Tuesday 20 December 2011

WWE DVD Review - OMG! Top 50 Incidents in WWE History

WWE DVD Review: OMG! – The Top 50 incidents in WWE History

By Phil Allely

Available as a triple disc DVD or double disc Blu-ray OMG! is an interesting addition to the WWE’s catalogue of releases, the concept here is to run down the top 50 events from the 1980s-2010 that (in some cases allegedly)drew a gasp of Oh My God! from WWE fans.

Taking the form of a rundown of said incidents disc one is a nifty little walk down memory lane for older fans as we get to re-witness some fine/crazy moments including the insane stunt involving Randy Savage, a cobra and Jake Roberts, the slightly sickening Kiss My Ass Club, Jeff Hardy coming off worse in a fight with stage pryo, Shane McMahon’s stunt based wrestling style, Edge spearing Mick Foley through fire and retro spots such as Rowdy Roddy Piper splitting a cocoanut over the head of Superfly Jimmy Snuka, amongst many others.

OMG! is a pretty decent effort by the WWE to compile a definitive list of just what makes it stand out from the crowd and in some ways it also acts as reflection of just how well the company can present a crazy plot or storyline if it wants to.

Discs two and three perhaps are where things get a bit perplexing, they present many of the matches the already shown spots have been taken from and we do find them a bit repetitive, especially when we have already witnessed the key section on disc one.

OMG! is maybe a DVD set for diehards only, or those who have yet to purchase other sets where the events featured already feature. The high spots in the top 50 are well worth viewing, it’s the delivery that fails us here.

OMG! – The Top 50 incidents in WWE History is available now from www.silvervision.co.uk and all good retailers.

RRP £29.99 (DVD)/£29.99 (Blu-ray)

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