Sunday 3 April 2011

Vickie Guererro Interview Highlights

Vickie Guerrero was interviewed by The Greenwich

Post this weekend at WrestleMania Axxess in Atlanta. Here are a few


Fans calling her a cougar:

"It’s so

much fun. I’m honored because they’re flirting with me and it makes me

feel good. I’m a single woman and I like younger men, being the cougar

that I am."

Her involvement in Snooki's match at WrestleMania 27:

"You need to watch. I’m going to be involved. Snooki will get her receipt. She’d better watch out."


The Post also published quotes from WWE Champion The Miz at the Axxess

Q&A session with fans. When The Miz was asked about his legacy in

WWE, he said:

"The legacy of The Miz is going to be like

this. I am the guy that worked the hardest and dedicated himself each

and every day. When people say this job is too hard or we’re on the road

too much, I’m the guy saying ‘I need more media’ and ‘I need more

outlets’ and ‘Give me every spot you have.’ My legacy will be that not

only will I be the greatest, most WWE Champion in the history of this

company, but you will remember The Miz as WWE. You will no longer think

of The Rock or Stone Cold Steve Austin or Hulk Hogan or any of those top

names. You will think of The Miz."

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