Wednesday 25 April 2012

TNA Lockdown 2012 PPV Review

By Phil Allely TNA’s annual all cage match extravaganza Lockdown hailing from Nashville, TN was a PPV made up of a few good challenge matches, a Lethal lockdown team scrap and the much anticipated rematch between current World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Roode and his former tag team partner James Storm (also a former World title holder and Nashville native). The big thing was could these matches maintain our interest and keep viewers glued to their screens. The opening Lethal Lockdown match saw Eric Bischoff’s team face his son Garett’s, this stipulation being the loser would leave TNA and would lose the rights to use the Bischoff name. A decent cage brawl and weapons scrap this was a showcase for a few talents at best, RVD made a well-received return and a newly shorn Kazarian made an Impact too. Garett pulled off the win after a beat down on his dad to send him packing from TNA. The Motor City Machines Guns gave their all in their challenge for the Tag Team Titles next, unfortunately for the reunited Guns, the champs (Samoa Joe/Magnus) were too good this time around. A well placed snap-mare/elbow combo putting Sabin/Shelley away. TV Champion Devon then retained his title against opponent Robbie E and overcame his associate Robbie T too. Devon pulling off a decent spinebuster for the three count, Robbie’s E & T did perform a beat down post match. Velvet Sky’s race to regain the Knockouts Title fell short once more as she fell to champion Gail Kim. The ladies fared well here, Sky nailing a nasty move or two, before Gail capitalised and stole the win. Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan then took to the ring/cage to exchange words and more. Flair resenting Hogan’s General Manager role and the fact that his ally Eric Bischoff was now gone for the company. The segment ended with Flair decked by Hogan and the Nature Boy dissing fans at ringside. Former tag team champions Matt Morgan and Crimson’s encounter was a reasonable big man affair, but overall gave nothing of interest to fans. After some back and forth action Crimson took the win to retain his undefeated streak. Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy took things to a new level next, both risking life and limb (as always). Blood flowed and dangerous moves transpired as the duo went through a high wire act of career shortening exchanges. The end came as Hardy capitalised on a reversal on Angle and hit a pretty good looking Swanton from the top of the cage. The Knockouts Tag Team Title Match was a throwaway one unfortunately. Co-champ ODB took control here as partner Eric Young performed his comedy routine. Challengers Sarita and Rosita had no real chance in this one. ODB got the pin for her team to retain the gold. The main event was a decent and violent effort by both combatants. Storm bled badly and took a serious beating as Roode took control from the get go. The pair finally got into a rhythm and exchanged near falls and finishers. The final sequence saw Storm nail a few super kicks and Roode kick out, Roode strike Storm with a beer bottle and eventually the title holder was kicked to the floor to retain his belt. Lockdown was a reasonable PPV, but many matches fell below expectations. Storm’s title win was a cert in many fans minds, whereas the Hogan/Flair stand-off was an unnecessary one. TNA have all of the tools and roster members to excite a crowd and fan base, they just seem to miss the mark sometimes. Let’s see where the storylines take us now.

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