Tuesday 16 August 2011

1PW Management/Shawn Michaels United Kingdom Tour Cancelled

For Immediate Release

1PW Management/Shawn Michaels United Kingdom Tour Cancelled

Due to circumstances outside of Shawn Michaels’ control, his agents at Encore Sports & Entertainment, LLC regret to announce that the advertised 1PW Management tour scheduled to begin on October 6, 2011 in London, England has been cancelled. Despite numerous efforts to work with and communicate with 1PW Management during the past month, our efforts have not been reciprocated. Shawn is very disappointed by this result, but it was unavoidable under the circumstances. It is Shawn’s hope that this announcement comes far enough in advance of the proposed tour dates such that there is no inconvenience to his fans.

To the extent you experience any issues relating to 1PW Management and Shawn’s cancelled tour dates, please communicate them immediately to info@shawnmichaels.com.

Shawn is anxious to see his fans in the United Kingdom, and efforts are underway to make this happen in the future.

- Stan sent word that there was 1 hour and 24 minutes of in-ring action at last night's WWE SummerSlam pay-per-view, down from the Money in the Bank pay-per-view.

- Carlos sent word that Marcelo Rodriguez made his WWE pay-per-view debut last night at SummerSlam on the Spanish broadcast team with Carlos Cabrera. Rodriguez has been working for WWE since 2000 on international versions of RAW and SmackDown plus hosting The WWE Experience recap show in Latin America.

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