Tuesday 13 September 2011

WWE DVD Review - Over The Limit 2011

WWE DVD Review – Over The Limit 2011

By Phil Allely

Over The Limit on paper had a lot of potentially high octane bouts on offer and whilst some failed to live up to their hype, others fulfilled their end of things very well indeed.

The show kicked off in a sombre mood as we saw a graphic proclaiming the event was in memory of the late Randy ‘Macho Man’ Savage, which considering the often mooted bad blood between the legend and WWE main man Vince McMahon was a very nice touch indeed.

R Truth and Rey Mysterio were up first and ably set the pace for proceedings, Truth showing his more brutal side and Mysterio taking punishment his battered and worn down body really doesn’t need.

Next following a cocky as ever speech by WWE Championship contender The Miz we had Wade Barrett face off against his former Corre teammate Ezekiel Jackson. This did plod along in parts, but both big men worked hard to give the fans a decent showing. The Corre of course made their presence felt here too.

The Sin Cara and Chavo Guerrero match was one of the already mentioned great on paper affairs. However whilst the pairs styles should have worked well, it just wasn’t meant to be. The set-pieces were good, but not as good as we were led to believe they would when executed by the highly anticipated Cara. The mood lightening seems to hinder Cara’s matches too, making some of his flashier moves hard to see.

After a fun interview segment with World Heavyweight Champion randy Orton and his nemesis Christian it was time for Alberto Del Rio to spout forth some drivel about his wrestling destiny. He was cut short by Tag Champs Kane and Big Show in a comical interlude.

Big Show and Kane then faced The Nexus team of Mason Ryan and CM Punk. Punk as the smallest participant had his work cut out to put forth a formidable showing here against his much larger foes.

The Divas title match-up saw champ Brie Bella defend her gold against the ever-popular Kelly Kelly. This was a more spirited scrap than the usual Diva cat fight, Nikki Bella of coursed got involved in proceedings and as per usual our underdog (Kelly) took a beating. Kelly’s inevitable comeback proving to be a welcome crowd pleaser, even with the delectable Bella twins underhand tactics.

After reaching the pinnacle of the WWE Christian saw his World Title dreams shattered when Randy Orton ended his title reign in just five days. This was his chance to redeem himself and take back the belt he had worked so long and hard for. Picking up the pace after a few duller bouts this match makes this release well worth a purchase alone. Orton and Christian work so well together in the ring that many of us could watch them do battle forever, each move and exchange are so fluid you’d think they had been working together for many years. This is the match of the night here and it’s great to see both men at the top of their game.

The bitter, sometimes offbeat feud between Michael Cole and Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler finally came to an end next, this Kiss My Foot match was a fine way to do so, although the feud itself did run a tad too long for many fans. Lawler throwing Cole through his ‘Cole Mine’ plexi glass shelter was a nice set-piece too. Watch out for a special appearance by some people who Michael Cole had offended alongside Lawler. There’s even a guest spot for original Kiss My Foot match participant Bret Hart.

The WWE Championship main event match between The Miz and champ John Cena was an entertaining affair. It quickly degenerated into a handicap match (featuring Miz’s Stooge Alex Riley).

The action was fast, furious and most of all involving, Cena may have his many fans, but equally there are countless others who detest his super hero style character. Here he appeared more human than ever and underwent a great deal of abuse at the hands of the duo of Riley/Miz.

With weapons galore (including steel cases, ring steps, kendo stick et al) this was a very good way to round off a PPV.

Over The Limit 2011 will certainly keep you amused as a home DVD release, it does tick many boxes and the main matches are indeed treats to view again. There are some inferior encounters in there, but they do move along quickly enough and don’t dilute the main one too much at all.

On the extras front there is an interview with John Cena only.

WWE Over The Limit 2011 is available now form ww.silvervision.so.uk and all good retailers.

RRP £17.99

Certificate 12

Running Time 2 Hrs 56 mins

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