Sunday 25 March 2012

DVD Review - Stone Cold Steve Austin - The Bottom Line on the most Popular Superstar of all time

DVD Review: Stone Cold Steve Austin – The Bottom Line on The Most Popular Superstar of all Time.

By Phil Allely

‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin is one of the select few professional wrestlers who even non wrestling fans recognise (joining Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair and perhaps even Bret Hart in that elite group). Austin with his no nonsense attitude, swagger, bird flipping disregard for management and beer drinking ways cut a swathe through the WWE in the min 1990s and almost single-handedly took the company to new heights in terms of popularity and growth. If it wasn’t for a serious neck injury he could still be at the top of the pile today.

After making his name in the USWA and being unceremoniously fired by WCW, Austin joined the WWE and within a short space of time he found his feet, creating the ‘Stone Cold’ character and he never looked back.

This four disc set consists of an interview based career retrospective and eleven full matches from various promotions, plus an entire disc of promos/skits.

I have been fortunate enough to personally interview Steve and the man featured here is indeed the real thing, there are no persona’s here. It is nice to hear the man himself discuss the more controversial parts of his in-ring life, the injuries, the highs, the lows and just what wrestling means to him.

Match wise we have a nice mix of singles scraps against such luminaries as Shawn Michaels, Dude Love, Undertaker and more, there are also tag efforts alongside the likes of Ric Flair to relish as well.

When I interviewed Steve he had just finished working on the new commentaries to some of the matches here (with Jim Ross), these are fun to view and you can see why they were chosen. All in all this is a must have release for many reasons, fans old and new will lap it up.

Available now from and all good retailers.

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