Thursday 27 October 2011

WWE PPV Review - Vengeance 2011

WWE PPV Review – Vengeance 2011

By Phil Allely

To many WWE’s Vengeance pay-per-view this year was one event too many in a few short months and really only there to keep us hanging on until Survivor Series came round. To others and your truly (if I am honest) it actually did make for very good honest viewing fun.

Kicking things off Air Boom (Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne) successfully defended their Tag Team belts in a feisty opener, against the eager duo of Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler.

Following on directly Ziggler then redeemed himself a little by defeating young upstart Zack Ryder to hang on to his United States Championship. Swagger did of course help his friend out with a bit of outside interference.

Next up Eve Torres and Beth Phoenix offered up a very reasonable Divas Title match-up. With Kelly Kelly and Natalya barred from ringside this left it up to the in-ring duo to give it their best shot, which they both did, Phoenix nailing a good Glam Slam after Torres missed a moonsault.

Sheaumus versus Christian was a tidy looking back and forth affair, both men trading near falls and trademark moves. The mighty Irishman once again pulled off the win though by blocking a spear attempt to nail a Brogue Kick for the pin.

Miz and R Truth against Triple H and CM Punk was an ok outing for all concerned, but should have been a lot more special considering who was involved and the storylines that had led to this. The end came as Kevin Nash distracted Triple H, to allow Miz and Truth to put Punk down for the three count. Post match Nash hit a both beautifully executed and nasty looking Jackknife Powerbomb on Trips to build up their inevitable PPV meeting at Survivor Series.

Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes fell to Randy Orton in a non-title match next. Rhodes is certainly improving as a performer and his character is working well, Orton proved to be the perfect in-ring partner as well. Rhodes ended up setting up his own downfall as one of his ‘baggers’ got in his way and Orton hit an RKO for the popular pinfall.

World Heavyweight Champion Mark Henry took on Big Show in a semi-main event that certainly left its mark on the fans at ringside and those watching from. Apart from the decent big man battling and power moves on display it was a well planned superplex that literally brought the house down. As both men fell to the mat the ring collapsed (much like a few years ago) and like before it looked spectacular and very dangerous for all concerned.

With both big men down (and crew attempting to move them) and no ring to wrestle in the decision was made to go ahead with the Last Man Standing main event between WWE Champion alberto Del Rio and challenger John Cena. Hard-hitting and highly watchable the pair put forth an enthusiastic and enjoyable bout. The WWE writers/producers and Cena/Del Rio all deserve praise for working so fluidly around the wrecked ring. The finish came as R Truth, The Miz and a Del Rio belt shot all took their toll on Cena to leave him un-capable of making the ten count.

Vengeance may not have broken PPV records, but it was nowhere near as bad as many thought. It built Survivor Series up nicely and has now left Cena an opening to concentrate on his upcoming feud with The Rock. Triple H and Nash now seem set to meet and big men Show and Henry must surely be set to cross paths once again too.

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