Wednesday 15 June 2011

TNA Slammiversary 2011 Review

Ken do!, Anderson beats Sting for TNA gold

By Phil Allely

TNA’s Slammiversary PPV on paper offered a good looking card of exciting match-ups and the final match between Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle. The well built up Sting/Mr Anderson heavyweight title bout had great potential too. The finished product fulfilled its obligations and had some good to excellent in-ring action, we saw a new champion crowned as well.

In their penultimate match scrap, champ Sting valiantly tried to beat the younger man Anderson. However interference from Eric Bishoff saw him lose his treasured gold. Sting’s recent enthusiasm for wrestling made this loss even more surprising, his strong showing here was a pleasure to witness.

Elsewhere things kicked off with the British Invasion taking on James Storm and Alex Shelley (filling in for an injured Bobby Roode). In this decently paced opener the makeshift team of Shelley and Storm overcame the formidable Brits to retain the tag gold for Beer Money.

Scott Steiner lost to Matt Morgan in what was an average big man battle. The powerful Big Poppa Pump once again proving that no matter how big they are he can still manhandle them with ease.

Unlikely X Division champion Abyss successfully defended his belt against the fast-paced pairing of Kazarian and Kendrick in a pretty decent three-way match.

The undefeated Crimson and highly skilled Samoa Joe then had a hard-hitting encounter. Crimson pulling off the shock win to keep his streak intact.

The still mesmerised (and rapidly shrinking) Angelina Love w/Winter attempted to wrestle the Knockout’s strap from the grasp of Mickie James next. Winter’s interference was a constant threat to James’ reign, a fumbled DDT by the champ saw her successful defence marred somewhat.

Bully Ray and AJ Styles went all out in their blood splattered Last Man Standing match, picking up the shows pace and never letting it fade throughout their face-off. Styles taking (and giving) some extreme punishment in and out of the ring before finally losing to Immortal’s resident bully. Styles insane light rig leap amongst other crazy moves making this the match of the night.

The main event saw Kurt Angle put his treasured Olympic gold medal on the line in his (hopefully) final match with Jeff Jarrett. The crowd were hot for this one and the guys involved fed off that too. Lacking the intensity of the Styles/Ray or Sting/Anderson bouts this was a more emotive match-up, Angle seeking a final win and Jarrett seeking one more chance to belittle Kurt, both hoping to claim a number one title spot. Angle eventually getting the popular pin and a shot at new champ Mr Anderson to boot.

Slammiversary was a PPV of two half’s, when it worked it worked when it didn’t it just about covered its bases. The eyes of the wrestling world now are looking at TNA’s choice in bringing back the six sided ring for Destination X and what delights an X Divison themed PPV will bring. Anderson as champion opens up some new storylines and feuds too.

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