Monday 18 April 2011

Road Warrior Animal Interview Highlights

WWE Hall of Famer Road Warrior Animal appeared on yesterday. Here are a few highlights:

Going into the WWE Hall of Fame:

"I got the call about a month before we got inducted. My first thought was that it’s about time. I figured we would go in sooner or later. For whatever reason they waited until now. It was cool, it was still a special night. It was definitely 100% red carpet treatment. The WWE knows how to put on an event and they take care of the guys. Vince said to us in the meetings that it’s our night that it’s them celebrating us, and that’s what we did."

The Hawk action figure being used at the HOF induction:

"That was Ellering’s idea. I didn’t know he was going to do it. I had no idea he had it in his pocket. I think my brother or my daughter ended up with it somehow. I got a whole box of that damn figure. We had about 10 different sets of action figures over the years. Started with Remco in the AWA years ago."

His future with WWE:

"While I was there I had quite a few meetings with different guys. I found out that I’m on the next four video games. They must be wanting to do something with me. I’m also going to be hosting house shows in May up in Canada and in South Dakota. I’m hosting one in Winnipeg, in Toronto, and one in Two Falls. The guest hosting will go on all month should it go well. I was supposed to be a part of another show but then it got cancelled so I can’t talk about it. And they want me to be a mentor for one of the new guys. Not your typical manager role. It’s going to be 5 legends or Hall of Famers that are mentoring 5 other guys. I don’t know what it is. They told me that’s the idea that they told me they have. Let me know if it’s going to happen, because you know everything is subject to change (NXT Season 5?). I had a blast down in FCW. I got to teach some of the new guys such as Mason Ryan how to work like a big man. I’m a coach at heart. I always coached football, baseball, and tried to coach hockey with my kids."

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