enough good things about those girls ... the likes of Roxxi (Laveaux), (Awesome) Kong, Taylor Wilde, Raesha (Saeed), just to name a few. It was such a wonderful, wonderful time for the Knockouts. It was such a great division of girls. The girls who aren't here anymore are missed deeply." Trying out for the WWE Diva Search prior to joining TNA: "Yes, I did. The only thing I'm going to say about that is the only reason I did that is because there were powers at be within that organization that told me they wanted to see me do it. Some higher-up people in the organization came to me and told me that they would like to see me do it. It's not a way that I wanted to break into wrestling. But if someone is basically telling you that they want to see you do this, then you do it. You bite the bullet and you do it. "I don't know what their intentions were telling me to do it or what their plans were, but I'm glad it didn't work out back then because I'm super happy in my spot here. Everything happens for a reason, and it just wasn't my time then. I'm glad I didn't get through."

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