Thursday 14 April 2011

TNA's Mickie James - Exclusive Interview by Phil Allely

Mickie James - My Contract Release Rejuvenated Me!

By Phil Allely

Mickie James is a living legend in the world of professional wrestling and has a proven track record of not letting fans down in or out of the ring.
As an enthusiastic young wrestler fresh to the scene Mickie quickly progressed from a Indy show opening act receiving low payments, to a prized top spot with the WWE in 2005 as Trish Straus’ number one fan.

Never looking back the mid-card draw continued to work hard and learn the ropes from then Diva's trainer (the recently released) Finlay, this dedication leading to multiple WWE Women’s Championship reigns for the lovely Miss James. However the dream came to an end when the company made the shock decision to release her and many other performers from their contracts in 2010.  After some time gathering up her thoughts she resides on the TNA roster, where her scrapes with Tara have revitalised the recently dormant TNA Knockouts Division.

Having pretty much done it all in the industry in a relatively short time, just what else does the future hold for the glamorous lady from Virginia?
Phil Allely caught up with Mickie prior to TNA's Lockdown Pay-Per-View to find out her thoughts on her release, life in TNA and her future beyond wrestling

“You know when I was let go (by WWE) I had a real crossroads to face, when I left there it was like on one hand I was a 12 year veteran with so much to still give, on the other I felt rejected. But you know one night I was doing what I do in the ring every time I compete and I was at this small independent show, the response and atmosphere there it kind of switched on a button and I though yeah this is what I got into this for, it rejuvenated that drive in me. I’d spoken to Dixie (Carter, TNA's President) since my release and not really thought of going to TNA,unless I felt I needed to. That night changed my mind. My in-ring work and my music is appreciated here in TNA, I have everything I need to enjoy my work.”

In her relatively short tenure in TNA Mickie has been embroiled in a feud with TNA Knockouts Champion Madison Rayne, of course her associate Tara has been there to assist Miss Rayne if need be too. This coming week at TNA’s Lockdown PPV the odds will be very different indeed. Perhaps James’ title pursuit may bear fruit after all?

“Yeah the stipulation at Lockdown has my hair on the line against her belt, you know most people would worry, but not me. I’ve been after the title for a long time now and this time she is locked in a cage, so she can’t cheat or run away, no one can help her out it’s just us. Cage matches are a big thing for us girls, its not often we get to do them and risk our bodies like that. Tara and I did one on Impact! recently and it was rough we hurt for a long time afterwards. I think we are stepping up the game even more with this one. The guys do these types of matches often, I don’t know how they take the punishment. So I realise it will be a tough match to be in. A cage match though will bring out the best in us I’m sure.”

TNA’s all cage match pay-per-view offers forth some interesting and intriguing bouts each year. This year there will be many feuds ending in the confines of the steel structure and perhaps some new ones starting.

“Lockdown is a unique event for us as it all takes place in the cage and each stipulation and match has its own perils. What I’m looking forward to is seeing how we all embrace the matches and work around the confines of the cage. There are some great matches there apart from our own of course.”

Mickie was a TNA star long before her WWE debut though, taking a place on the roster during her formative years in the profession. It’s interesting to hear how she feels TNA has changed since then.

“You know back then (2003) it was a formative business here, TNA was still trying to get its place and brand right. They had key players (some are still here which is great) and they worked so hard, you know it’s grown so much, with TV deals, PPV events and now worldwide tours, those and so much more help it. It’s so much better than I remember from back then. It is unbelievable to be here now and see the growth of this company, TNA has found its niche now.  The fans are great too, because they feel as much of it as we do, they have been with us for so long and want us to succeed. One area I see great expansion in is the UK, it is a big fan base for us.  UK fans in my experience are unbelievable, with TNA I get to do meet and greets, access events and it is fun to get a natural feedback from them, that is something I never really could do before. They really embrace and get us, it’s a family type thing, they came along with TNA for the ride and we love having them here.”

Assuming Mickie doesn’t lose her hair at Lockdown or lose via another decision will the Knockouts Title mean that she has no other challenges left in wrestling?

“Well when I get the title I’d love to be able to say I was the longest reigning TNA Knockouts Champ, to be  the greatest women‘s champion would be indescribable for me. It’s a matter of proving you are the best at what you do and I want to be able to that. Lockdown will be the start of that for me in TNA.”

With such a rich career to date behind her and so much more ahead it must be tough for someone like Mickie James to choose a few events from her personal highlight reel.

“Well Wresltemania 22 is a huge event in my life, to be able to participate at that was amazing, working alongside my idol  Trish Stratus is another one, then there is Lita’s last match, Lita was a great inspiration and friend, she always took time and helped me. Another great memory for me is a non-televised match against Beth Phoenix, we tore the place apart in that, the fans ate it up. I loved being fortunate enough to wrestle in the Tokyo Dome, Madison Square Garden and most of I am proud to have main event shows, so rarely women main event and it is a great honour to do so."

Even if still signed to TNA would Mickie ever return to the WWE for such an event as the Hall Of Fame ceremony.

“I’d be crazy not to agree to attend that, its an incredible honour. I mean even if they (other wrestlers) say they don’t want it, they do really. The Hall of Fame lets you see acknowledgement for your hard work, it would be an honour to be nominated and thought of in that way I think. if I ever got picked I would welcome it."

TNA is often said to be a better environment for wrestlers to actively pursue outside interests and push them selves in directions that previous companies would not allow them too.

"I think its great they let us pursue our dreams (in TNA) and take opportunities as they come up,  whether it's my music, acting roles, or anything else, it's refreshing to be able to act on them and not regret missing them. I get to showcase my music here (Mickie sings her own entrance tune) and they are open to seeing the potential in letting us do things we are offered. It all helps TNA in the long run and reflects good on them, we get the opporunity and everybody wins."

Wrestling is a form of entertainment where many performers retire early or leave once they have achieved everything they feel they can in the industry. However many have no idea of what they want to do when ring life ends for them.

"Well when I decide to retire (which won't be for a while yet) I will of course Continue singing, I'd love to become an ambassador for wrestling, that would be awesome. I grew up on a horse farm, so when I'm settled in my life maybe I'll  set up a rescue type of farm for horses and have it for diasbled or troubled kids,  theres a bond with animals that could help people release that pressure and let them feel emotions they have, I'd love to do that sort of work to help them, it would be amazing."

You can catch TNA in the UK on TV Channel Challenge:
TNA iMPACT! on Tuesdays at 22.00 , followed by TNA Xplosion
TNA PPVs air on Wednesdays at 22.00

Lockdown is Sunday April 17 2011.

Challenge channel numbers are: Sky #125, Virgin Media #139 and Freeview #46.

Phil Allely meets Mickie James January 2011, Dublin

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