Sunday 5 June 2011

Mick Foley - Is He WWE Bound?

Is Foley WWE Bound?

By Phil Allely

He has only been back on TNA screens for a few short weeks, but it seems Mick Foley may have left the company already.

In storyline terms Foley returned as the network representative, who was able to wrestle power and decision making away from Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff, and was a key mover and shaker in revamping the TNA brand as Impact Wrestling.

However behind the scenes many have said that Foley was becoming increasingly disillusioned with TNA and was looking to get out of his current contract. This past week on Impact Wrestling, a smug and gloating Hulkster informed the fans that he had pulled some strings and gotten Mick fired by the network.

Now it is looking like this firing may well be the real life exit for Foley from TNA. His profile has been removed from the TNA website and Foley’s own tweets seem to hint that he is open to a WWE return.

These tweets include him mentioning that with Alex Riley gone The Miz may need a new assistant, and he (Foley) was in need of a job. His stating that he can’t be fired, he only got back a few weeks back, right?. Plus putting it out to his followers that he seemed to think many of them may wish to see him back in the WWE. The most recent post being ‘I Pushed hard for changes I felt would benefit Impact Wrestling, I can understand how some people would interpret that as difficult to work with’.

There have been no official statements from Foley or TNA in relation to his leaving the company, but it’s is certainly looking highly likely that his storyline removal from TV is a case of life imitating art.

If this is true Foley may well return to the WWE, he recently made some positive comments in relation to Linda McMahon’s political aspirations and even saw his last book mentioned on WWE TV. With former stars such as Stone Cold Steve Austin, Trish Stratus, The Rock, Booker T and Kevin Nash all on the WWE’s books maybe Foley and his various characters (Cactus Jack, Mankind) would compliment them. After all we still have to find out who the mysterious Raw GM is don’t we?

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