Wednesday 11 April 2012

WWE Live in the UK November 2011 DVD Review

WWE DVD Review: WWE Live in the UK – November 2011

By Phil Allely

The WWE tour the UK twice a year, these tours have grown bigger each year and recently the company have decided to record live versions of their hugely popular Raw and Smackdown shows on UK soil too.

This double DVD set offers up the live shows from last November that were recorded in Liverpool for broadcast in the UK and the US respectively.

As anyone who has seen a live WWE show knows these are always fun events, there’s never a sad face in the crowd at the end of them.  We the fans get to see our heroes in the flesh and get to see the big spectacle of shows that we usually only see on US TV.  The shows on DVD here however are far slicker affairs than non-recorded/televised ones, these are after all live shows which were being recorded for broadcast. So storylines were followed, scripts were adhered too and the entire roster were on the ball throughout.

Disc one features The November 7th Raw episode and it features some pretty decent matches and segments. Highlights here are John Cena whipping the crowd into a frenzy, Zack Ryder’s appearances and the main event scrap between Cena/Ryder and The Miz/R-Truth.

This disc also houses an episode of NXT featuring a few nice matches and a retro match between Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Dude Love from the UK PPV ‘One Night Only’ in 1997.

Disc two on the other hand has a reasonable episode of WWE Superstars (10th November) as its starting off point. There’s a very nice match with Daniel Bryan and William Regal here also.

The rest of the disc is taken up by the November 11th Smackdown episode and it is a pretty good one too. Up for perusal here are a fine outing with Sheamus and Christian, Mark Henry Versus Daniel Bryan and an enjoyable Randy Orton and Wade Barrett brawl.

WWE Live in the UK – November 2011 is a very good collection of live shows and one that fans will lap up if they were in attendance or not. This is perhaps the best introduction to WWE live shows for anyone who has yet to witness them.

WWE Live in the UK – November 2011 is available now from and all good retailers.

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