Tuesday 19 July 2011

WWE DVD Review: Tagged Classics - The Rock

WWE DVD Review – Tagged Classics: The Rock – The People’s Champ and The Rock – Just Bring It

By Phil Allely

With his star turn at this year’s Wrestlemania The Rock is once again one of the hottest talents signed up to the WWE. After making it big in the movie world many thought that he like so many other onetime Wrestling stars would never step back into the ring beyond the odd nostalgic appearance. Of course now after Mania we now know that The Rock will return to action to face John next year at the event and perhaps even make an in-ring appearance or two before then too.

This two disc set from Silver Vision is the perfect way to refresh your memory of classic Rock action and also acts as a nice introduction to the character for new fans, who have only seen the 2011 version of him.

‘The People’s Champ’ opens this set up well as it lets fans old and new see the self-proclaimed “most electrifying man in sports entertainment” at his finest. This was a man who made the audience beg for more before he even spoke a word in a promo, he had catchphrases, used an elbow drop as his finisher and he seemingly had the ability to gel with everyone on the WWE roster. There may have been moments where his in-ring work faltered, but the charisma, showmanship and general feeling that you were watching something special made even those select moments slip past with ease. One of the most interesting features here is the chronicling of the formation his partnership with Mankind (dubbed the Rock n Sock Connection). The duo were as good as tag team partners in the comedy inspired pairing as they were in competition with each other.

‘Just Bring It’ is a pretty decent offering that takes a close look at the Rock during his peak period. This was a boom time for the WWE and Rock was at the centre of it, his matches with the likes of Steve Austin, Kurt angle and many more of the periods top superstars are superbly presented. There are plenty of vignettes and some classic promos thrown in for good measure as well. The few matches as bonus features are a welcome bonus too.

So to coin a phrase of the great man himself this is exactly the right DVD set to let you see just “what the Rock is Cooking”. The footage may be a few years old now and the character may seem old hat in some ways. But if only the WWE could replicate the rise and success of the Rock, his story is one that many young wrestlers hope to emulate and one that will endear the character to the viewer with ease. His subsequent rise to fame as a mainstream star and the fact that he willingly returns to the sport that made him (when he can) is a very positive point as well.

Tagged Classics – The Rock: People’s Champ/Just Bring It is on general release now. It is available from www.silvervision.co.uk and all good retailers.

Release date: June 13th 2011

RRP: £19.99

Certificate: 15

Running Time: 5hrs 03 mins

Discs: 2

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