Friday 12 August 2011

Heath Slater Incident news

The Atlanta Journal Constitution has an article up today on security guard Corinne Oliver's claims against Heath Slater from WrestleMania 27 weekend in Atlanta. Oliver says that she has had back pains ever since Slater allegedly put her in a chokehold and tried taking her into his hotel room.

WWE is keeping distance from the situation. "The alleged victim is making claims against Slater individually, and it’s being investigated," WWE spokesman Jerry McDevitt said. "This has nothing to do with the WWE."

According to a police report, the alleged assault happened between 4am and 5am on April 4th at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Atlanta, the day after WrestleMania. Police are still investigating the matter and no charges have been filed against Slater yet.

"She basically said he [Slater] approached her and asked her to go to his room," Oliver's laywyer said. "She said no. He started telling her she was pretty and those type things. The next thing you know she was in a chokehold, and he was dragging her and bending her backward, trying to get her on the elevator to his room. She violently had to struggle to get his arm from around her neck."

The woman, who is still employed by Allied Barton security, immediately told her supervisor. After months of inaction by her bosses, the woman filed a police report on June 22nd. Her lawyer says she contacted police after supervisors told her for months they were going to handle it.

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