Tuesday 17 May 2011

Kurt's Sacrifice for Olympic Gold!

Kurt's Sacrifice for Olympic Gold!

By Phil Allely

In a recent interview with the Busted Open Radio Show in the US TNA's Kurt Angle let slip his current drems of once more representing the United States at the Olympics.

Kurt famously won Olympic Gold at the 1996 games (prior to his turning professional and joining the WWE) and now he has dream and aspirations of retruning to do it all again "I started training two weeks ago. I’m not allowed to really talk about but I’m gonna make a formal press conference in August. I will be training with my nephew who’s never tried out and it’s gonna give him that opportunity to realize his dream….to not say ‘What if? Why didn’t I try?’ So him and I had a long two hour conversation one night and we were very serious about it. I mentioned it on WTAE in Pittsburgh and it just went out like wildfire. I’m very serious about it. I am going to do it and I believe I have a very good shot."

Before joining TNA Angle's career seemed to be in a tailspin and due to his collective injuries many had written him off as an in-ring performer. That jump to riavl company TNA seemed to rejuvenate the wrestler in Kurt "I love wrestling. I will always love wrestling, but now for me, it’s a job. My responsibility is to have the best match on the card every time I go out there and I usually do. That’s my job, and I get paid very well to do it, and I don’t want to quit wrestling because that’s getting me to where I can get my Angle Foods where I need it to go. It’s also getting me so I can train for the Olympics. TNA is going to give me time off to train. If I make the Olympic Team, obviously I’ll have to leave for 3 months to train in Europe. So TNA has been a blessing for me to be able to do this. I don’t think I could have done it in the other company."

There is of course the thinking that even if he can still pull off the match of the night at TNA PPV's and hosue shows Kurt should have retired by now and allowed his body to heal fully rather than continuing to inflict damage on his surgically repaired neck etc. "I could retire. I made enough money to sit back the rest of my life and retire, but I do love it. I know that if I left now, I would miss it significantly. I am signing a new deal with TNA right as we speak. It’s another three and a half year deal. It will be part time, I’ll be doing very few house shows, I’ll be doing a number of TVs and I promised I’ll do all the pay-per-views. My wrestling will calm down. I’ve been more of a TV/PPV schedule and a lot less of the house shows. I’d rather wrestle six days a month than doing what I’m doing right now which is 18. With WWE I was probably doing 18-24 so I’m almost as busy as I was then and I went to TNA to back off so we came to an agreement that I should definitely be taking off house shows and be able to rest and recuperate.”

Kurt Angle is currently embroiled in a feud with TNA founder Jeff Jarrett and the former Mrs Angle Karen Jarrett. Tomorrow/to night at PPV event Sacrifice you can see their feud continue as Angle and his mistress (former WWE IC Champion Chyna) face off against Jeff and Karen in a mixxed tag match.

Sacrifice is on Challenge at 10pm on Wednesday May 18.

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