Friday 22 July 2011

Diehard Derek's CM Punk Views
CM PUNK is a Bag of Douche!

Yeah, he may be the hottest trending name in pro wrestling as we speak, but it doesn't change the bad taste he left when we worked with him.

CM Punk - or should I pull a Vinnie Mac and just refer to him as "Phil" - is a very talented and gifted athlete. He's one of the best I've seen on the mic in a while. Unfortunately, his over sized ego casts an enormous shadow over his skills and paints him as an old school, red rubber, hanging in your grandmothers shower, vinegar smelling, DOUCHEBAG!

Before going any further, let me just make it clear that opinions expressed in this article are solely mine (DieHard Derek) and do not reflect on the opinions of the owners and integrity of this website.

Now out of respect for this and its visitors, I won't go into detail or take a big fat alton brown pizza dough dump on this website because I wouldn't want this to be associated with my personal feelings spawned by my personal experience with Phil. BUT, if you want to hear a story that a an indy locker room can attest to about what it was like working with Phil right before he signed with the WWE, then please click the link below to follow the full story.

Now on the flip side of the coin, I would welcome all your comments and opinions about Phillip Punk. I know many of you may be a fan of his work, as well am I. But I'm not talking about his character, I'm talking about him in real life. Mr. Phil Brooks! So if you were ever told to "F" off when asking for an autograph in an airport or a hotel, I'd love to hear about it!

In the meantime, enjoy the read!


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