Monday 4 April 2011

WWE Top 50 Superstars Of All Time - DVD Review

WWE Top 50 Superstars Of All Time - DVD Review

By Phil Allely

This recently released triple disc DVD box set does something that many of us fans do each and every time we watch a wrestling match, it puts forward it’s list of top grapplers in history and then justifies that choice. The nice touch here is that rather it being yourself and a few friends debating who your favourite is, this is a list of 50 wrestlers as chosen by the current WWE roster.

Now for more die hard fans some of the choices here will seem a bit odd and the short vignettes covering each superstar are minus many high points and career highlights, but we have to accept that 50 names and long histories does take some time, so fat does need trimmed as it where to ensure this first disc runs smooth.

So who can you expect to see featured in this run down of top WWE superstars? Well lets just say that the ranking of some of the worlds most famous grapplers such as Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair and ‘ Rowdy’ Roddy Piper may shock quite a few viewers. Elsewhere though there are some nice inclusions that will please and interest fans old and new, these included Killer Kowalski (the man who trained Triple H), Rick Rude, The Funk Brothers (Terry & Dory Junior), Nick Bockwinckle, Jake’The Snake’ Roberts, ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage and many other stars from today and yesteryear.

What’s nice about this release is that even if the wrestler is now working for another company, retired or left under a cloud, the WWE have still put together a nice career retrospective short film to suit them, mostly featuring talking heads from the current WWE roster and the stars peers. The footage even the vintage stuff looks well and there has been some care put into this package.

The other two discs house some 20 matches of varying quality featuring many of the top 50 and are well worth the price of the release alone. There are some rare and never seen before on DVD bouts here and even the slowest old school style one has something to offer modern fans and collectors. If only to see how many of today’s top stars have modelled their acts on some of the legends of old.

Without wanting to ruin the fun and joy of reading the entire match list on your new DVD, here are a few of my personal highlights featured here. Harley Race versus Terry Funk, Gorilla Monsoon versus Andre The Giant, Hulk Hogan versus Iron Sheik, Jerry ‘The King’Lawlere versus Curt Hennig and the much hyped Bret ‘Hit Man’ Hart match against Ric Flair in Saskatoon for the WWE Championship. The majority of the matches on offer are perfect examples as to why the featured superstars have made the grade and been nominated for their spot on this set.

WWE Top 50 Superstars of All Time available now from

Watch out for other new Silversvision WWE DVD releases, including:

WWE Survivor Series 2010
WWE Raw - The Best of 2010
WWE Tagged Classics - Wrestlefest 88 & 90
WWE Live in the UK - November 2010

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