Friday 16 September 2011

MTV2 get a Wrestling Boost

Press Release:

High-flying, thrilling acrobatics, action-packed wrestling moves and captivating story lines make Lucha Libre USA: Masked Warriors one of the most exciting sporting events. On October 1st, the series returns for a second season on MTV2 and Tr3s.

In Mexico, where it rivals soccer in attendance, lucha libre (free wrestling) boasts a 75-year history of colorful, fun-for-the-whole family entertainment. The tradition of wearing masks harkens back to the Aztecs and the designs are meant to evoke the power of animals, gods and other ancientheroes.

But make no mistake, this is not a sport frozen in time. Having already won the loyalty of generations of Latino fans of all ages around the world, LLUSA is conquering American audiences—particularly the sought after young male 12-34 demographics—with its unique spin on the art of wrestling and the outsized personalities of its Luchastars.

Beyond the mystique of the mask, lucha libre stands apart from American pro wrestling with a strict code of honor, a six-sided ring and its own set of tag-team rules. And unlike their American pro wrestling counterparts, luchadors rely on their speed and agility not just power to subdue opponents. Outside the ring, the show introduces compelling stories that can range from battles over a divorce to immigration issues, from money to morality. Inside the ropes, what the Luchastars do is very real – only a trained athlete, in superb condition could perform their complex moves.

To capture an even larger audience, Lucha Libre USA: Masked Warriors has brought in a well-known, world-class roster of Mexican and U.S. wrestlers, like Marco Corleone, Lizmark Jr., Super Nova, Shane Helms and Tinieblas Jr. These guys are not your typical brutes – Corleone, a former WWE wrestler, was one of People Magazine’s Most Beautiful Men in Mexico and wrote a kids book in Spanish about bullying. They’ve also created some new larger-than-life characters, such as RJ Brewer, an Arizona patriot and supporter of the state’s anti-immigration bill SB 1070, and Tigresa Caliente, a woman of Amazonian proportions.

Along with the television show, live tours are powering the strong momentum for LLUSA. In addition, a new Lucha Libre USA app for iPhone and Android will allow fans to create and become their own masked warrior.

“With Lucha Libre USA,” CEO Steve Ship says, “we have created a distinctive fusion of American pop culture and a great Mexican sport, one that appeals equally to the Hispanic audience, the mainstream wrestling fan and the MTV2 viewer.”

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