Tuesday 5 April 2011

Warrior Goes Deathcore

Warrior goes deathcore!!

By Phil Allely

Former WWE champion Warrior (real name Jim Hellwig) is taking time out from his motivational speaking and business dealings and is all set to feature on a Californian Deathcore bands new album.

Winds Of Plague have confirmed that The Ultimate Warrior is to appear on their new release ‘The Warrior Code’.

Volcalist Johnny Plague has said “When we were planning for this album, we decided to pull all stops and go big. Other then the music itself, we were thinking on how to put this album over the top and keep people talking. I was driving home from the studio one day and it clicked in my head that we share management with The Ultimate Warrior. I knew it was a long shot, but I put the call in and within a few hours, The Warrior had agreed.”

Hellwig is one of the most well known grapplers from the globally dominating 1980s-1990s WWE boom period of the comapny and stands alongside Hulk Hogan as the epitomy of the musclebound larger than life wrestlers that are still recognised even today.

‘The Warrior Code’ will be released on April 18th.

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